The Godhead: one God found in three distinct Persons.

I enjoy speaking in terms of cultural references. If you haven't watched Star Wars, The God Father, Jaws, The Matrix, Marvel movies, you may miss a lot of what I mean when I talk outside of internet forums. :D

I don't. This is a job for translators. Such things only matter when it comes to trying to make the text fit into your doctrine.

By contrast, I have read 4 translations cover to cover, NLT, CEV, NRSV, CJB. Several other translations I have read in part, VOICE, ESV. For whatever reason, certain verses strike me more profoundly in a particular verse.

In my experience, it's not so much that the translations present a new meaning; it's just the word choice personally hits me more. Let me give you an example. Jeremiah 29:13 ESV You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. This resonates with me more than the other translations take on it - even though they get the same point across. (I've taught my granddaughter this one)

NLT: If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
CEV: You will worship me with all your heart, and I will be with you
VOICE: You will look for Me intently, and you will find Me.

Other verses, it's the VOICE that resonates the strongest, etc.

I am a numbers guy. That is my native language. Yet, I do partially speak Japanese, Italian, French, Spanish and a little bit of English. :sneaky:
ok thanks. I understand better. You are not concerned in these conversations which might be an accurate translation, but with whichever one feels good to you in English. Yes?
ok thanks. I understand better. You are not concerned in these conversations which might be an accurate translation, but with whichever one feels good to you in English. Yes?
I reject the claim that literal translations are more accurate. Don’t you know the only proper way to read the Bible is in Spirit?
Here’s an example. When Adam and Eve came together, they became “one flesh.” The equation for this would be 1+1=1. That may be bad math, but it demonstrates how aplurality can form a unity. We can go a little deeper and And see how the Hebrew the Bible was used to make this point.
is that equation in quantity or quality? and two is that plurality is in a Unity or the "EQUAL SHARE of the ECHAD?

There are many critics who argue that there’s a basic absurdity involved in trying to say “one is three and three is one,” but there really is no absurdity involved if we are contending that plurality can coexist with unity.

Very well said. Also as we are told .... "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." I findd it impossible that there are those who do not, or simply will not believe in the Trinity but never once scoff at this idea.
Here’s an example. When Adam and Eve came together, they became “one flesh.” The equation for this would be 1+1=1. That may be bad math, but it demonstrates how aplurality can form a unity. We can go a little deeper and And see how the Hebrew the Bible was used to make this point.

God the Singular – Echad The Hebrewword for “one” is —‘echad— while the Hebrew word for“sole” or “unique” is —yachiyd. Going back to Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:24, ‘echad is used in the term “one flesh.” ‘Echadallows Adam to be distinguished from Eve while they are spoken of as“one.”

Their unity is being emphasized according to the grammar, the very linguistic structure of the words. In the Sh’ma itself, the word for “one” is ‘echad. “Hear, OIsrael, the LORD our God is one [‘echad] LORD, and thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might.” Jesus even quotes this passage in Matthew 22 when He is asked about the greatest commandment.

This whole concept of being one, or unique, is emphasized by God Himself repeatedly in about 150 references, including the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” Here's a few to consider a few:

And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. Zechariah 14:9

Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee. Nehemiah 9:6

In Isaiah, we find an unusual letter that God drafted to Cyrus—by name—over a century before this great Persian king was born. Long before the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, God tells Cyrus that he will rebuild Jerusalem and lay the foundations for the Temple (Isaiah 44:28). When Cyrus the Great ultimately does read the prophecy after he conquers Babylon, he takes it seriously, and he turns the Jews loose to go home, as described in 2 Chronicles 36:22-23 and Ezra 1.

As part of Isaiah’s letter to Cyrus (again, written more than a century before this Persian king’s birth) God makes some major assertions about His own nature and character, beginning with verse five: “I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:5-6

Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Isaiah 45:22

These are just a few of many passages that emphasize that God is One, unique, singular and very jealous of that position. In fact, in the middle of the Ten Commandments, He says, “I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God.” He uses that term, maybe in a very special way, but He uses the term “jealous.” God the Plurality – Elohim God emphasizes His unique character in the Universe, His role as the only LORD, the only Creator. This emphasis does not, however, exclude a plurality within that unity.

The Scriptures are full of implications that the One God is more than one Person, beginning with the very first verse of the Bible.
Very well said. Also as we are told .... "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." I findd it impossible that there are those who do not, or simply will not believe in the Trinity but never once scoff at this idea.
first, don't mean to get into your conversation. second, how does a unity constitute "ONE" when a unity itself is more than one in the beginning?
101G will propose to you an alternative. "Instead of a unity constitutes one, what if "ONE" constitutes a unity in a plurality of ONE". do you grasp, or understand that? if so, then maybe we can discuss.

first, don't mean to get into your conversation. second, how does a unity constitute "ONE" when a unity itself is more than one in the beginning?
101G will propose to you an alternative. "Instead of a unity constitutes one, what if "ONE" constitutes a unity in a plurality of ONE". do you grasp, or understand that? if so, then maybe we can discuss.

Not interested in this debate at this time.

I explained the unity or a man and a woman produces one flesh. That should suffice as an example of multiples making one. And this from God in Genesis.

You cannot comprehend 3 of the Godhead making one? I truly am sorry for it is such an enlightening experience once your know, knows... definitively. I cannot force you.

But again my go to example.

We have a cube. YOU describe it in your own words.

I say this cube has width, depth, and height.

Width has a different dimension then depth or height. And Height is neither width or depth... Nor is depth the same as the other two, by definition.

So take your width and your depth and your height and you have your cube.

This cube cannot exist if one of the "members" is missing. ( At best you would have a rectangle)

Three different things are needed to make up a cube. These Three different thing make a unity of "ONE" even when this unity itself is more than one in the beginning~~~~~~~~~~!!!

Three things each with their own definition of use, separate from the others.
Not interested in this debate at this time.

I explained the unity or a man and a woman produces one flesh. That should suffice as an example of multiples making one. And this from God in Genesis.

You cannot comprehend 3 of the Godhead making one? I truly am sorry for it is such an enlightening experience once your know, knows... definitively. I cannot force you.

But again my go to example.

We have a cube. YOU describe it in your own words.

I say this cube has width, depth, and height.

Width has a different dimension then depth or height. And Height is neither width or depth... Nor is depth the same as the other two, by definition.

So take your width and your depth and your height and you have your cube.

This cube cannot exist if one of the "members" is missing. ( At best you would have a rectangle)

Three different things are needed to make up a cube. These Three different thing make a unity of "ONE" even when this unity itself is more than one in the beginning~~~~~~~~~~!!!

Three things each with their own definition of use, separate from the others.
It's hard to make any comparison in creation to the Creator who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit since God is unique, one of a kind. All concepts fall short since God is a living Being unlike the things God is being compared with in creation.
It's hard to make any comparison in creation to the Creator who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit since God is unique, one of a kind. All concepts fall short since God is a living Being unlike the things God is being compared with in creation.
One must try to use , by example, things that cannot be refuted........

The Anti-Trin people have no concept that there are 3 individuals under the Godhead. And that each has their "marching" orders, so to speak.

I just finished answering reply 781 to @101G who asked is not him the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus?

The fact that once cannot understand the three parts... whether they believe they comprise the God head is one thing... but to not even recognize there are three is another.
One must try to use , by example, things that cannot be refuted........

The Anti-Trin people have no concept that there are 3 individuals under the Godhead. And that each has their "marching" orders, so to speak.

I just finished answering reply 781 to @101G who asked is not him the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus?

The fact that once cannot understand the three parts... whether they believe they comprise the God head is one thing... but to not even recognize there are three is another.
Personally I try and not use members in reference to the Godhead as if it's a club having membership : or parts since God is indivisible. The 3 who are One defies human reasoning and logic. That's who most reject the Trinity because they come from a human understanding apart form the Spirit of God.
I explained the unity or a man and a woman produces one flesh. That should suffice as an example of multiples making one. And this from God in Genesis.
well that unity is NOT G243 allos, but a unity of G2087 heteros which is not the unity of ONE as in the Godhead.
You cannot comprehend 3 of the Godhead making one? I truly am sorry for it is such an enlightening experience once your know, knows... definitively. I cannot force you.
thanks, but a force is not necessary, just fact is the acceptive terms.
We have a cube. YOU describe it in your own words.

I say this cube has width, depth, and height.

Width has a different dimension then depth or height. And Height is neither width or depth... Nor is depth the same as the other two, by definition.

So take your width and your depth and your height and you have your cube.

This cube cannot exist if one of the "members" is missing. ( At best you would have a rectangle)

Three different things are needed to make up a cube. These Three different thing make a unity of "ONE" even when this unity itself is more than one in the beginning~~~~~~~~~~!!!

Three things each with their own definition of use, separate from the others.
nonsense, a cube is physical in its dimensions, God is none physical in nature. so that will not apply.

well that unity is NOT G243 allos, but a unity of G2087 heteros which is not the unity of ONE as in the Godhead.

thanks, but a force is not necessary, just fact is the acceptive terms.

nonsense, a cube is physical in its dimensions, God is none physical in nature. so that will not apply.

Is Jesus a physical person, a man right now in heaven having a real human body? yes or no

Are you denying Jesus is God ? yes or no
Personally I try and not use members in reference to the Godhead as if it's a club having membership : or parts since God is indivisible. The 3 who are One defies human reasoning and logic. That's who most reject the Trinity because they come from a human understanding apart form the Spirit of God.
that's a good statement, but 101G have a question. "When the second person of the Godhead came in flesh, how much of the ONE Spirit for that person who is God, was MANIFESTED by G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') himself? was it 1/3 of the Spirit that was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') or all of the Spirit, or? ........

that's a good statement, but 101G have a question. "When the second person of the Godhead came in flesh, how much of the ONE Spirit for that person who is God, was MANIFESTED by G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') himself? was it 1/3 of the Spirit that was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') or all of the Spirit, or? ........

Fully God lacking nothing. All the fulness of deity was in Christ bodily as per Col 1:19, 2:9. There are no parts or percentages with God. :)

hope this helps !!!
well that unity is NOT G243 allos, but a unity of G2087 heteros which is not the unity of ONE as in the Godhead.

thanks, but a force is not necessary, just fact is the acceptive terms.

nonsense, a cube is physical in its dimensions, God is none physical in nature. so that will not apply.

Adam, Eve one flesh

Adam, Eve one flesh

let bible definition explain it. 101G will be using the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. the term "ANOTHER". [ 1,,G243 G2087 ,allos heteros ] have a difference in meaning, which despite a tendency to be lost, is to be observed in numerous passages. Allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort;" heteros expresses a qualitative difference and denotes "another of a different sort."

G243 allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort. PLEASE LOOK UP THE TERM "SORT". now, is the Male the same GENDER in NATURE as the WOMAN? NO, then they are G2087 heteros.

let bible definition explain it. 101G will be using the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. the term "ANOTHER". [ 1,,G243 G2087 ,allos heteros ] have a difference in meaning, which despite a tendency to be lost, is to be observed in numerous passages. Allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort;" heteros expresses a qualitative difference and denotes "another of a different sort."

G243 allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort. PLEASE LOOK UP THE TERM "SORT". now, is the Male the same GENDER in NATURE as the WOMAN? NO, then they are G2087 heteros.

They are one flesh or God lied.

Do you need something to explain the following to you??????????//

Dick sees Jane run while spot catches the ball.

They are one flesh needs no explanation.
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