What your have written is a lot of nonsense..........a lot.
I'll just take this point you tried to use .....
You said that a person can't know they are saved, till after they are dead....(future redemption)..
However, the proof that a person is saved, is that they are born again, and this spiritual birth is Eternal.
How do you know?
Its because Salvation contains 3 Gifts from God.
1.) THe Gift of Salvation Itself.
2.) "The Gift of Righteousness".
3.)... "The Gift of ETERNAL LIFE..":"
Now notice that the born again "IN CHRIST">. has "Eternal life"... and John says....>>"you can KNOW that you have Eternal LIFE... as this life is IN HIS Son"... and the born again are "IN Christ".
Jesus said that "all who believe, i give unto them ETERNAL LIFE".. and HE is Eternal life, and "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory" is proof that the born again have eternal life.,
RIGHT NOW...........so that is why a Real Christian can have assurance of their Salvation, RIGHT NOW.
@Swordman are clueless regarding this, so, that means that your Salvation Theology, is going to be Clueless as well.