I will expose why I disagree with your view, and then I will not mention this subject in this thread. We can open a new one, my sister.
My disagreement is based in four reasons: biblical, historical, empiric and relational
- Biblically, there is no single place where Jesus defined his disciples as those who believed he was God. Also, there is no single place on the Book of Acts or others in which Christians are defined as those who believe in the deity of Jesus. Nobody was asked to confess the deity of Jesus in order to join the first Christian communities.
- Historically, millions have self-identified as Christians believing all kind of things, correct or incorrect, explicit or implicit, about the intimate nature of Jesus. There is no single century in which we couldn't find Christians who believe that only the Father is God. Even in this Forum, in 2025, we find from time to time people who understand the hypostatic union in different ways, without noticing that their view (who has nothing to do with their daily relation with Jesus) was considered heretic many centuries ago.
- Empirically, following Jesus and loving Jesus has nothing to do with the specific belief in his deity. This is attested by the lives of thousands of people from many churches. Following Jesus is proved by the kind of life they live, and not by answering correctly to a quiz on Theology. My statement applies not only to Christian Unitarians or Jehovah Witnesses, but to people within churches of Trinitarian creed, who are not interested at all in exploring or defending the deity of Jesus, for the simple reason that they don't find it relevant their daily spiritual relationship with Jesus.
- Relational, as calling a person who self-identifies as Christian non-Christian due to a theological difference, is not only a theoretical statement, but one with deep repercussions in the way people treat each other. In the face of the sectarism found in this Forum, it is equivalent of setting the difference between the saved and the damned.
I'm tired Pancho and must close down.
Just quick: (No need to start a new thread unless the OP or a moderator complains....)
BIBLICALLY: The NT proves that Jesus considered Himself to be God.
He came back to life...I think the Apostles were aware of this.
HISTORICALLY: I believe everyone understands the hypostatic union the same way......I could be wrong about this.
I think you're thinking of the Trinity. JESUS IS GOD. The Early Church Fathers believed Jesus was God.
What you're failing to understand is this:
If a person wants to be known as Jewish, he must have specific beliefs.
If a person wants to be known as Mulim, he must have specific beliefs.
If a person wants to known as Christian, he must have specific beliefs.
These beliefs were established 2 thousand years ago after Jesus ascended.
We are not allowed to change the tenets of a religion.
If someone believes only Father is God,,,that's OK...but they would be Jewish...NOT Christian.
People on these forums can believe whatever they want to believe...
but they cannot change the tenets of the Christian religion.
They have no authority to do this.
EMPIRICALLY: JWs are NOT Christian because the do not believe Jesus is God.
This has to be perfectly clear.
It is rather horrifying that you state that some people DO NOT FIND IT RELEVANT in exploring that Jesus is God.
Well, THAT is the whole point of Christianity! JESUS IS GOD!
A person could follow Jesus...but that does NOT make him a Christian UNLESS he believes Jesus is God.
And why follow Jesus if a person doesn't think he's God?
Does that person realize he's worshipping an idol?
RATIONAL: Believing Jesus is God in NOT a theological difference.
It is at the very core of Christianity.
The very fact that I've explained this to you already 3X now and you still don't understand this (and you're very intelligent) is proof positive that Christianity is being WATERED DOWN and losing its very definition. If Jesus is not God....there is no Christianity.
And I never state anything about a person being saved or damned. I don't believe doctrine saves anyone...they could be saved and I'm happy for them BUT they cannot define themselves as CHRISTIAN.
If you reply...I'll respond tomorrow.
But you really either accept this or not....
I don't really know what else to say.
How do YOU think YOU have the authority to define Christianity?
NOT because you're of a different faith, but this question should be
addressed to all those who write CHRISTIAN under their avatar and then
go ahead and attempt to prove that Jesus is not God.
The tenets of the Christian religion have already been set...
NO ONE has the authority to change them.