The double-mindedness of the Apostle Saul

Hello @jeremiah1five,

This is so sad, and must grieve the Holy Spirit, to hear an Apostle of the risen Christ, one chosen by God Himself for the task he was called upon to perform, spoken of this way. An Apostle spake for the One by Whom he was sent, and therefore was His spokesman, so be careful whom you malign @jeremiah1five, please. For it is Christ Whom you are maligning, through him.

In Christ Jesus
by God's grace

The evidence is in Scripture.
Why don't you read it and offer rebuttal?
It is because you can't.
Instead, you accuse me of 'maligning' Saul. I haven't and you've falsely accused me.
Bring your proof or recant.
That's what the site is for. Discussion of the Word of God.
There are some things written on stone and I mean it is truth and nothing can change it.
Read your bible before you go off on me half-cocked. Prove your assertion or recant because it takes a lot to offend me, but what I hate is when so-called Christians offend Christ IN ME.
What you do to these the least of my brethren you have done it unto me. You know who said.
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