Non-Hebrew Gentile Theft of Israel's Inheritance in God


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Since the destruction of Israel and the 2nd Jewish Temple Gentiles have stolen Israel's inheritance, re-interpreted their Scriptures, changed definition of words and terms identifying Israel to make them mean Gentiles, added to the Scripture, and mutilated the Scripture by twisting it to put Gentiles in a better light, add themselves in the Hebrew covenants in which the covenant itself is stated by God to be with Abraham and his seed and Gentiles just plain changed God's Word to include themselves in all things Hebrew/Jewish and they are NOT Abraham's seed. But that doesn't matter to them. Nor do thieves care if something belongs to someone else and want to steal it for themselves they wait until you're not looking or are not home.

But we don't see Gentiles from Abraham to Christ including themselves in the Hebrew Covenants, changing the Scripture, adding to Scripture, re-interpreting the Scripture, making terms like "Church" and "Bride" and "covenant" and "saints" to apply to them when throughout the Old Testament they apply to Israel proper.
Why is that?
Because every non-Hebrew in the world was aware and knew that God had relationship with the Hebrews and couldn't steal Israel's inheritance while they existed and was in their covenants. They couldn't steal what never belonged to them until Israel was taken out of the way, defeated, and could do nothing to stop it.

But since the destruction of Israel, their scattering, and they no longer having a home Gentiles after Christ have for 1900 years stolen Israel's inheritance. But they never did it while Israel existed.
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