Paul: Jewish Law And Early Christianity


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Both Acts and the New Testament as a whole are far removed from Paul in time and circumstance, yet they gave birth to the traditional view of Paul. The unmistakable message of Acts—repeatedly placed in the mouth of Paul by scholars—is that gentiles have replaced the Jews as the people of God. And Acts is strategically placed before the letters of Paul, so that it is through Acts that we first meet Paul. In other words, a clear image of Paul is presented to us that preconditions our response to his letters.

Like Acts, the overall message of the New Testament regarding Judaism is that Judaism is rejected, invalidated and replaced by Christianity. And if this is the message of the New Testament as a whole, how can we doubt that its central figure (13 of its 27 writings claim to be written by Paul, and Acts is about him) preached this same message? In short, the other parts of the New Testament, particularly Acts, have always served as the lens through which Paul has been read and interpreted. This eschatological intensity is especially relevant to two central themes in Paul’s thinking. The first is the expectation in numerous Jewish texts of the time when the inclusion of the gentiles as children of God will take place at the end of history. The second is the elaborate scenario that maintains that the temporary blindness of the Jews is a divinely ordained precondition for the inclusion of the gentiles (Romans 11). According to the final stage of this scenario, once the gentiles are brought into a new relationship with God, Israel will come to its senses, and “All Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). Note that he does not say, “All Israel will come to believe in Jesus or Christianity,” just “All Israel will be saved.”

One final factor is important in understanding Paul’s letters from Paul’s viewpoint: Paul’s message contained instruction to and about gentiles—that they were being offered salvation outside the covenant with Israel—was actively and vociferously resisted by others within the Jesus movement. These anti-Pauline groups, whom Paul himself connects with Peter and James (the brother of Jesus) insisted that gentile followers of Jesus could be saved or redeemed only by becoming members of the people of Israel. For adult males, that meant circumcision. We also know that these anti-Pauline leaders from within the Jesus movement followed Paul from town to town, trying to impose their gospel of circumcision on his gentile believers. The issue between Paul and his opponents was not whether gentiles could become followers of Jesus. They could. The issue was whether they first had to become Jews or whether, as Paul insisted, a new way for them had been opened up by the faith and death of Jesus. It is these anti-Pauline apostles within the Jesus movement who are the targets of Paul’s anger. It is against them that his arguments are directed. His concern with circumcision has nothing to do with Jews outside the Jesus movement (as he tells us explicitly in Romans 2:25–3:4).

As the apostle, he is concerned exclusively with the issue of the circumcision of gentiles within the Jesus movement, but Paul never speaks of gentiles as replacing Israel. (Note that Paul never refers to gentile members of the Jesus movement as Christians; for him, humanity is always divided between Jews and gentiles.) And Paul never speaks of God as having rejected Israel in favor of a new chosen people. I cannot deny that interpreters throughout the ages have read him in this way. I believe that Paul vehemently repudiates this misreading of his thought: “I ask, then, has God rejected his people [Israel]? By no means!” (Romans 11:1).

Paul did not see the Mosaic Law as a bad thing or as somehow not being a revelation from God. The issue then is not whether Paul might have been anti-Law, because he wasn’t. Rather, the issue is how Paul viewed the Law’s role in the larger picture of salvation history, and the effect that Israel's Messiah had upon the Law. And what Paul says as clearly as he can in Galatians 3–4, in 2 Corinthians 3 and even in Romans is that the Law, though a very good thing, has been eclipsed by the revelation of God in Jesus Christ and must now be seen as obsolescent:

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. Gal. 3:23–25.

For Paul, the new covenant in Christ is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant. Paul views the Mosaic covenant as an interim solution for God’s people, and he believes that the covenant’s day has passed. In Galatians 4, Paul likens the Mosaic covenant to a minor’s guardian who plays an important role—but only until the youth comes of age. But as Galatians 4:4 says, when the fullness of time had come, God sent “forth his Son…born under the Law to redeem those who were under the Law.” Paul can only be referring to persons like himself, namely Jews. In other words, whether we agree with him or not, Paul believes Jesus is indeed the savior of Jews as well as gentiles. He believes that Jews need to be redeemed from the Law, not because the Law is a bad thing, but because it cannot save fallen human beings; it cannot make them new creatures. As Paul puts it: “For we hold that a person is justified by faith apart from works prescribed by the Law…Since God is one…he will justify the circumcised on the ground of faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith” (Romans 3:28–30).

Paul does not believe that Jews will be justified one way and gentiles another: He believes they will both be justified by a saving faith in the one Messiah for both Jews and gentiles, Jesus of Nazareth. We must make no mistake: In Romans 9:5, when Paul says the Messiah comes from Israel, he means the Messiah anticipated by Jews as their redeemer, whom he believes has now come in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Paul never refers to anyone other than Jesus as “the Christ.” As Paul says in Romans 1:16– 17, the good news (that is, the gospel about Jesus) is the power of salvation “for everyone who has faith to the Jew first and also to the Gentiles.” Such statements cannot be dismissed simply as rhetorical flourishes intended solely for gentiles to make them feel they have equal standing with Jews before God.
Both Acts and the New Testament as a whole are far removed from Paul in time and circumstance, yet they gave birth to the traditional view of Paul. The unmistakable message of Acts—repeatedly placed in the mouth of Paul by scholars—is that gentiles have replaced the Jews as the people of God. And Acts is strategically placed before the letters of Paul, so that it is through Acts that we first meet Paul. In other words, a clear image of Paul is presented to us that preconditions our response to his letters.

Like Acts, the overall message of the New Testament regarding Judaism is that Judaism is rejected, invalidated and replaced by Christianity. And if this is the message of the New Testament as a whole, how can we doubt that its central figure (13 of its 27 writings claim to be written by Paul, and Acts is about him) preached this same message? In short, the other parts of the New Testament, particularly Acts, have always served as the lens through which Paul has been read and interpreted. This eschatological intensity is especially relevant to two central themes in Paul’s thinking. The first is the expectation in numerous Jewish texts of the time when the inclusion of the gentiles as children of God will take place at the end of history. The second is the elaborate scenario that maintains that the temporary blindness of the Jews is a divinely ordained precondition for the inclusion of the gentiles (Romans 11). According to the final stage of this scenario, once the gentiles are brought into a new relationship with God, Israel will come to its senses, and “All Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). Note that he does not say, “All Israel will come to believe in Jesus or Christianity,” just “All Israel will be saved.”
The Romans 11:25-32 verses of Paul's reference to Isaiah about all Israel being saved, is... about all 'true' Israel being saved that will believe on Jesus Christ. And I guarantee, Apostle Paul agrees with this, since he proclaimed there is neither Jew nor Gentile when it comes to Faith on Jesus Christ.

And furthermore, God is Who put that 'blindness' upon the unbelieving Jews, for our sakes, so The Gospel would go to the Gentiles. And just as Christ Jesus influenced Apostle Paul's conversion, He can also influence those Jews in the future once their blindness is removed. So it is not up to us in Christ to say against Paul, that 'all' Israel cannot be, or will not be saved.

One final factor is important in understanding Paul’s letters from Paul’s viewpoint: Paul’s message contained instruction to and about gentiles—that they were being offered salvation outside the covenant with Israel—was actively and vociferously resisted by others within the Jesus movement. These anti-Pauline groups, whom Paul himself connects with Peter and James (the brother of Jesus) insisted that gentile followers of Jesus could be saved or redeemed only by becoming members of the people of Israel. For adult males, that meant circumcision. We also know that these anti-Pauline leaders from within the Jesus movement followed Paul from town to town, trying to impose their gospel of circumcision on his gentile believers. The issue between Paul and his opponents was not whether gentiles could become followers of Jesus. They could. The issue was whether they first had to become Jews or whether, as Paul insisted, a new way for them had been opened up by the faith and death of Jesus. It is these anti-Pauline apostles within the Jesus movement who are the targets of Paul’s anger. It is against them that his arguments are directed. His concern with circumcision has nothing to do with Jews outside the Jesus movement (as he tells us explicitly in Romans 2:25–3:4).

I don't think you are understanding who was really causing the strife within the early believers among Paul and the other Apostles. Paul points them out more in Galatians as being Pharisee converts, NOT the Jewish Apostles chosen by Christ. Peter himself in Acts 15 along with Apostle James at Jerusalem confirmed to not put laws of circumcision and keeping the law upon the believing Gentiles.

But they did require the Gentiles to keep certain aspects of God's laws, 1) to abstain from pollution of idols, 2) and from fornication, 3) and from things strangled, 4) and from blood (i.e., eating or drinking blood). But of course Apostle Paul himself continued... that list to Christ's Church in 1 Timothy 1, and in 1 Corinthians 6, and Galatians 5.

And Apostle Paul covered the subject of God's laws to the Christian Church as a whole, and not just when speaking with Jewish believers on Christ (again see 1 Timothy 1; Galatians 5; 1 Corinthians 6). The early Western Christian Churches actually followed... much of God's law as part of Christian Doctrine, even in America with the Blue Laws (which have been removed by Christ's enemies over time). Thus many of God's laws are still... in effect for the Christian to this day. But Christ's Salvation is always a free gift by Faith, and not of works. Yet God's laws are given to make His people have good health, live in peace, and prosperity (Gentile believers too).

Ephesians 2:11-13 is Paul declaring specifically to Gentile believers on Christ, how by their Faith on Christ, they have come into God's "covenants of promise" first given to Israel, and Paul there called them part of the "commonwealth of Israel".

So Paul NEVER made any claim that Gentiles were being offered Salvation "outside the covenant with Israel" as you said in your post. That is a misleading statement.

The Gentiles were, and are, offered the SAME Covenants of Promise that the seed of Israel has been offered, in Jesus Christ. This is why in final, the Old Testament prophets revealed that the believing Gentiles INHERIT WITH faithful Abraham (per Galatians 3, again said by Apostle Paul).

You are starting to sound like those false Berean Hyper-Grace, Hyper-Dispensationalist types which try to separate Paul's Epistles from the rest of The Bible.

As the apostle, he is concerned exclusively with the issue of the circumcision of gentiles within the Jesus movement, but Paul never speaks of gentiles as replacing Israel. (Note that Paul never refers to gentile members of the Jesus movement as Christians; for him, humanity is always divided between Jews and gentiles.) And Paul never speaks of God as having rejected Israel in favor of a new chosen people. I cannot deny that interpreters throughout the ages have read him in this way. I believe that Paul vehemently repudiates this misreading of his thought: “I ask, then, has God rejected his people [Israel]? By no means!” (Romans 11:1).

Of course Paul was concerned with the Pharisee converts that had crept in which were trying to require believing Gentiles to be flesh circumcised to be saved in Christ. Flesh circumcision for males is still a healthy practice though, so one should not put it in the category of the boogeyman. It's simply not a requirement to be saved by Lord Jesus. (No, I am not Jewish).

Of course also, Paul never said that Gentiles replace Israel. Instead, Paul showed that believing Gentiles are PART OF GOD'S ISRAEL, and not the Israel which the Pharisee consider as Israel. This is where a lot of Old Testament Bible history comes into focus, which includes the events of God splitting old Israel into two separate kingdoms, with the ten northern tribes of the "house of Israel" being separated from the Jews of the "house of Judah", and God scattering the ten tribes among the Gentiles, where The Gospel of Jesus Christ would be sent after the Jews rejected Jesus.

Those who push doctrines of separation between Christ's Church of believing Israelites per God's promises and covenants from the believing Gentiles, go directly against Apostle Paul's teachings, and even God's promises per the Old Testament prophets. And Apostle Peter told those in Christ to be mindful of the words spoken by the Old Testament prophets too (2 Peter 3:2).

On a greater note about the majority of the seed of Israel, Apostle Paul showed in Romans 9 when quoting from the Book of Hosea that the scattered ten tribe "house of Israel" would be scattered among, and joined with the Gentiles in later history. Paul was saying that to Roman Gentile believers, when God had given the Book of Hosea 'specifically'... to and about the ten tribe "house of Israel". For those who understand God's prophecy that Jacob's seed would eventually become "a company of nations" (Gen.35), and that Ephraim's seed would become "a multitude of nations" (Gen.48), then no surprise about Apostle Paul quoting from Hosea to Gentile Roman believers on Jesus Christ in the European nations.

Obviously, many of the ten lost tribes were among those Paul was speaking to, and Paul likely knew it, but they themselves mostly did not, as the ten tribes as a majority lost their heritage as being old Israel, while the Jews did not lose that heritage, even as God Himself said Judah would remain faithful at that time of Hosea (see Hosea 1:7; Hosea 4:15 and Hosea 11:12). This appears to be one of the topics you may be lacking in your Bible understanding concerning just who today's Israel really is according to God, and not per the unbelieving Jew. When those who understand that God scattered the majority of the seed of old Israel, the ten northern tribes, among the Gentiles, it would fulfill His covenants and promises to BOTH the majority of the seed of Israel and the Gentiles, together as one body in Christ Jesus, His Church. This is why Lord Jesus said He was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the "house of Israel", that "house of Israel" title after God split old Israel per 1 Kings 11 meaning the ten northern tribes only, and not the Jews of the southern "kingdom of Judah", or "house of Judah". It was the majority of the Jews of the "house of Judah" that rejected Jesus as The Christ, not the ten tribes that were even present in the holy land at Christ's 1st coming.
The Romans 11:25-32 verses of Paul's reference to Isaiah about all Israel being saved, is... about all 'true' Israel being saved that will believe on Jesus Christ. And I guarantee, Apostle Paul agrees with this, since he proclaimed there is neither Jew nor Gentile when it comes to Faith on Jesus Christ.
First thing to realize is Paul/Saul is writing to Jewish Christians at Rome.
Second, there is no requirement of "faith" in the Abrahamic Covenant. The only requirement is circumcision.
Third, concerning Israel they walked both by sight and by faith (mixed in) but as a covenant Paul states at the beginning of chapter 11 "I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid." (Rom. 11:1.)
There is no mention of "remnant" or "faith." Paul continues: "Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace" (Rom. 11:5–6) and this remnant is in reference to the people that have digged down altars and killed the prophets. In other words, not everyone digged down altars and killed the prophets for there is a remnant that didn't. "Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace" (Rom. 11:5). Same reasoning. This does not speak of salvation but an "us" vs. "them" circumstance. Paul is going somewhere with this whole discourse: "Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?" (Rom. 11:12). Paul says "and all Israel shall be saved." There is no mention that they will accept their Messiah and Christ and no mention of "remnant" or "faith," but merely "all Israel shall be saved."
If God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his seed (children of Israel) then it is an everlasting covenant. All Israel shall be saved based on this covenant. First, God makes command as requirement to this covenant of circumcision of the flesh. In the New Covenant God makes these statements: "At the same time, saith the LORD, Will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people" Jer. 31. - and - "For they shall all know me, From the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: For I will forgive their iniquity, And I will remember their sin no more" (Jer. 31:34).
Again, no mention of "remnant" nor "faith" but God in covenant being their God and all the people being His people.
God saves Israel merely on the good pleasure of His will to choose this people out of all the families of the earth.

But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
10 And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face. Dt. 7:8–10.

It is a short work, Scripture says, that God will make in the earth. And those that disobey or get in the way or rebel against Him He will destroy. He's done that. He destroyed Egypt that got in the way of Israel's departure. He destroyed 23,000 at the foot of Mount Sinai, but in all this destroying, and God making promise of "all" and "every" this destruction can only be a physical destruction, but as per the everlasting covenant by which God saves, Paul's statement of "and all Israel shall be saved" makes sense to me.
Keep in mind the covenant is everlasting covenant meaning eternal life. And it is their inheritance: The rich young man asked about his inheritance. He came to Rabbi Jesus to ask hHim about his inheritance because now that Messiah had come in his mind as in the mind of those who thought it through his concern had to be 'what effect this Jesus, Israel's Messiah, would have upon their Judaic religion. Although Jesus directs the man to the Moral Laws it says in Mark "Jesus loved him" as being a son of Abraham and of the covenant and the man needed only one thing: "follow me." He did that and may have been among the 3000 Jews saved at the Feast of Harvests. Those Jesus loves do not go to hell, and it says God didn''t choose Israel except out of love and this would include "all" and "every"one in God's everlasting covenant.
And furthermore, God is Who put that 'blindness' upon the unbelieving Jews, for our sakes, so The Gospel would go to the Gentiles. And just as Christ Jesus influenced Apostle Paul's conversion, He can also influence those Jews in the future once their blindness is removed. So it is not up to us in Christ to say against Paul, that 'all' Israel cannot be, or will not be saved.
But the gospel [good news] did not go out to Gentiles: It went out to Jews.
I don't think you are understanding who was really causing the strife within the early believers among Paul and the other Apostles. Paul points them out more in Galatians as being Pharisee converts, NOT the Jewish Apostles chosen by Christ. Peter himself in Acts 15 along with Apostle James at Jerusalem confirmed to not put laws of circumcision and keeping the law upon the believing Gentiles.
Peter, James, and John were not priests nor had access to the Scripture as Paul did and through his study could see and write what he did about Israel's covenants to the Jewish Christians he wrote to in Ephesus and Corith, etc. It is a Jewish covenant and the twelve tribes scattered must needs to know their Messiah had come and God has kept His promises to them. Peter, James, and John were at the beginning muddling through in the beginning thinking to apply Judaic information to this 'new thing God was doing in the earth' and one thing that they espoused was circumcision. The issue at Antioch when James sent Judaizers there and Paul chastised Peter 'before them all."
But they did require the Gentiles to keep certain aspects of God's laws, 1) to abstain from pollution of idols, 2) and from fornication, 3) and from things strangled, 4) and from blood (i.e., eating or drinking blood). But of course Apostle Paul himself continued... that list to Christ's Church in 1 Timothy 1, and in 1 Corinthians 6, and Galatians 5.
This is because as Jews and having a Jewish Messiah they did not know everything that we do in hindsight. For them they saw it as a continuation of the Law.
And Apostle Paul covered the subject of God's laws to the Christian Church as a whole, and not just when speaking with Jewish believers on Christ (again see 1 Timothy 1; Galatians 5; 1 Corinthians 6). The early Western Christian Churches actually followed... much of God's law as part of Christian Doctrine, even in America with the Blue Laws (which have been removed by Christ's enemies over time). Thus many of God's laws are still... in effect for the Christian to this day. But Christ's Salvation is always a free gift by Faith, and not of works. Yet God's laws are given to make His people have good health, live in peace, and prosperity (Gentile believers too).
Christ's salvation to the Jews is bought through covenant. Gentiles have only been grafted in without covenant.
Ephesians 2:11-13 is Paul declaring specifically to Gentile believers on Christ, how by their Faith on Christ, they have come into God's "covenants of promise" first given to Israel, and Paul there called them part of the "commonwealth of Israel".
Gentiles have never "come into covenant." They are saved without covenant.
So Paul NEVER made any claim that Gentiles were being offered Salvation "outside the covenant with Israel" as you said in your post. That is a misleading statement.
The Gentiles were, and are, offered the SAME Covenants of Promise that the seed of Israel has been offered, in Jesus Christ. This is why in final, the Old Testament prophets revealed that the believing Gentiles INHERIT WITH faithful Abraham (per Galatians 3, again said by Apostle Paul).
Show me Scripture of God making covenant with Gentiles or the seed of Gentiles.
There is none. Whatever Paul wrote in his letters to Jewish Christians at the churches he wrote to was to Jewish Christians. He may speak about Gentiles, but all his letters are addressed to Jewish Christians at these churches in Asia Minor.
You are starting to sound like those false Berean Hyper-Grace, Hyper-Dispensationalist types which try to separate Paul's Epistles from the rest of The Bible.
Paul's epistles are an explanation of the New Covenant to Jewish Christians, not a separation. But there is a separation. Covenant Jewish Christians and non-covenant Gentile Christians. One holds the covenant and promises the other doesn't (Rom. 9:4)
Of course Paul was concerned with the Pharisee converts that had crept in which were trying to require believing Gentiles to be flesh circumcised to be saved in Christ. Flesh circumcision for males is still a healthy practice though, so one should not put it in the category of the boogeyman. It's simply not a requirement to be saved by Lord Jesus. (No, I am not Jewish).
Of course also, Paul never said that Gentiles replace Israel. Instead, Paul showed that believing Gentiles are PART OF GOD'S ISRAEL, and not the Israel which the Pharisee consider as Israel. This is where a lot of Old Testament Bible history comes into focus, which includes the events of God splitting old Israel into two separate kingdoms, with the ten northern tribes of the "house of Israel" being separated from the Jews of the "house of Judah", and God scattering the ten tribes among the Gentiles, where The Gospel of Jesus Christ would be sent after the Jews rejected Jesus.
Gentiles are a part of Christ, not Israel proper.
Those who push doctrines of separation between Christ's Church of believing Israelites per God's promises and covenants from the believing Gentiles, go directly against Apostle Paul's teachings, and even God's promises per the Old Testament prophets. And Apostle Peter told those in Christ to be mindful of the words spoken by the Old Testament prophets too (2 Peter 3:2).
On a greater note about the majority of the seed of Israel, Apostle Paul showed in Romans 9 when quoting from the Book of Hosea that the scattered ten tribe "house of Israel" would be scattered among, and joined with the Gentiles in later history. Paul was saying that to Roman Gentile believers, when God had given the Book of Hosea 'specifically'... to and about the ten tribe "house of Israel". For those who understand God's prophecy that Jacob's seed would eventually become "a company of nations" (Gen.35), and that Ephraim's seed would become "a multitude of nations" (Gen.48), then no surprise about Apostle Paul quoting from Hosea to Gentile Roman believers on Jesus Christ in the European nations.
Obviously, many of the ten lost tribes were among those Paul was speaking to, and Paul likely knew it, but they themselves mostly did not, as the ten tribes as a majority lost their heritage as being old Israel, while the Jews did not lose that heritage, even as God Himself said Judah would remain faithful at that time of Hosea (see Hosea 1:7; Hosea 4:15 and Hosea 11:12). This appears to be one of the topics you may be lacking in your Bible understanding concerning just who today's Israel really is according to God, and not per the unbelieving Jew. When those who understand that God scattered the majority of the seed of old Israel, the ten northern tribes, among the Gentiles, it would fulfill His covenants and promises to BOTH the majority of the seed of Israel and the Gentiles, together as one body in Christ Jesus, His Church. This is why Lord Jesus said He was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the "house of Israel", that "house of Israel" title after God split old Israel per 1 Kings 11 meaning the ten northern tribes only, and not the Jews of the southern "kingdom of Judah", or "house of Judah". It was the majority of the Jews of the "house of Judah" that rejected Jesus as The Christ, not the ten tribes that were even present in the holy land at Christ's 1st coming.
There is a 10,000 character limit and it has been reached. I cannot properly respond to the above.
First thing to realize is Paul/Saul is writing to Jewish Christians at Rome.
That's a false assumption from men's traditions.

Paul preached The Gospel in his own house in Rome for 2 years to whomever came to hear. At one point, per Acts 28, Paul called specifically his Jewish brethren to hear him, but those Jews still... chose to REJECT Jesus Christ.

Acts 28:28-31
28 Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it.
29 And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves.
30 And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him,
31 Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.

But men's doctrines pushed by old Pharisee converts that have crept into Christ's Church over history still even push the falsehood that all Israelites are JEWS, when that is not true, not Biblically, and not historically even per the Jewish historian Josephus (100 A.D.) who said the title of JEW originated from the tribe of Judah, and was used by those who went captive to Babylon and returned to Jerusalem after their 70 years captivity. The ten tribes had been removed from the holy land about 120 years prior to the Jews of the southern kingdom even going captive to Babylon for 70 years.

The scattering and migrations of the ten lost tribes of Israel into Asia Minor and Europe is an historical fact. And by that time they had changed their culture, losing knowledge of their heritage as being part of Israel and had become as Gentiles, living among Gentiles, like God said He would cause upon them per the prophet Hosea and Deuteronomy 4 & 28. But Judah did not lost their heritage as 'part' of Israel like God said in Hosea, and kept God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths, even to this day. The Jews do not know where the ten lost tribes wound up, nor does the majority of the world know, but God knows as He prophesied about their return in final.

Second, there is no requirement of "faith" in the Abrahamic Covenant. The only requirement is circumcision.
You must be a Jew, because the Abrahamic Covenant is about the Promise by Faith which God first gave through Abraham, and Abraham believed God, and God counted it to Abraham as righteousness. Apostle Paul proclaimed that SAME Faith by Abraham as the SAME Faith that all Christians have believed! Many don't like to include that Promise by Faith first given through Abraham in the 'Abrahamic Covenant' idea, but that was part of it, and that PRIOR to the idea flesh circumcision.

Gal 3:6-9
6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

Gal 3:29
And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Did you get that? Paul showed those in Christ, The Church, now represents Abraham's seed and HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE? Thus the faithful Gentiles INHERIT with the faithful Israelites, both together under Christ Jesus.

And if I had time, I would reveal just HOW... the promises and blessings God first gave through Abraham eventually wound upon Christ's Church today, primarily with the establishing of the early Western Christian Nations, and was furthered from there.

Those promises were once upon old Israel before God split up Israel in Solomon's day. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, ENDED David's throne in Jerusalem, and it has never been established there again since the days of Zedekiah, king of Judah. But the Western Christian nations have had MANY Christian kings throughout its western history, and still do to this day!

Not only is the moving of the kingline of the house of David happened to Jerusalem, but so were many of the other blessings to Abraham, like the idea of plenty of corn and wine (best land resources on the earth), ruling the gates of one's enemies (great military power), and a seed as many as the stars of the sky, and sands of the sea (which applied to the ten northern tribes which made up the majority of the seed of old Israel before they were scattered among the Gentiles).

That's a false assumption from men's traditions.
3000 Jews were saved and ADDED to the Church daily such as should be saved. The New Covenant was made with the House of Israel of twelve tribes. There are no Gentiles mentioned here or in any of the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses/children of Israel, David, etc. God made no covenant with Gentiles. 3000 Jews were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit of Promise, and when these Jews returned back to their homes and synagogues from where they came in these Gentile lands and cities, they took Jesus back with them and an outline of Peter's sermon. They shared with their Jewish brethren in their synagogues and in the marketplace Jesus and many more Jews were saved. These Jews came from the places that are identified by the tongues the eleven disciples spoke. 17 languages and dialects. These Jews came from Corinth, Rome, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, etc., and returned to their synagogues where they most assuredly shared their experience with their Jewish brethren. In time a split occurred as it did in every city and town these Jewish Christians returned home to because these Judaizers stumbled at the testimony of their prophesied Messiah was hung on a tree and everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed. So, Jewish Christians began to fellowship in their homes. Soon, a breaking point occurred and Judaizers persecuted the new "sect" called "the Way" and Jewish Christians left again to other places to escaped. Hebrews 6 addresses Jewish Christians that to escape persecution wanted to return to their Judaism as was first understood but that was impossible after tasting of the heavenly gift, etc.
The New Covenant is a Jewish covenant. Jesus is a Jewish Messiah. The letters Peter, Paul, James, wrote contain much about the covenants, Abraham, Moses, their prophets, their religion, their rituals, their culture, their practices, their history, and Jewish issues for any Gentile carried away by their dumb idols could understand. The letters contain way too much about Jews for any Gentile to understand. God is not going to spend a great portion of history dealing with Israel and their covenants and as soon as the New Covenant is instituted send His first messages to Gentiles. The eleven disciples were instructed by Jesus to take a message of the arrival of Israel's Messiah to the twelve tribes scattered throughout the then-known world to let them know God has kept His Promises.
Paul preached The Gospel in his own house in Rome for 2 years to whomever came to hear. At one point, per Acts 28, Paul called specifically his Jewish brethren to hear him, but those Jews still... chose to REJECT Jesus Christ.
You are at Acts 28, approximately 30 years after ascension. Until then it was Jews that were saved being a Jewish Covenant and predominantly every Jewish church populated by Jewish Christians.
But men's doctrines pushed by old Pharisee converts that have crept into Christ's Church over history still even push the falsehood that all Israelites are JEWS, when that is not true, not Biblically, and not historically even per the Jewish historian Josephus (100 A.D.) who said the title of JEW originated from the tribe of Judah, and was used by those who went captive to Babylon and returned to Jerusalem after their 70 years captivity. The ten tribes had been removed from the holy land about 120 years prior to the Jews of the southern kingdom even going captive to Babylon for 70 years.
You tell me about "men's falsehoods" and then quote as your support a man. I'm looking at the Scripture and being a Jewish covenant and the New Covenant Church founded by Jews is the truth of the matter.
The scattering and migrations of the ten lost tribes of Israel into Asia Minor and Europe is an historical fact. And by that time they had changed their culture, losing knowledge of their heritage as being part of Israel and had become as Gentiles, living among Gentiles, like God said He would cause upon them per the prophet Hosea and Deuteronomy 4 & 28. But Judah did not lost their heritage as 'part' of Israel like God said in Hosea, and kept God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths, even to this day. The Jews do not know where the ten lost tribes wound up, nor does the majority of the world know, but God knows as He prophesied about their return in final.
How can they be "lost" when Peter's sermon in Acts 2 is addressed to the twelve tribes? How can they be lost when James addresses the twelve tribes in his letter scattered, not lost.
You must be a Jew, because the Abrahamic Covenant is about the Promise by Faith which God first gave through Abraham, and Abraham believed God, and God counted it to Abraham as righteousness. Apostle Paul proclaimed that SAME Faith by Abraham as the SAME Faith that all Christians have believed! Many don't like to include that Promise by Faith first given through Abraham in the 'Abrahamic Covenant' idea, but that was part of it, and that PRIOR to the idea flesh circumcision.
OK. You quote Galatians. Now show me in Genesis 17 where the actual Abrahamic Covenant is recorded any requirement for "faith" and any curse for disobedience.
Gal 3:29
And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Paul is writing to Jewish Christians and the effect the arrival of Israel's Messiah would have on their covenants. Read it in the context in which it was written and come to the knowledge of the truth.
Did you get that? Paul showed those in Christ, The Church, now represents Abraham's seed and HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE? Thus the faithful Gentiles INHERIT with the faithful Israelites, both together under Christ Jesus.
Paul is addressing Jewish Christians.
And if I had time, I would reveal just HOW... the promises and blessings God first gave through Abraham eventually wound upon Christ's Church today, primarily with the establishing of the early Western Christian Nations, and was furthered from there.
We are in the Times of the Gentiles. When this era is over God turns His full attention back to Israel His Bride for He still has everlasting promises to fulfill with His betrothed.
Those promises were once upon old Israel before God split up Israel in Solomon's day. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, ENDED David's throne in Jerusalem, and it has never been established there again since the days of Zedekiah, king of Judah. But the Western Christian nations have had MANY Christian kings throughout its western history, and still do to this day!

Not only is the moving of the kingline of the house of David happened to Jerusalem, but so were many of the other blessings to Abraham, like the idea of plenty of corn and wine (best land resources on the earth), ruling the gates of one's enemies (great military power), and a seed as many as the stars of the sky, and sands of the sea (which applied to the ten northern tribes which made up the majority of the seed of old Israel before they were scattered among the Gentiles).
The covenants God made with Israel are everlasting. No end.
But God made no covenant with Gentiles.
At the Marriage Supper Israel is there by Covenant.
Gentiles are there by invitation (Matt. 22.)
3000 Jews were saved and ADDED to the Church daily such as should be saved. The New Covenant was made with the House of Israel of twelve tribes. There are no Gentiles mentioned here or in any of the covenants God made with Abraham, Moses/children of Israel, David, etc. God made no covenant with Gentiles. 3000 Jews were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit of Promise, and when these Jews returned back to their homes and synagogues from where they came in these Gentile lands and cities, they took Jesus back with them and an outline of Peter's sermon. They shared with their Jewish brethren in their synagogues and in the marketplace Jesus and many more Jews were saved. These Jews came from the places that are identified by the tongues the eleven disciples spoke. 17 languages and dialects. These Jews came from Corinth, Rome, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, etc., and returned to their synagogues where they most assuredly shared their experience with their Jewish brethren. In time a split occurred as it did in every city and town these Jewish Christians returned home to because these Judaizers stumbled at the testimony of their prophesied Messiah was hung on a tree and everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed. So, Jewish Christians began to fellowship in their homes. Soon, a breaking point occurred and Judaizers persecuted the new "sect" called "the Way" and Jewish Christians left again to other places to escaped. Hebrews 6 addresses Jewish Christians that to escape persecution wanted to return to their Judaism as was first understood but that was impossible after tasting of the heavenly gift, etc.
The New Covenant is a Jewish covenant. Jesus is a Jewish Messiah. The letters Peter, Paul, James, wrote contain much about the covenants, Abraham, Moses, their prophets, their religion, their rituals, their culture, their practices, their history, and Jewish issues for any Gentile carried away by their dumb idols could understand. The letters contain way too much about Jews for any Gentile to understand. God is not going to spend a great portion of history dealing with Israel and their covenants and as soon as the New Covenant is instituted send His first messages to Gentiles. The eleven disciples were instructed by Jesus to take a message of the arrival of Israel's Messiah to the twelve tribes scattered throughout the then-known world to let them know God has kept His Promises.

You are at Acts 28, approximately 30 years after ascension. Until then it was Jews that were saved being a Jewish Covenant and predominantly every Jewish church populated by Jewish Christians.

You tell me about "men's falsehoods" and then quote as your support a man. I'm looking at the Scripture and being a Jewish covenant and the New Covenant Church founded by Jews is the truth of the matter.

How can they be "lost" when Peter's sermon in Acts 2 is addressed to the twelve tribes? How can they be lost when James addresses the twelve tribes in his letter scattered, not lost.

OK. You quote Galatians. Now show me in Genesis 17 where the actual Abrahamic Covenant is recorded any requirement for "faith" and any curse for disobedience.

Paul is writing to Jewish Christians and the effect the arrival of Israel's Messiah would have on their covenants. Read it in the context in which it was written and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Paul is addressing Jewish Christians.

We are in the Times of the Gentiles. When this era is over God turns His full attention back to Israel His Bride for He still has everlasting promises to fulfill with His betrothed.

The covenants God made with Israel are everlasting. No end.
But God made no covenant with Gentiles.
At the Marriage Supper Israel is there by Covenant.
Gentiles are there by invitation (Matt. 22.)

You are simply in denial of many... Bible Scriptures.

The subject Apostle Paul covered in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 was specifically about God's promises under The New Covenant going ALSO to the Gentiles, and how the believing Gentile has become HEIR with faithful Abraham.

Gal 3:29
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

That isn't just about believing Israelites, it includes believing Gentiles.
I can also see that this Forum needs some Lessons on the difference between the "house of Israel" and the "house of Judah" after God split old Israel into two separate kingdoms and nations, starting at 1 Kings 11, and also His prophecies that are different for each 'house'.
many souls since the fall happened have met Christ and belong to God and hold to His promise to be restored to eden paradise.
You are simply in denial of many... Bible Scriptures.

The subject Apostle Paul covered in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 was specifically about God's promises under The New Covenant going ALSO to the Gentiles, and how the believing Gentile has become HEIR with faithful Abraham.

Gal 3:29
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

That isn't just about believing Israelites, it includes believing Gentiles.
Paul writes to Jewish Christians in A.D. 49 and in this letter describes many aspects of the Judaic religion, including Abraham, the Law, the covenants, the promises of God, the rituals and practices of Judaism, and the level of knowledge in this letter is way beyond any Gentile carried away with dumb idols to understand.
It's a Jewish Covenant.
Jesus is a Jewish Messiah.
Paul is a Jewish Christ-follower.
The New Covenant Church, which is a continuation of the Great Congregation of over 3 million Jews in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle, is founded by Jews.
3000 Jews at this Jewish feasts were saved, a majority of them who came to this Jewish feast from homes located in Gentile lands took Jesus back to their towns and cities and synagogues and many more Jews were saved.
The New Covenant Church was founded by Jews.
And Paul's letter in which he discusses Jewish ideas, concepts, Jewish religion, the Abrahamic Covenant, the Law of Moses, and other Jewish issues Jews confronted in their following their Jewish Messiah needed to understand what effect the coming of their Jewish Messiah had on their Judaic religion and Paul writes to help them sort it out.
He tell them that if you belong to Christ you are STILL in the Abrahamic covenant and what Gentiles do is turn this around to say Paul was writing to Gentiles not more than 15 years after the Jews founded the New Covenant Jewish Church throughout the then-known world, and that everything about the New Covenant being a Jewish covenant and God made no covenant with Gentiles, that God's first messages about Israel's New Covenant He makes to Gentiles?
I suppose Gentiles were quick to include themselves in the Abrahamic Covenant within 15 years of its making.
Maybe Gentiles also included themselves in the Mosaic Covenant at the foot of Mount Sinai within 15 years of the making of that covenant, too?

YOU SAID: "The subject Apostle Paul covered in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 was specifically about God's promises under The New Covenant going ALSO to the Gentiles, and how the believing Gentile has become HEIR with faithful Abraham."

RESPONSE: God's covenants Paul mentions in Romans and Galatians said nothing about Gentiles. Here is the New Covenant promise. Show me where Gentiles are mentioned:

31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
In the day that I took them by the hand
To bring them out of the land of Egypt;
Which my covenant they brake,
Although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying,
Know the LORD:
For they shall all know me,
From the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD:
For I will forgive their iniquity,
And I will remember their sin no more.
Jer. 31:31–34.

This is a Jewish Covenant. There are NO GENTILES in this Jewish Covenant. Paul is writing to Jewish Christians at Rome and Galatia and describing to the other Jewish Christians the effect of Israel's Messiah - who is a JEWISH Messiah - had on their covenants, especially the Abrahamic Covenant.
This is the only way to understand Paul's words. To read it with a Gentile mindset that Paul was writing to Gentiles who knew NOTHING about the covenants, who Abraham was, the promises, the history, the rituals, the practices, and the prophecies of the JEWISH religion.

So, show me where Gentiles are mentioned in the original promise of the New Covenant God made with the house of Israel.
Look carefully in Jeremiah 31.
Paul writes to Jewish Christians in A.D. 49 and in this letter describes many aspects of the Judaic religion, including Abraham, the Law, the covenants, the promises of God, the rituals and practices of Judaism, and the level of knowledge in this letter is way beyond any Gentile carried away with dumb idols to understand.
It's a Jewish Covenant.
Jesus is a Jewish Messiah.
Paul is a Jewish Christ-follower.
The New Covenant Church, which is a continuation of the Great Congregation of over 3 million Jews in the desert at the time of the Tabernacle, is founded by Jews.
3000 Jews at this Jewish feasts were saved, a majority of them who came to this Jewish feast from homes located in Gentile lands took Jesus back to their towns and cities and synagogues and many more Jews were saved.
The New Covenant Church was founded by Jews.
And Paul's letter in which he discusses Jewish ideas, concepts, Jewish religion, the Abrahamic Covenant, the Law of Moses, and other Jewish issues Jews confronted in their following their Jewish Messiah needed to understand what effect the coming of their Jewish Messiah had on their Judaic religion and Paul writes to help them sort it out.
He tell them that if you belong to Christ you are STILL in the Abrahamic covenant and what Gentiles do is turn this around to say Paul was writing to Gentiles not more than 15 years after the Jews founded the New Covenant Jewish Church throughout the then-known world, and that everything about the New Covenant being a Jewish covenant and God made no covenant with Gentiles, that God's first messages about Israel's New Covenant He makes to Gentiles?
I suppose Gentiles were quick to include themselves in the Abrahamic Covenant within 15 years of its making.
Maybe Gentiles also included themselves in the Mosaic Covenant at the foot of Mount Sinai within 15 years of the making of that covenant, too?

YOU SAID: "The subject Apostle Paul covered in Romans 4 and Galatians 3 was specifically about God's promises under The New Covenant going ALSO to the Gentiles, and how the believing Gentile has become HEIR with faithful Abraham."

RESPONSE: God's covenants Paul mentions in Romans and Galatians said nothing about Gentiles. Here is the New Covenant promise. Show me where Gentiles are mentioned:

31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
That I will make a new covenant
With the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
In the day that I took them by the hand
To bring them out of the land of Egypt;
Which my covenant they brake,
Although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;
After those days, saith the LORD,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
And write it in their hearts;
And will be their God,
And they shall be my people.
34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying,
Know the LORD:
For they shall all know me,
From the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD:
For I will forgive their iniquity,
And I will remember their sin no more.
Jer. 31:31–34.

This is a Jewish Covenant. There are NO GENTILES in this Jewish Covenant. Paul is writing to Jewish Christians at Rome and Galatia and describing to the other Jewish Christians the effect of Israel's Messiah - who is a JEWISH Messiah - had on their covenants, especially the Abrahamic Covenant.
This is the only way to understand Paul's words. To read it with a Gentile mindset that Paul was writing to Gentiles who knew NOTHING about the covenants, who Abraham was, the promises, the history, the rituals, the practices, and the prophecies of the JEWISH religion.

So, show me where Gentiles are mentioned in the original promise of the New Covenant God made with the house of Israel.
Look carefully in Jeremiah 31.

Book of Hosea, where Apostle Paul quoted to Gentiles from, in Romans 9.
In the Controversial Topic section, I started a new Thread on the split of old Israel into two separate kingdoms and houses, and how God's Birthright wound upon Ephraim involving the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel scattered among the Gentiles, and how it involved The New Covenant in Jesus Christ. Apparently, this is not a popular topic on this Forum, so that's why I chose the Controversial section, which this matter is from God's Word and is not simply speculation.

Book of Hosea, where Apostle Paul quoted to Gentiles from, in Romans 9.
Let's look at the prophecy of Jeremiah. Tell me if Gentiles are identified there rather than quote from New Covenant writings of Paul or Peter who are merely discussing the New Covenant.
Do you agree the New Covenant writing of these Jewish Christians (Peter, Paul, etc.) are writing to fellow Jewish Christians in Jewish churches/homes in Asia Minor?
Let's look at the prophecy of Jeremiah. Tell me if Gentiles are identified there rather than quote from New Covenant writings of Paul or Peter who are merely discussing the New Covenant.
Do you agree the New Covenant writing of these Jewish Christians (Peter, Paul, etc.) are writing to fellow Jewish Christians in Jewish churches/homes in Asia Minor?
this is sheer Ignorance, God promised all ... "PEOPLE" salvation, staring in the Garden, Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
and this promise was again spoken after Abrahan in the PERSON, ISRAEL/JACOB. Genesis 49:10 "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." Genesis 49:11 "Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ***'s colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:" Genesis 49:12 "His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk."

here Shiloh is CHRIST,
H7886 שִׁילֹה Shiyloh (shee-lo') n/p.
1. tranquil.
2. Shiloh, an epithet of the Messiah.
[from H7951]
KJV: Shiloh.
Root(s): H7951

question, is Shiloh the CHRIST gathering ..... "HIS" .. people? yes, even today as we speak, listen and Learn, Acts 2:39 "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." question, "is the Lord calling ..... "PEOPLE" unto himself today?" yes, then salvation is for everyone. notice in Genesis 49:10 "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." the gathering of the people, not tribes of Israel, but PEOPLE. and what did Isaiah say, Isaiah 2:2 "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it." BINGO.

and notice something about the covenant that is expressed in Gen. 49:10 and Jeremiah 31, it's a BINDING Covenant, meaning Gentiles nor Jews can break this ONE, as the Jews broke the OLD COVENANT..... (smile). in a BINDING Covenant, God nor HIS People can break the covenant. why? Jeremiah 31:33 "But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people." Jeremiah 31:34 "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." WHAT "FORGIVE", and "REMEMBER" ..... their sins NO MORE? question, How can almighty God NOT "REMEMBER?", because he ....... drum roll.... "WILLS it not to be remembered.". well how is that? because of his "SEED" that is in us. scripture. 1 Timothy 1:9 "Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers," 1 Timothy 1:10 "For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;" 1 Timothy 1:11 "According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust."

so where, and How is God PEOPLE righteous? in Shiloh, the Messiah, the Christ, ..... the SEED, (meaning ONE), that was promise Abraham. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

J 15 did you hear that? "ANY MAN", not Jews only, but "ANY, ANY, ANY man. and guess what if you're gentile or Jew, all that dies or is done away with in Shiloh, the Messiah, the Christ, ..... the SEED of God.

is not the NEW COVENANT ... "GRAND" see, a NEW CREATURE is not Jewish, nor Gentile, nor Jewish Christian, nor Gentile Christian. all of that is done away with in Shiloh, the Messiah, the Christ. we're NEW CREATURES in the Lord Jesus.

all this religious segregation is out the window. over with,,, bye, bye, gone. God has called .... "HIS", "HIS", "HIS", new creatures to be HOLY as he is HOLY.


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