That’s the bright side of the story. When I read it or hear it, I am moved into tears, since it shows unfathomable love for mankind.
The dark side of the story, though, is this: that a person MUST believe that Christ died for him, for that sacrifice to “work”. When I read or hear this, I am outraged.
Current Americans profit FOR FREE from the sacrifices made by the Pilgrims and people who built that great nation. They don’t have to BELIEVE that such thing happened. In any case, Why is it important to recognize what the Founders did for the USA? Because by contemplating history and feeling gratitude for the Pilgrims, current Americans feel INSPIRED to WORK in order to preserve and expand that legacy.
A person does not have to believe that God created the sun in order to enjoy the benefits of the sun.
A Roman soldier casting lots over Jesus garments did not have to believe Jesus was the Messiah in order to have Jesus interceding for him.
I am a Baha’i, not a Christian. When an Evangelical tells me :” Jesus died for you”,
what is he expecting me to do?
To say “Thanks, Jesus”? I already say it. I already thank Jesus for his sacrifice.
He didn’t have to die and still He did it out of love. That holds true regardless of whether the doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is true or not. That holds true whether Jesus is God or not. That holds true whether Joseph Smith was visited by Angel Moroni or not, or whether I should abstain from work on Sunday or Saturday.
The dark side of the story is that the precious gift of Jesus is conditioned (by sectarian religious leaders) to meeting 973 requirements that will get me affiliated into their religious business (using the term of our brother
@Studyman ).
One of those 973 requirements is that I must consider all my Jew, Muslim,, Zoroastrian, Sikh and Baha’i brothers and sisters excluded from the effect of Jesus sacrifice and damned to a well-deserved eternal torture.
Do you think I’m gonna say “Yes” to such requirement?
To make my understanding clear, I would like to point out a couple of things I have come to learn since "Coming out of" this world's religious system.. I believe that God created man with free will and by extension, with human reasoning. Both can be used for evil or for good, and it seems imperative to God that humans
learn how to "rule over" both for "good", as HE defines it. The Story of Adam and Eve is what steered me to this understanding. God place a bunch of fruit trees in a Garden, (Metaphore) and told Adam and Eve they could eat of the trees
except for the one tree. He could have just not placed the tree there to ensure they wouldn't eat of it, which according to Mainstream Christianity would have saved the entire world from Carnivores, but HE didn't, and this to teach us, in my understanding. As soon as God Said "Thou shalt not", a choice was created for Adam and Eve. Human reasoning, symbolized by the serpent, begins to work.
Is God really going to kill us because we ate the fruit of a tree HE placed in the garden? Just look at that fruit, "A
nd when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat".
Adam and Eve had to "Learn" obedience through the things they suffered. It would have been a battle for Eve to fight against human reasoning for "Good" in this case. (Obeying God is Good) She could have gone to God, or Adam and asked for help. After all, God did Provide an Escape for her, and the temptation wasn't more than she was able to overcome. Those who by patient continuance in well doing, Seek for Glory and Immortality from God, engage in this battle, even as the Jesus "of the bible", engaged in this battle.
Just put some cookies on the counter and tell your 3-year-old not to eat them. And watch his mind work as he walks by and looks at those cookies trying to figure out a way to get one. And 10 out of 10, if it goes on long enough, will take of the cookie, and eat. He has to "learn" to trust his mother, even to the point of denying himself.
This plays out in my mind all day every day. For instance, God says pork and slugs are not food. But as soon as God says, "Don't eat of them", human reasoning goes into play to justify my lust to do as I please and eat what I want. All this world's religions, "who call Jesus Lord, Lord", all the merchants of this earth, and even the reasoning in my own mind, try and convince me, "Is God going to kill you because you ate a ham sandwich that HE placed in the garden? But what does God really want from me, if not to trust and respect Him, for my own good. That is why I won't eat. That is why Adam and Eve did eat, because they didn't really trust or respect God. And this To
teach me this very thing.
The same thing for Days HE esteems above others. The same thing for lust of other women. Creating images of God in the likeness of men, holding unfounded grudges against others and so on.
So I agree that men are not to "live by" the traditions, superstitions, high days and philosophies of this world's religious systems. All 972

But we should consider the Commandments, Judgments and Statutes of God in a different light in my view, at least this is what the Holy Bible teaches. I know Mainstream Christianity certainly doesn't believe God in these things. And who knows, maybe human reasoning is God, as some believe. Nevertheless, I am committed to this God of Abraham, as defined in the Holy Scriptures. Perhaps there is another way, and maybe you and Civic are right, and obedience God in these things don't really matter. But what have I got to lose? A porkchop? Opening Day of Trout Season? Humiliation? Why would I disrespect God over such fleshy things?
My issue with "many" who call Jesus Lord, Lord, who transform themselves into apostles of Christ, is their twisting of Scriptures to promote their specific religious business, as they compete against other religious businesses for contributing members to fill the seats of their manmade shrines of worship. Clearly this is not the teaching of the Lord's Christ and others should be warned to at least "Take Heed" of their philosophies and traditions of men.
Concerning the popular teaching that all men are born immortal, I don't believe in this superstition. I find no evidence that God raises a man from the dead, gives him immortality, then tortures him for eternity in hellfire. So I don't believe those who reject God's instruction in righteousness are bound for live tortured forever. I believe there are many men, who chose to live as they pleased, according to their own superstition, their own judgments and Statutes, in their own righteousness and will receive the rewards of this world, such as it is. God will make this known to them, before the memory of them is dissolved, who God is and why HE will withhold immortality from them. In the same way God made known to Sodom and Gomorrah, and can you name even one person that perished in hellfire and brimstone in that day? No, the memory of every soul that died that day is forgotten. But you know of Abraham, Yes? This is because God is a God of the Living.
But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
After all, what kind of Kingdom would we have if billions of immortal beings existed, that couldn't control their selfish desires over something as simple and easy to understand as food. Why would God make them Kings and Priests in His Kingdom? Don't we already have that now in the kingdoms of this world?
But for those who believed and trusted in Him, against the teaching of literally thousands of religious businesses and sects, all reasoning with their human heart against walking in many of God's Commandments and judgments, these men will receive something different, "In that day". That is my hope, according to what is given me in the Holy Scriptures.
As it is written:
Rev. 22:
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Jesus tasted this "death of self", the "Faith in God His Father", placing HIS Trust in Him in all things, for me. How is creating my own religion, my own images of God, my own judgments, my own statutes, while I teach to the world that God created Laws impossible to obey, and lied to Abraham's Children, and me, when HE said to obey Him "for my own good"? How does this glorify the Father or the Son? Jesus said to Seek first the Kingdom of God and "HIS" Righteousness. What would I tell Him if I chose to listen to another voice instead, like Eve did? "Civic beguiled me"? "Kenneth Copeland beguiled me"? "The Pope beguiled me"?
I don't mean to be harsh or unkind here, and this is all just a passionate expression of my understanding of God. I know I may have saddled the wrong horse, and I won't know until the end, as God Himself has designed. I just want to share with you the absolute truth about my belief and why for the purpose of discussion and edification.
Out of sincere Love for the Brethren.
Let me know what you think, as I appreciate your perspectives.