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pisteo in the Greek does not equate to the English word faith and what it means in the modern day church. I had this discussion in our Thursday morning Mens discipleship group at our church and also with the small mens group that meets at my house on Saturday mornings.You do realize you're reference a translation made by men.... right? Not a copy of Scripture. A translation.
Dig a little deeper.
The English word " faith " came from the Latin word Fide which meant truth. The men in the group without knowing the etymology of the word. They tried to say faith is not trust and they are not the same and are different. I prepared a lesson for the following week with the group and showed them the etymology, the lexicons and bible dictionaries which were all in agreement that faith and trust are synonyms and mean the same thing. Some were reluctant to admit they were wrong and some others could see they were incorrect.
Traditions are hard to deal with and break from when they have been so ingrained in our minds from the church for years, decades and even centuries.