Its Gods elect here Eph 2:1,5 and He seen them in that dead condition.
Dead in trespasses and sin. Yes, true. But if they are elect - and they are - they were chosen from [before] the foundation (creation) of the world and they were in Him before He created heaven, earth, and man, and in Him as 'saved' persons.
That's how they were contemplated. His elect was with Him before He created anything. This is His foreknowledge of His elect. Then, to bring His plan for man to fruition He created heaven, earth, and man and the first man had God's animating breath in Adam's nostrils, and He 'planted' His elect in his loins.
4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
1 Peter 1:4–5.
There are two perspectives in which Scripture is to be understood in places. From our perspective in time, we are sinners in need of a Savior. But from God's eternal perspective we were contemplated as saved individuals. And this was before He created anything. But since God cannot reduplicate Himself in Himself (you're probably wondering what this means) it was necessary to create the universe in which to bring His Plan to fruition. (But you've never thought about this, either.)
Here's a clue:
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of
the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Rev. 13: 8.
A lamb was slain BEFORE God created anything. It was necessary. Moses was instructed to build an earthly Tabernacle according to the blueprint of the heavenly Tabernacle. It was in this heavenly Tabernacle where a 'lamb' was slain. This act allowed a Righteous God to create an unrighteous being (man.) Man was not created sinless, or holy, or innocent. Man was created sinful. That's the only way God could create man. 1 Corinthians 15 sheds light on the distinction between the first Adam and the last Adam; between the man from the earth, earthy, and the Lord from heaven.
Isaiah says, "there is only One God, there is None like Him, and He gives His glory to No One."
If you hold to these three things and not hold to any belief or doctrine that violates these three truths, then you have the basis for understanding man's creative make-up: sinful ("missing the mark.")
What is that "mark"?
The glory of God.
When God contemplated His elect, He contemplated them in Himself, in His Mind as 'saved' (redeemed) individuals. It was when He blew His elect into the nostrils of Adam and in his loins that His elect was appointed to be born into this world and later born-again. This is why it was necessary for God to have three covenants: Abraham, Mosaic, and New.
God redeeming a people to Himself was progressive. It took centuries, even millennium. It's not hard to grasp.