Romans 10:11 - Does 'him' refer to the Father or to the Lord Jesus?


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Romans 10:11
For the scripture says: “No one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

Question: Does the singular "him" refers to Jehovah (their creator) or to Jesus (their creature)?
Answer: That would depend on the time the question is in reference to.

1. March 1, 1959 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Mankind’s only hope, our one refuge and concealment place, is in Zion, God’s heavenly kingdom. There Jehovah has laid as the basis of a stable, enduring government his Son, his tried Stone, his precious Stone of a sure foundation, Jesus Christ the King. (Isa. 28:16; 1 Peter 2:4-6; Rom. 9:32, 33; 10:6-11) (Warnings of Jehovah's Unusual Work, page 144)

2. July 1, 1971 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: Be a worshiper of Jehovah. In unity with other worshipers of Jehovah, acknowledge with thanks your own faith in Jehovah and you will never be disappointed. "For the Scripture says" 'None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.' For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for there is the same Lord over all, who is rich to all those calling upon him. For ‘everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’”—Rom. 10:11-13 (Assemblies After the Death of Christ, page 402-403)

3. April 15, 1976 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Time would fail us to bear witness to Jesus Christ and tell all that he means to us as members of the fallen human family. Never will we be disappointed in him. "For the Scripture says: 'None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.'" (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) (Why We Need the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, page 245)

Only three months later...

4. July 15, 1976 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: Jehovah God, the God of truth, has given us his solemn “word,” and "none that rests his faith on him will be disappointed." (Rom. 10:11) (A Solid Basis for Confidence, page 443)

5. February 1, 1977 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Romans 10:9 definitely refers to Jesus Christ as Lord, and the quotation from Isaiah 28:16 found in Romans 10:11, "None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed," also applies to Jesus. (Questions From Readers, page 95)

6. October 1981 "him" refers to God.
Kingdom Ministry—1981: Help the householder to see how the material contained in the magazines along with the Bible can build faith in God and his sure promises of a new earth.—Rom. 10:11. (Presenting the Good News—By Returning to Visit New Subscribers, page 8)

7. January 1, 1984 "him" refers to Jesus.
Survival Into a New Earth: But Jesus' own words reflect a spirit that is reassuring. He warmly invites us: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) What an appealing prospect! Those who heed that warm invitation, putting their full confidence in him, will not be disappointed. (Romans 10:11) (Who Leads the Way to Deliverance?, page 70)

Numbers 8 and 9 belong together...

8. November 1, 2004 "him" refers to God.
The Watchtower: The apostle Paul wrote: “None that rests his faith on [God] will be disappointed.” (Romans 10:11) (Will We Ever Enjoy Real Security?, page 32)
9. June 15, 2011 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: With reference to Jesus, Paul quoted Isaiah’s words: “None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) (There Is Good News That All Need, page 11)

10. September 15, 2012 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: We are confident that as long as we fully trust in Jehovah and put his Kingdom first, we will not be disappointed—Rom. 10:11. ("You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour", page 26)

11. 2019 "him" refers to Jesus.
Romans Study Notes—Chapter 10: Paul here shows that a person who exercises faith in Jesus Christ will not experience the shame and disappointment of those whose faith is shown to be in vain. (Romans 10:11)

The Jehovah's Witnesses think the light is growing brighter and brighter for them (Proverbs 4:18). However, their light more accurately resembles the light spoken of here:
Job 10:22
A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness. (KJV)

Let us continue to pray for the JWs to come out of deception.
A serious mistake listening to Fred who practices deception constantly. Just because the blind guides who teach him have no clue about the light getting brighter because their light is darkness and remains as so. They must have missed these bible truths= Dan 12:4-certain truths were hidden until these last days-- But all those truths were still in the bible taught on in error over the centuries. Only through these-Matt 24:45-at the proper time were those truths revealed, thus corrections had to be made by the religion that has Jesus as its head. And all of creation have seen the corrections made since the late 1800,s. I asked Fred to share the corrections his religion has made over those years. He has 0 for an answer. Why? Because they made no corrections because truths were not revealed through them. Truth is now abundant-Rejected by all living in the darkness of their errors.
the light getting brighter

Since I gave you the answer to whom the Jehovah's Witness say the "him" refers to in Romans 10:11, it's time for you to shine forth your so-called light and let us know who the "Master" refers to in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.

Here's some help:
The Watchtower: The employer-employee relationship also presents temptations to misuse power. With this in mind, Paul counseled slave owners, who somewhat correspond to modern employers, overseers, bosses: “You masters, keep . . . letting up on the threatening, for you know that the Master of both them and you is in the heavens, and there is no partiality with him.” (Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1) (Guard Against Misusing Power, August 15, 1986, page 18)

Ephesians 6:1-10
1 Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous.
2 “Honor your father and your mother” is the first command with a promise:
3 “That it may go well with you and you may remain a long time on the earth.”
4 And fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah.
5 Slaves, be obedient to your human masters, with fear and trembling in the sincerity of your hearts, as to the Christ,
6 not only when being watched, just to please men, but as Christ's slaves doing the will of God whole-souled.
7 Slave with a good attitude, as to Jehovah and not to men,
8 for you know that whatever good each one does, he will receive this back from Jehovah, whether he is a slave or a freeman.
9 Also, you masters, keep treating them in the same way, not threatening, for you know that both their Master and yours is in the heavens, and there is no partiality with him.
10 Finally, go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. (NWT)

Colossians 3:22- Colossians 4:3
22 You slaves, be obedient in everything to those who are your human masters, not only when they are watching, just to please men, but with sincerity of heart, with fear of Jehovah.
23 Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled as for Jehovah, and not for men,
24 for you know that it is from Jehovah you will receive the inheritance as a reward. Slave for the Master, Christ.
25 Certainly the one who does wrong will be repaid for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.
1 You masters, treat your slaves in a righteous and fair way, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.
2 Persevere in prayer, remaining awake in it with thanksgiving.
3 At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open a door for the word so that we can declare the sacred secret about the Christ, for which I am in prison bonds (NWT)

The underlined above is mine.
All the boldfaced above (which is mine) is from the Greek word kyrios.
This can be seen in the Jehovah's Witnesses 'The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures.'

A few key points
1. I understand the Jehovah's Witness believe where "Jehovah" appears above it is in reference to the Father (not to Jesus).
2. I understand the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that when "Lord" is used in Ephesians 6:1 it refers to Jesus. However, when "Lord" is used in Ephesians 6:10, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe it refers to the Father (not to Jesus).

Concerning "Master"
It is used in reference to Christ in Colossians 3:24. However, it is also used in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.
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A serious mistake listening to Fred who practices deception constantly. Just because the blind guides who teach him have no clue about the light getting brighter because their light is darkness and remains as so. They must have missed these bible truths= Dan 12:4-certain truths were hidden until these last days-- But all those truths were still in the bible taught on in error over the centuries. Only through these-Matt 24:45-at the proper time were those truths revealed, thus corrections had to be made by the religion that has Jesus as its head. And all of creation have seen the corrections made since the late 1800,s. I asked Fred to share the corrections his religion has made over those years. He has 0 for an answer. Why? Because they made no corrections because truths were not revealed through them. Truth is now abundant-Rejected by all living in the darkness of their errors.

I'm going to be honest—I don't really understand your post.

But I recommend you check out this thread to see the simplicity of salvation:

You should understand my post if you live in light.

From post 5:
It's time for you to shine forth your so-called light and let us know who the "Master" refers to in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.

So, who does the "Master" refer to in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1?
a. The Master refers to Jehovah in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.
b. The Master refers to Jesus in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.
c. The Master refers to Jehovah in Ephesians 6:9, but in Colossians 4:1 the Master refers to Jesus.
d. The Master refers to Jehovah in Colossians 4:1, but in Ephesians 6:9 the Master refers to Jesus.

I made it even easier for you to answer.

You can stop hiding now.
From post 5:
It's time for you to shine forth your so-called light and let us know who the "Master" refers to in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.

So, who does the "Master" refer to in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1?
a. The Master refers to Jehovah in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.
b. The Master refers to Jesus in Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1.
c. The Master refers to Jehovah in Ephesians 6:9, but in Colossians 4:1 the Master refers to Jesus.
d. The Master refers to Jehovah in Colossians 4:1, but in Ephesians 6:9 the Master refers to Jesus.

I made it even easier for you to answer.

You can stop hiding now.
I don't hide. Its a waste of time casting pearls of wisdom to you. I planted seeds. It takes another to make them grow if ones heart is good enough God will make them grow.
Romans 10:11
For the scripture says: “No one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

Question: Does the singular "him" refers to Jehovah (their creator) or to Jesus (their creature)?
Answer: That would depend on the time the question is in reference to.

1. March 1, 1959 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Mankind’s only hope, our one refuge and concealment place, is in Zion, God’s heavenly kingdom. There Jehovah has laid as the basis of a stable, enduring government his Son, his tried Stone, his precious Stone of a sure foundation, Jesus Christ the King. (Isa. 28:16; 1 Peter 2:4-6; Rom. 9:32, 33; 10:6-11) (Warnings of Jehovah's Unusual Work, page 144)

2. July 1, 1971 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: Be a worshiper of Jehovah. In unity with other worshipers of Jehovah, acknowledge with thanks your own faith in Jehovah and you will never be disappointed. "For the Scripture says" 'None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.' For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for there is the same Lord over all, who is rich to all those calling upon him. For ‘everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’”—Rom. 10:11-13 (Assemblies After the Death of Christ, page 402-403)

3. April 15, 1976 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Time would fail us to bear witness to Jesus Christ and tell all that he means to us as members of the fallen human family. Never will we be disappointed in him. "For the Scripture says: 'None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.'" (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) (Why We Need the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, page 245)

Only three months later...

4. July 15, 1976 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: Jehovah God, the God of truth, has given us his solemn “word,” and "none that rests his faith on him will be disappointed." (Rom. 10:11) (A Solid Basis for Confidence, page 443)

5. February 1, 1977 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Romans 10:9 definitely refers to Jesus Christ as Lord, and the quotation from Isaiah 28:16 found in Romans 10:11, "None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed," also applies to Jesus. (Questions From Readers, page 95)

6. October 1981 "him" refers to God.
Kingdom Ministry—1981: Help the householder to see how the material contained in the magazines along with the Bible can build faith in God and his sure promises of a new earth.—Rom. 10:11. (Presenting the Good News—By Returning to Visit New Subscribers, page 8)

7. January 1, 1984 "him" refers to Jesus.
Survival Into a New Earth: But Jesus' own words reflect a spirit that is reassuring. He warmly invites us: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) What an appealing prospect! Those who heed that warm invitation, putting their full confidence in him, will not be disappointed. (Romans 10:11) (Who Leads the Way to Deliverance?, page 70)

Numbers 8 and 9 belong together...

8. November 1, 2004 "him" refers to God.
The Watchtower: The apostle Paul wrote: “None that rests his faith on [God] will be disappointed.” (Romans 10:11) (Will We Ever Enjoy Real Security?, page 32)
9. June 15, 2011 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: With reference to Jesus, Paul quoted Isaiah’s words: “None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) (There Is Good News That All Need, page 11)

10. September 15, 2012 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: We are confident that as long as we fully trust in Jehovah and put his Kingdom first, we will not be disappointed—Rom. 10:11. ("You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour", page 26)

11. 2019 "him" refers to Jesus.
Romans Study Notes—Chapter 10: Paul here shows that a person who exercises faith in Jesus Christ will not experience the shame and disappointment of those whose faith is shown to be in vain. (Romans 10:11)

The Jehovah's Witnesses think the light is growing brighter and brighter for them (Proverbs 4:18). However, their light more accurately resembles the light spoken of here:
Job 10:22
A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness. (KJV)
Good research :)
You continue to do so by your evasiveness. See Isaiah 28:15.

Your excuse for not being able to answer.
Don't blame me for your evasiveness.

All the while you can't identify if Ephesians 6:9 and Colossians 4:1 refers to your god.
Well Fred, God is about to show the world.
Well Fred, God is about to show the world.

Total garbage on your part.

You are unable to differentiate between your creator and creature-jesus in those two passages.
Decades of their junk false teaching has left you dumbfounded being unable to answer such an as easy question.

Thanks for letting me know.
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What is your answer to the question?

Thanks for asking.

I'm waiting for a Jehovah's Witness to answer that. They make grandiose claims about their organization, so they ought to back it up by answering it.

Furthermore, I already supplied their answer (actually their answers) to whom the "him" refers to in Romans 10:11. So now it's time for them to step up and demonstrate their claim that the light they have keeps getting brighter (cf. Proverbs 4:18) by answering the question I asked in post 9. In fact, I also helped by supplying the possible answers for it.

Since Keiw1 is frightened to do so then I have no problem waiting for any other JW to join this site and do so. If none ever do and this simple question goes unanswered then it is a testimony to the deficiency of their belief system.
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Thanks for asking.

I'm waiting for a Jehovah's Witness to answer that.
So, this is just another denomination bashing thread, offering no edification and in violating of Phillipians 4:8

Since Keiw1 is frightened to do so

I doubt it's fear but prudence to avoid the darkness from within Christiandom.

Jesus God is the only true God and his name YHWH, who we relate to as father. Back dooring another conclusion from ambiguous text is beyond the pale but that's all trinitarians got. That's my answer.
So, this is just another denomination bashing thread,

See 2 Corinthians 10:5.

offering no edification and in violating of Phillipians 4:8

See the same authors words in Acts 13:10.
Remember, he was "filled with the Holy Spirit" when he did so (Acts 13:9).

I doubt it's fear but prudence to avoid the darkness from within Christiandom.

Yeah, real tough to supply a letter (a, b, c, or d) for the answer.
Romans 10:11
For the scripture says: “No one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

Question: Does the singular "him" refers to Jehovah (their creator) or to Jesus (their creature)?
Answer: That would depend on the time the question is in reference to.

1. March 1, 1959 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Mankind’s only hope, our one refuge and concealment place, is in Zion, God’s heavenly kingdom. There Jehovah has laid as the basis of a stable, enduring government his Son, his tried Stone, his precious Stone of a sure foundation, Jesus Christ the King. (Isa. 28:16; 1 Peter 2:4-6; Rom. 9:32, 33; 10:6-11) (Warnings of Jehovah's Unusual Work, page 144)

2. July 1, 1971 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: Be a worshiper of Jehovah. In unity with other worshipers of Jehovah, acknowledge with thanks your own faith in Jehovah and you will never be disappointed. "For the Scripture says" 'None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.' For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for there is the same Lord over all, who is rich to all those calling upon him. For ‘everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.’”—Rom. 10:11-13 (Assemblies After the Death of Christ, page 402-403)

3. April 15, 1976 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Time would fail us to bear witness to Jesus Christ and tell all that he means to us as members of the fallen human family. Never will we be disappointed in him. "For the Scripture says: 'None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.'" (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) (Why We Need the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, page 245)

Only three months later...

4. July 15, 1976 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: Jehovah God, the God of truth, has given us his solemn “word,” and "none that rests his faith on him will be disappointed." (Rom. 10:11) (A Solid Basis for Confidence, page 443)

5. February 1, 1977 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: Romans 10:9 definitely refers to Jesus Christ as Lord, and the quotation from Isaiah 28:16 found in Romans 10:11, "None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed," also applies to Jesus. (Questions From Readers, page 95)

6. October 1981 "him" refers to God.
Kingdom Ministry—1981: Help the householder to see how the material contained in the magazines along with the Bible can build faith in God and his sure promises of a new earth.—Rom. 10:11. (Presenting the Good News—By Returning to Visit New Subscribers, page 8)

7. January 1, 1984 "him" refers to Jesus.
Survival Into a New Earth: But Jesus' own words reflect a spirit that is reassuring. He warmly invites us: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) What an appealing prospect! Those who heed that warm invitation, putting their full confidence in him, will not be disappointed. (Romans 10:11) (Who Leads the Way to Deliverance?, page 70)

Numbers 8 and 9 belong together...

8. November 1, 2004 "him" refers to God.
The Watchtower: The apostle Paul wrote: “None that rests his faith on [God] will be disappointed.” (Romans 10:11) (Will We Ever Enjoy Real Security?, page 32)
9. June 15, 2011 "him" refers to Jesus.
The Watchtower: With reference to Jesus, Paul quoted Isaiah’s words: “None that rests his faith on him will be disappointed.” (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) (There Is Good News That All Need, page 11)

10. September 15, 2012 "him" refers to Jehovah.
The Watchtower: We are confident that as long as we fully trust in Jehovah and put his Kingdom first, we will not be disappointed—Rom. 10:11. ("You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour", page 26)

11. 2019 "him" refers to Jesus.
Romans Study Notes—Chapter 10: Paul here shows that a person who exercises faith in Jesus Christ will not experience the shame and disappointment of those whose faith is shown to be in vain. (Romans 10:11)

The Jehovah's Witnesses think the light is growing brighter and brighter for them (Proverbs 4:18). However, their light more accurately resembles the light spoken of here:
Job 10:22
A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness. (KJV)
It is just as true that none that rests his faith on the Father will be disappointed as it is for resting our faith on the Son, and the way to rest our faith in the Father by obeying His law is identical to the way to have faith in the Son, so the whether Romans 10:11 is referring to the Father or the Son is a irrelevant.
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