The Bahá'í Faith: Teachings, History, and Practices

Concerning the vertical line, are we to take Muhammad's Pedophilia (Aisha, 9 years old), Polygamy, Decapitating Enemies, etc... as revelations from God? Is pedophilia the bond of unity that your god promotes? Evidently, those are revelations from a pagan god.

Good morning synergy. I will try to address your questions.


  • Prophet Muhammed was not a pedophile under any account. Pedophile is a psychiatric condition characterized by obsessive desire for prepubescent persons. There is no account from any source that Prophet Muhammed molested any child or allowed the molestation of any child.
  • According to the hadith (which may be right or wrong), Prophet Muhammed consummated marriage with Aisha when she got to the age of puberty, in accordance with the views of maturity at that time. It is very likely that all women we read in the Bible, including Mary, got married at the age they entered puberty. If Jesus had married, he would have married a girl of that age. My sister in fact, entered puberty at 9 years. In my country, Mexico, the civil laws just a century ago approved marriage for girls at 12. Mohammed lived 1400 years before.
  • Which of these two things is immoral... marrying a girl at puberty, as per the civil laws of that time... or killing thousands of innocent girls? Was the true God or a pagan god who revealed prophet Samuel that Saul should kill innocent girls of the people of Amalek? (1 Samuel 15:1-3).


  • Laws on marriage, including number of wives, inheritance laws, divorce, etc have been revealed through the prophets of God according to the needs and possibilities of the people they address. In societies with no education for women, and no possibilities of economic development for women, marriage was a way to survive and get access to intellectual and economic development, social respect and assistance during old age.
  • God sent prophet Nathan to David to make him aware of his sin. What was that sin? Polygamy?
  • What of these two things is immoral... marrying more than one wife if you could treat them with justice, or telling thousands of women and men in slavery to obey their masters as if they were obeying Jesus, as Paul did?


Elijah, was the great prophet that was taken to heaven according to Scriptures, and who would be sent again by God in the Messianic era.
Elijah, was the great prophet who together with Moses shared a place with Jesus in the mount of Transfiguration.
Why did Elijah decapitate 450 enemies of God in Mount Carmel? Was Elijah a prophet of the True God or a prophet of a pagan God?
Good morning synergy. I will try to address your questions.


  • Prophet Muhammed was not a pedophile under any account. Pedophile is a psychiatric condition characterized by obsessive desire for prepubescent persons. There is no account from any source that Prophet Muhammed molested any child or allowed the molestation of any child.
  • According to the hadith (which may be right or wrong), Prophet Muhammed consummated marriage with Aisha when she got to the age of puberty, in accordance with the views of maturity at that time. It is very likely that all women we read in the Bible, including Mary, got married at the age they entered puberty. If Jesus had married, he would have married a girl of that age. My sister in fact, entered puberty at 9 years. In my country, Mexico, the civil laws just a century ago approved marriage for girls at 12. Mohammed lived 1400 years before.
  • Which of these two things is immoral... marrying a girl at puberty, as per the civil laws of that time... or killing thousands of innocent girls? Was the true God or a pagan god who revealed prophet Samuel that Saul should kill innocent girls of the people of Amalek? (1 Samuel 15:1-3).
In this day and age, anyone who is in his 50's and takes a 6 year old as his wife should get his head examined. Not only that but the State will throw him in jail. We now have welfare and adoption agency that can assist a minor so that a young girl no longer has to succumb to those situations.

Aren't you the one who fights for the rights of everyone and here you are throwing away the rights of a minor to protected and have some control or say in her life. It's utterly disgusting to even think about it let alone discuss it. I'm sorry, in this day and age you are dead wrong here.
Thus, Muhammad failed miserably to be a mediator.
  • Laws on marriage, including number of wives, inheritance laws, divorce, etc have been revealed through the prophets of God according to the needs and possibilities of the people they address. In societies with no education for women, and no possibilities of economic development for women, marriage was a way to survive and get access to intellectual and economic development, social respect and assistance during old age.
  • God sent prophet Nathan to David to make him aware of his sin. What was that sin? Polygamy?
  • What of these two things is immoral... marrying more than one wife if you could treat them with justice, or telling thousands of women and men in slavery to obey their masters as if they were obeying Jesus, as Paul did?
Again, in this day and age the polygamist will be thrown in jail. Where does the Quran abrogate this practice? It doesn't so it's still a Muhammad mediator enlightenment from Allah.

Again, Muhammad failed miserably to be a mediator.

Elijah, was the great prophet that was taken to heaven according to Scriptures, and who would be sent again by God in the Messianic era.
Elijah, was the great prophet who together with Moses shared a place with Jesus in the mount of Transfiguration.
Why did Elijah decapitate 450 enemies of God in Mount Carmel? Was Elijah a prophet of the True God or a prophet of a pagan God?
That practice has since been abrogated by the NT. Where has the Quran abrogated it? It hasn't so it's still a viable practice by Islam.

How many times must Muhammad be exposed as an anti-christ before he is sent packing?
In this day and age…
Thus, Muhammad failed miserably to be a mediator.
In this day and age Muhammad is not marrying a girl at puberty.
Your conclusion has been refuted.
Again, in this day and age the polygamist will be thrown in jail.
In this day and age Muhammed is not taking more than one wife.
Your conclusion has been refuted.
Where does the Quran abrogate this practice?
The writing of the Quran took place in Arabia ended around 632 AD. So it did not abrogate polygamy.
There are several things that the Bible never abrogated and you may consider abrogated. One of them is polygamy. If interested in a list, we can discuss it in a different thread.
It doesn't so it's still a Muhammad mediator enlightenment from Allah.

Again, Muhammad failed miserably to be a mediator.
Based on the historical context of both the Quran and the Bible, your proposition has been refuted.
That practice has since been abrogated by the NT.
No, it was not abrogated in the NT.
If interested in a list of things that most Christians believe abrogated but are NOT abrogated in the NT, I can discuss in a different thread.

Where has the Quran abrogated it? It hasn't so it's still a viable practice by Islam.
Current practices of our Muslim and Christian brothers pertain to them.
I am not a practicing Muslim as much as I am not a practicing Christian.

How many times must Muhammad be exposed as an anti-christ before he is sent packing?
One would suffice.

In the meantime, to me, Pancho Frijoles, Muhammad was sent by from God, and He is the Other Comforter that the Holy Spirit inhabited, as promised by Jesus.
In stressing God’s unity, generosity, justice and clemency, Muhammad showed us The Way to God.
Truly, I confess that Allah is my only God, and Muhammed one of his Messengers.
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