Shema Israel and identifying Jesus as Jehovah/Yahweh

As usual, you are 100% a false witness

You are on the condemned side of History with the those who crucified the MESSIAH

Whoever does not Honor the SON does not Honor the FATHER who sent HIM = SAME Honor to BOTH the SON and the FATHER

Unless you repent from dishonoring the Lord Jesus Christ you will perish in your sins.

the HOLY ONE of Israel Says: "IAM the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, no one comes to the FATHER but thru ME"
not only is it loving and compassionate TO warn , to correct , to speak THE words OF GOD to the people .
ITs hate not too .
YE shall not hate your neighbor in your heart , you shall in any way correct them and not allow sin upon them .
And GOD is not well pleased at all with those who turn a blind eye
who go with the flow and will allow the false ones to seduce this people .
I HAVE THIS AGAINST YOU , YOU ALLOW that false prophetess jezebel to SEDUCE my people .
DAVID this church age has been LIED TO by the seeker friendly all inclusive false love preachers .
WHO do naught but preach smooth things to this people , lies and by their lies they have made SAD
the heart of the righteous ones in CHRIST . IT IS LOVE to WARN those in sin and in error .
But today the motto is JUDGE NOT CORRECT NOT
and rather than rebuking sharply those who do sin that others might fear
THEY ONLY REBUKE those who WOULD CORRECT . its a madhouse david . THE WORDS of THE LORD
are being trampled under foot , THE SON is trampled under foot and they seem not to give a care
and rather embrace this other version of love . NOT LOOKING GOOD david . KEEP Up with all warnins and reminders .
BRING the words of THE LORD . We dont live by feelings but by EVERY WORD of the LORD .
As usual, you are 100% a false witness

You are on the condemned side of History with the those who crucified the MESSIAH

Deuteronomy 5:7
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
‘You shall have no other gods before Me.
I see something very darn scary for their souls . many seem to beleive that somehow if one worships JESUS
they are comitting blasphemy against GOD .
AS though we ought to choose which one to worship .
FOLKS DO NOT GET IT at all my friend . GOD has long said I WILL HAVE no other gods BEFORE ME
and yet Its clearly written HE has given ALL PRE EMEINENCE unto the son .
IF jesus was just another god , god WOULD NEVER HAVE DONE THIS . they do not understand
As usual, you are 100% a false witness

You are on the condemned side of History with the those who crucified the MESSIAH

Deuteronomy 5:7
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
‘You shall have no other gods before Me.
When by grace a man has learned that EVERY WORD of GOD , INSPIRED by HIM
no matter how grave the warning , no matter what was written
ITS ALL SO GOOD FOR OUR SOULS , IS SO NEEDFUL for us to be reminded of
I tell us all that man is in a real safe place for HE TRUSTS IN THE LORD HIS GOD and beleiveth HIM
and by grace understands THE REASON WHY GOD warns IS BECAUSE HE HAS COMPASSION on the people
and desires not their death but rather THEY REPENT . this church age HAS ABOUT NO IDEA what this even means anymore .
I see something very darn scary for their souls . many seem to beleive that somehow if one worships JESUS
they are comitting blasphemy against GOD .
AS though we ought to choose which one to worship .
FOLKS DO NOT GET IT at all my friend . GOD has long said I WILL HAVE no other gods BEFORE ME
and yet Its clearly written HE has given ALL PRE EMEINENCE unto the son .
IF jesus was just another god , god WOULD NEVER HAVE DONE THIS . they do not understand
many seem to beleive that somehow if one worships JESUS
they are comitting blasphemy against GOD .
This is the SAME delusion/antichrist spirit that we read in the Gospel of those who picked up stones to murder the LORD who came down from ABOVE.

Let the depth of that evil that sink in AND this is why JESUS Says: "take heed that no one deceives you"

Matt 4:4 - "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the Mouth of God"

Satan has unleashed his full deception INSIDE christiandome and only the true sheep know and follow the Good Shepherd

"Why do you call ME good? There is none good but One = God"

"IAM the Good Shepherd.....and MY sheep hear MY Voice......another they will not follow"
sadly most of christendom now follows a god who wont correct their sin and error
who rather accepts it . Yet the end of sin is death .
NOW WHO do you all think desires our death . A HINT NOT GOD , but satan . many love to follow
this other god who USES the name of JESUS but preaches another jesus , even now another gospel .
BROAD IS THE PATH that leads to destruction . MAY i suggest many get off this
very broad all inclusive path that sure seems to honor certain sins , that sure seems to accept other religoins
and sure seems to really hate one thing , THE TRUTH , GODS OWN WORDS that do correct .
This is the SAME delusion/antichrist spirit that we read in the Gospel of those who picked up stones to murder the LORD who came down from ABOVE.

Let the depth of that evil that sink in AND this is why JESUS Says: "take heed that no one deceives you"

Matt 4:4 - "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the Mouth of God"

Satan has unleashed his full deception INSIDE christiandome and only the true sheep know and follow the Good Shepherd

"Why do you call ME good? There is none good but One = God"

"IAM the Good Shepherd.....and MY sheep hear MY Voice......another they will not follow"
To the trenches its all out war for the souls of men . LET GOD be true but every man a liar .
When by grace a man has learned that EVERY WORD of GOD , INSPIRED by HIM
no matter how grave the warning , no matter what was written
ITS ALL SO GOOD FOR OUR SOULS , IS SO NEEDFUL for us to be reminded of
I tell us all that man is in a real safe place for HE TRUSTS IN THE LORD HIS GOD and beleiveth HIM
and by grace understands THE REASON WHY GOD warns IS BECAUSE HE HAS COMPASSION on the people
and desires not their death but rather THEY REPENT . this church age HAS ABOUT NO IDEA what this even means anymore .
As usual, you are 100% a false witness

You are on the condemned side of History with the those who crucified the MESSIAH

Deuteronomy 5:7
I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
‘You shall have no other gods before Me.
Small g god means-has godlike qualities. The ist commandment means giving worship to false gods.
As usual, you are 100% a false witness

You are on the condemned side of History with the those who crucified the MESSIAH

Whoever does not Honor the SON does not Honor the FATHER who sent HIM = SAME Honor to BOTH the SON and the FATHER

Unless you repent from dishonoring the Lord Jesus Christ you will perish in your sins.

the HOLY ONE of Israel Says: "IAM the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, no one comes to the FATHER but thru ME"
honor is not worship. Yes one must go through Jesus to get to his Father to do this-John 4:22-24--its exactly what a true followers heart directs their minds to do 24/7-365.
1. I don't know about you, but I read the OT with the NT in mind and all the new things that were revealed when Christ appeared. God has His own time line. Both passages of Isaiah fits understanding the NT.

2. Isaiah lived +/- 800 BC, a time about every village had its own dozen of gods, tiny Israel fully surrounded and vulnerable for pagan influences. It can't be really a big surprise God on many occasions warned Israel for the dangers of the hundreds of pagan gods that surrounded Israel by saying He is the only true God.

3. And in God's time line (+/- 800 BC) it was not yet the time to reveal an aspect of His true nature and Being, the Lamb slain, God the Son, although there were many clear hints in the OT (Isaiah 53, 9:6 etc.) which weren't understood, not even by the Jews His own people who should have known better, and sadly by Christians who have the whole Gospel and still prefer the OT above the NT as per -

Deut 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

Very true and obviously needed in the time Isaiah lived, even needed to be repeated by Jesus, Israel still surrounded by pagan gods, already indoctrinated by Greek mythology and worse the Romans and their pagan gods had conquered Israel, Jews exposed by many false teachings.

Not intending to start another huge discussion of the deity of Christ and the mountain of evidence you have to deny, but the Holy Spirit was already present in the OT speaking through the prophets -

Ps 51:11 Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit; therefore he turned to be their enemy, and himself fought against them.

Isaiah 63:11 Then he remembered the days of old, of Moses and his people. Where is he who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he who put in the midst of them his Holy Spirit,
Deut 6:4= YHVH(Jehovah) name belongs there. Not LORD.
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