Worshiping Jesus allowed (July 1, 1879 - December 31, 1953) <--> Worshiping Jesus not allowed (January 1, 1954 - the Present)

The JW's still affirmed worshiping Jesus anyway.

Go figure!
Until they put all the pieces together. Even the protestants saw that Catholicism was a false religion way back then. They didn't have easy access to information to fix things. So they didn't fix much. The JW,s fixed it. The supposed trinity scholars today know 100% they are teaching lies. They would lose billions of dollars year after year to say truth. Plus would get sued by 2 billion humans for stealing their money when they do know they don't teach truth.
They shattered the bottle, and they continue to do so even more!


They had their NWT and still affirmed the worship of Jesus for many years.
The protestants didn't have easy access to truths back then. Yes the JW,s did that is why they did all the correcting to false teachings taught through the centuries. In ignorance of fact they gave worship to Jesus. Once learning fact of the Greek word Proskenaue and all the other facts combined, they corrected that error.
It doesn't. But Jesus clearly teaches-The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. John 17:3-- Jesus is 100% correct.
Of course what Jesus said is true just like what Thomas said was true calling Him God and John calling Him the True God and Eternal Life nad Jude calling Him the ONLY SOVEREIGN and LORD and Paul calling Him our Great God and Savior and Peter calling Him our God and Savior and the list goes on.
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The Jehovah's Witnesses used to teach it was proper to worship the Lord Jesus.
This changed on January 1, 1954.
Since the Jehova's Witnesses are nothing but just another phony religious system, what they teach or don't teach couldn't be less important.
Only in your false reasonings.

The Watchtower: Though the book of Revelation is largely symbolic, there is truly much food for thought and fine counsel and encouragement in its plain statements. In particular are its messages to the seven congregations in Asia Minor very beneficial. Also, repeatedly we find the need of endurance stressed and the bright hope given of the eventual triumph of righteousness. (Rev. 1:9; 2:3, 19; 3:10; 13:10; 14:12) Also, throughout, it tells of or calls for worship, praise, and honor to be given to the Creator, Jehovah God, and to the Lamb. (A Revelation—of Jehovah's Will and Purposes, November 15, 1976, page 700)
Since the Jehova's Witnesses are nothing but just another phony religious system, what they teach or don't teach couldn't be less important.
Jesus teaches--The one who sent him( Father) = The ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3)--Paul teaches only the Father is God( 1 Cor 8:6) Thus so do the real teachers who have Jesus--No trinity religion does. The JW,s do.
The Watchtower: Though the book of Revelation is largely symbolic, there is truly much food for thought and fine counsel and encouragement in its plain statements. In particular are its messages to the seven congregations in Asia Minor very beneficial. Also, repeatedly we find the need of endurance stressed and the bright hope given of the eventual triumph of righteousness. (Rev. 1:9; 2:3, 19; 3:10; 13:10; 14:12) Also, throughout, it tells of or calls for worship, praise, and honor to be given to the Creator, Jehovah God, and to the Lamb. (A Revelation—of Jehovah's Will and Purposes, November 15, 1976, page 700)
Stop misleading people. Fact- straight from a JW--No worship is ever given to Jesus, only to the true God=YHWH(Jehovah)
Jesus teaches--The one who sent him( Father) = The ONLY TRUE GOD( John 17:3)--Paul teaches only the Father is God( 1 Cor 8:6) Thus so do the real teachers who have Jesus--No trinity religion does. The JW,s do.
JWs wouldn't recognize the TRUTH if it bet them in the face.
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