Jesus, The Messiah Bible Study

Familiar with "Same" and "Another" and no need to [smile]-in my culture that is sarcasm.
did you digest the meat? [ 1,,G243 G2087 ,allos heteros ] have a difference in meaning, which despite a tendency to be lost, is to be observed in numerous passages. Allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort;" heteros expresses a qualitative difference and denotes "another of a different sort." Christ promised to send "another Comforter" (allos, "another like Himself," not heteros), John 14:16.

understand, Adam and Eve was G243 heteros, a "qualitative difference", meaning male and female as ONE, but the Lord Jesus is G243 Allos With the Father, meaning, " a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort;" this is the Key to ECHAD, and not Yachid. BIG DIFFERENCE. most do not understand the difference.

for example, scripture, John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" is not the Lord Jesus this ...... "ANOTHER" ... Comforter. YES, because he, the Lord Jesus is the Comforter who came in the ECHAD as the consolation of Israel as a babe. and now give... poured out at Pentecost in Spirit.

these are bible TRUTHS that many just don't know nor understand because of this one Word... "ECHAD".

Glad you acknowledge the plurality-be careful with the NUMERICALLY -I have listened to an intense debate on these two words by Brown and Singer @101G.
I have to, but this verse closed the door for me on the subject. Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last."

did you digest the meat? [ 1,,G243 G2087 ,allos heteros ] have a difference in meaning, which despite a tendency to be lost, is to be observed in numerous passages. Allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort;" heteros expresses a qualitative difference and denotes "another of a different sort." Christ promised to send "another Comforter" (allos, "another like Himself," not heteros), John 14:16.

understand, Adam and Eve was G243 heteros, a "qualitative difference", meaning male and female as ONE, but the Lord Jesus is G243 Allos With the Father, meaning, " a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort;" this is the Key to ECHAD, and not Yachid. BIG DIFFERENCE. most do not understand the difference.

for example, scripture, John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" is not the Lord Jesus this ...... "ANOTHER" ... Comforter. YES, because he, the Lord Jesus is the Comforter who came in the ECHAD as the consolation of Israel as a babe. and now give... poured out at Pentecost in Spirit.

these are bible TRUTHS that many just don't know nor understand because of this one Word... "ECHAD".

I have no problem with this.

Gen 2:24 Therefore shall an ish leave his av and his em, and shall cleave unto his isha: and they shall be basar echad.
AHLB#: 1165-C (N)

1165) Dh% (Dh% HhD) ac: Unite co: Unit ab: Unity: The pictograph h is a picture of a wall. The d is a picture of a door. Combined these mean "wall door". A wall separates the inside from the outside. Only through the door can one enter or exit uniting the inside with the outside.
A) Dh% (Dh% HhD) ac: ? co: Unite ab: ?: Two or more coming together as a unity. The sharp edge of a blade is the coming together of the two to one point.
Nm) Dh% (Dh% HhD) - I. Unit: A singular of a larger group. II. Sharp: The two edges of a sword that meet to form one point. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [freq. 19] |kjv: one, first, together, sharp| {str: 2297, 2298, 2299}
B) Ddh% (Ddh% HhDD) ac: Sharp co: ? ab: ?: The two edges of a sword that meet to form one point.
V) Ddh% (Ddh% Hh-DD) - Sharp: [freq. 6] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Hophal) |kjv: sharpen, fierce| {str: 2300}
dm) Dfdh% (Dfdh% Hh-DWD) - Sharp: [freq. 1] |kjv: sharp| {str: 2303}
C) Dha% (Dha% AHhD) ac: Unite co: ? ab: Unity: A uniting together. All things are a unity with something else (one man is a unity of body, breath and mind, one family is a unity of father, mother and children, one tree is a unity of trunk, branches and leaves, one forest is a unity of trees).
V) Dha% (Dha% A-HhD) - Unite: [freq. 1] (vf: Hitpael) |kjv: go one way or other| {str: 258}
Nm) Dha% (Dha% A-HhD) - Unity: A group united are one of a group. [freq. 951] |kjv: one, first, another, other, any, once, every, certain, an, some| {str: 259}
H) Edh% (Edh% HhDH) ac: Join co: ? ab: ?: A uniting together in joy.
V) Edh% (Edh% Hh-DH) - Join: [freq. 3] (vf: Paal, Piel) |kjv: rejoice, join, glad| {str: 2302}
J) Dfh% (Dfh% HhWD) ac: ? co: Riddle ab: ?: The riddle begins by dividing the hearer from the listener by creating the riddle. The riddle ends with the answer uniting the two.
V) Dfh% (Dfh% HhWD) - Propose: To give a riddle. [freq. 4] (vf: Paal) |kjv: put forth| {str: 2330}
L) Dhi% (Dhi% YHhD) ac: Unite co: ? ab: Unity: A uniting together. All things are a unity with something else (one man is a unity of body, breath and mind, one family is a unity of father, mother and children, one tree is a unity of trunk, branches and leaves, one forest is a unity of trees).
V) Dhi% (Dhi% Y-HhD) - Unite: [freq. 3] (vf: Paal, Piel) |kjv: unite, join| {str: 3161}
Nm) Dhi% (Dhi% Y-HhD) - Together: [freq. 142] |kjv: together, alike, likewise, withal| {str: 3162}
bm) Dihi% (Dihi% Y-HhYD) - Unity: A child as the product of a union. The soul as a unity of body, soul and breath. [freq. 12] |kjv: only, darling, desolate, solitary| {str: 3173}
M) Dih% (Dih% HhYD) ac: ? co: Riddle ab: ?: The riddle begins by dividing the hearer from the listener by creating the riddle. The riddle ends with the answer uniting the two.
Nf1) Edih% (Edih% HhY-DH) - Riddle: [freq. 17] |kjv: riddle, dark saying, hard question, dark sentence, proverb, dark speech| {str: 2420}
nf1) Ediha% (Ediha% A-HhY-DH) - Riddle: [Aramaic only] [freq. 1] |kjv: hard sentence| {str: 280}

Hebrew Word: 'ehad
Strong's Reference: H259, H2297,
Definition: one, same, single, first, each, once, fem. 'ahat .

61.0 אֶחַד (’eµad) one, same, single, first, each, once, fem. ’aµat ( אַחַת ).

This word occurs 960 times as a noun, adjective, or adverb, as a cardinal or ordinal number, often used in a distributive sense. It is closely identified with yäµad "to be united" and with rö’sh "first, head," especially in connection with the "first day" of the month (Gen_8:13). It stresses unity while recognizing diversity within that oneness.

’eµad can refer to a certain individual (Jdg_13:2) or a single blessing (Gen_27:38). Solomon alone was chosen by the Lord (1Ch_29:1). The notion of uniqueness is also found in 2Sa_7:23 and Eze_33:24 (for this verse with reference to God, see below). The phrase "in a single day" can refer to the suddenness of judgment (Isa_10:17; Isa_47:9) or blessing (Isa_66:8).

Adverbially, ’eµad means "once" or "one time" (2Ki_6:10). God solemnly swore to David "one time" that his descendants and throne would last forever (Psa_89:35 [H36]). In Hag_2:6 the Lord warned that he would shake heaven and earth "once more in a little while." Yet this prediction of the overthrow of nations probably included a near as well as a far fulfilment (cf. Heb_12:26). The expression "in one day" denotes the swiftness of the Lord's acts (Isa_9:14 [H13]; Zec_3:9).

Sometimes the phrase "as one man" can mean "all at once" (Num_14:15), but when Gideon was told he would defeat Midian "as one man" it probably meant "as easily as a single man" (Jdg_6:16). The phrase can also refer to a nation aroused to take united action against gross injustice (Jdg_20:8; 1Sa_11:7). Zephaniah's mention of people serving God "with one shoulder" (Zep_3:9) likely means "shoulder to shoulder," solidly united. Likewise in Exo_24:3 "with one voice" expresses that all Israel was involved in entering into the Covenant with Yahweh.

The concept of unity is related to the tabernacle, whose curtains are fastened together to form one unit (Exo_26:6; Exo_26:11; Exo_36:13). Adam and Eve are described as "one flesh" (Gen_2:24), which includes more than sexual unity. In Gen_34:16 the men of Shechem suggest intermarriage with Jacob's children in order to become "one people."

Later, Ezekiel predicted that the fragmented nation of Israel would someday be reunited, as he symbolically joined two sticks (Eze_37:17).
Once again Judah and Ephraim would be one nation with one king (Eze_37:22). Abraham was viewed as "the one" from whom all the people descended (Isa_51:2; Mal_2:15), the one father of the nation.

Diversity within unity is also seen from the fact that ’eµad has a plural form, ’¦µädîm. It is translated "a few days" in Gen_27:44; Gen_29:20, and Dan_11:20. In Gen_11:1 the plural modifies "words": "the whole earth used the same language and the same words." Apparently it refers to the same vocabulary, the same set of words spoken by everyone at the tower of Babel. The first "same" in Gen_11:1 is singular, analogous to "the same law" of the Passover applying to native-born and foreigner (Exo_12:49; cf, Num_15:16), or to the "one law" of sure death for approaching the Persian king without invitation (Est_4:11).

In the famous Shema of Deu_6:4, "Hear, O Israel... the LORD is one," the question of diversity within unity has theological implications. Some scholars have felt that, though "one" is singular, the usage of the word allows for the doctrine of the Trinity. While it is true that this doctrine is foreshadowed in the OT, the verse concentrates on the fact that there is one God and that Israel owes its exclusive loyalty to him (Deu_5:9; Deu_6:5). The NT also is strictly monotheistic while at the same time teaching diversity within the unity (Jas_2:19; 1Co_8:5-6).

[The lexical and syntactical difficulties of Deu_6:4 can be seen in the many translations offered for it in the NIV. The option "the LORD is our God, the LORD alone" has in its favor both the broad context of the book and the immediate context. Deu_6:4 serves as an introduction to motivate Israel to keep the command "to love (the Lord)" (v. 5). The notion that the Lord is Israel's only God suits this command admirably (cf. Son_6:8 ff). Moreover, these two notions, the Lord's unique relation to Israel and Israel's obligation to love him, are central to the concern of Moses' addresses in the book (cf. Deu_5:9 f.; Deu_7:9; Deu_10:14 ff., Deu_10:20 f., Deu_13:6; Deu_30:20; Deu_32:12). Finally Zechariah employs the text with this meaning and applies it universally with reference to the eschaton: "The Lord will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be (the only) one, and His name (the only) one" (Zec_14:9 NASB).

In Job_31:15 and Mal_2:10 the word is used to denote that one and the same God created all men. The reference to the one Shepherd in Ecc_12:11 probably indicates that God is the only source of wisdom, B.K.W.)

Bibliography: Knight, A. F., "The Lord is One," Exp T 79: 8-10. TDOT, I, pp. 193-200. THAT, I, pp. 104-106. H.W.

Does it make sense?
I have no problem with this.

Gen 2:24 Therefore shall an ish leave his av and his em, and shall cleave unto his isha: and they shall be basar echad.
AHLB#: 1165-C (N)

1165) Dh% (Dh% HhD) ac: Unite co: Unit ab: Unity: The pictograph h is a picture of a wall. The d is a picture of a door. Combined these mean "wall door". A wall separates the inside from the outside. Only through the door can one enter or exit uniting the inside with the outside.
A) Dh% (Dh% HhD) ac: ? co: Unite ab: ?: Two or more coming together as a unity. The sharp edge of a blade is the coming together of the two to one point.
Nm) Dh% (Dh% HhD) - I. Unit: A singular of a larger group. II. Sharp: The two edges of a sword that meet to form one point. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [freq. 19] |kjv: one, first, together, sharp| {str: 2297, 2298, 2299}
B) Ddh% (Ddh% HhDD) ac: Sharp co: ? ab: ?: The two edges of a sword that meet to form one point.
V) Ddh% (Ddh% Hh-DD) - Sharp: [freq. 6] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Hophal) |kjv: sharpen, fierce| {str: 2300}
dm) Dfdh% (Dfdh% Hh-DWD) - Sharp: [freq. 1] |kjv: sharp| {str: 2303}
C) Dha% (Dha% AHhD) ac: Unite co: ? ab: Unity: A uniting together. All things are a unity with something else (one man is a unity of body, breath and mind, one family is a unity of father, mother and children, one tree is a unity of trunk, branches and leaves, one forest is a unity of trees).
V) Dha% (Dha% A-HhD) - Unite: [freq. 1] (vf: Hitpael) |kjv: go one way or other| {str: 258}
Nm) Dha% (Dha% A-HhD) - Unity: A group united are one of a group. [freq. 951] |kjv: one, first, another, other, any, once, every, certain, an, some| {str: 259}
H) Edh% (Edh% HhDH) ac: Join co: ? ab: ?: A uniting together in joy.
V) Edh% (Edh% Hh-DH) - Join: [freq. 3] (vf: Paal, Piel) |kjv: rejoice, join, glad| {str: 2302}
J) Dfh% (Dfh% HhWD) ac: ? co: Riddle ab: ?: The riddle begins by dividing the hearer from the listener by creating the riddle. The riddle ends with the answer uniting the two.
V) Dfh% (Dfh% HhWD) - Propose: To give a riddle. [freq. 4] (vf: Paal) |kjv: put forth| {str: 2330}
L) Dhi% (Dhi% YHhD) ac: Unite co: ? ab: Unity: A uniting together. All things are a unity with something else (one man is a unity of body, breath and mind, one family is a unity of father, mother and children, one tree is a unity of trunk, branches and leaves, one forest is a unity of trees).
V) Dhi% (Dhi% Y-HhD) - Unite: [freq. 3] (vf: Paal, Piel) |kjv: unite, join| {str: 3161}
Nm) Dhi% (Dhi% Y-HhD) - Together: [freq. 142] |kjv: together, alike, likewise, withal| {str: 3162}
bm) Dihi% (Dihi% Y-HhYD) - Unity: A child as the product of a union. The soul as a unity of body, soul and breath. [freq. 12] |kjv: only, darling, desolate, solitary| {str: 3173}
M) Dih% (Dih% HhYD) ac: ? co: Riddle ab: ?: The riddle begins by dividing the hearer from the listener by creating the riddle. The riddle ends with the answer uniting the two.
Nf1) Edih% (Edih% HhY-DH) - Riddle: [freq. 17] |kjv: riddle, dark saying, hard question, dark sentence, proverb, dark speech| {str: 2420}
nf1) Ediha% (Ediha% A-HhY-DH) - Riddle: [Aramaic only] [freq. 1] |kjv: hard sentence| {str: 280}

Hebrew Word: 'ehad
Strong's Reference: H259, H2297,
Definition: one, same, single, first, each, once, fem. 'ahat .

61.0 אֶחַד (’eµad) one, same, single, first, each, once, fem. ’aµat ( אַחַת ).

This word occurs 960 times as a noun, adjective, or adverb, as a cardinal or ordinal number, often used in a distributive sense. It is closely identified with yäµad "to be united" and with rö’sh "first, head," especially in connection with the "first day" of the month (Gen_8:13). It stresses unity while recognizing diversity within that oneness.

’eµad can refer to a certain individual (Jdg_13:2) or a single blessing (Gen_27:38). Solomon alone was chosen by the Lord (1Ch_29:1). The notion of uniqueness is also found in 2Sa_7:23 and Eze_33:24 (for this verse with reference to God, see below). The phrase "in a single day" can refer to the suddenness of judgment (Isa_10:17; Isa_47:9) or blessing (Isa_66:8).

Adverbially, ’eµad means "once" or "one time" (2Ki_6:10). God solemnly swore to David "one time" that his descendants and throne would last forever (Psa_89:35 [H36]). In Hag_2:6 the Lord warned that he would shake heaven and earth "once more in a little while." Yet this prediction of the overthrow of nations probably included a near as well as a far fulfilment (cf. Heb_12:26). The expression "in one day" denotes the swiftness of the Lord's acts (Isa_9:14 [H13]; Zec_3:9).

Sometimes the phrase "as one man" can mean "all at once" (Num_14:15), but when Gideon was told he would defeat Midian "as one man" it probably meant "as easily as a single man" (Jdg_6:16). The phrase can also refer to a nation aroused to take united action against gross injustice (Jdg_20:8; 1Sa_11:7). Zephaniah's mention of people serving God "with one shoulder" (Zep_3:9) likely means "shoulder to shoulder," solidly united. Likewise in Exo_24:3 "with one voice" expresses that all Israel was involved in entering into the Covenant with Yahweh.

The concept of unity is related to the tabernacle, whose curtains are fastened together to form one unit (Exo_26:6; Exo_26:11; Exo_36:13). Adam and Eve are described as "one flesh" (Gen_2:24), which includes more than sexual unity. In Gen_34:16 the men of Shechem suggest intermarriage with Jacob's children in order to become "one people."

Later, Ezekiel predicted that the fragmented nation of Israel would someday be reunited, as he symbolically joined two sticks (Eze_37:17).
Once again Judah and Ephraim would be one nation with one king (Eze_37:22). Abraham was viewed as "the one" from whom all the people descended (Isa_51:2; Mal_2:15), the one father of the nation.

Diversity within unity is also seen from the fact that ’eµad has a plural form, ’¦µädîm. It is translated "a few days" in Gen_27:44; Gen_29:20, and Dan_11:20. In Gen_11:1 the plural modifies "words": "the whole earth used the same language and the same words." Apparently it refers to the same vocabulary, the same set of words spoken by everyone at the tower of Babel. The first "same" in Gen_11:1 is singular, analogous to "the same law" of the Passover applying to native-born and foreigner (Exo_12:49; cf, Num_15:16), or to the "one law" of sure death for approaching the Persian king without invitation (Est_4:11).

In the famous Shema of Deu_6:4, "Hear, O Israel... the LORD is one," the question of diversity within unity has theological implications. Some scholars have felt that, though "one" is singular, the usage of the word allows for the doctrine of the Trinity. While it is true that this doctrine is foreshadowed in the OT, the verse concentrates on the fact that there is one God and that Israel owes its exclusive loyalty to him (Deu_5:9; Deu_6:5). The NT also is strictly monotheistic while at the same time teaching diversity within the unity (Jas_2:19; 1Co_8:5-6).

[The lexical and syntactical difficulties of Deu_6:4 can be seen in the many translations offered for it in the NIV. The option "the LORD is our God, the LORD alone" has in its favor both the broad context of the book and the immediate context. Deu_6:4 serves as an introduction to motivate Israel to keep the command "to love (the Lord)" (v. 5). The notion that the Lord is Israel's only God suits this command admirably (cf. Son_6:8 ff). Moreover, these two notions, the Lord's unique relation to Israel and Israel's obligation to love him, are central to the concern of Moses' addresses in the book (cf. Deu_5:9 f.; Deu_7:9; Deu_10:14 ff., Deu_10:20 f., Deu_13:6; Deu_30:20; Deu_32:12). Finally Zechariah employs the text with this meaning and applies it universally with reference to the eschaton: "The Lord will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be (the only) one, and His name (the only) one" (Zec_14:9 NASB).

In Job_31:15 and Mal_2:10 the word is used to denote that one and the same God created all men. The reference to the one Shepherd in Ecc_12:11 probably indicates that God is the only source of wisdom, B.K.W.)

Bibliography: Knight, A. F., "The Lord is One," Exp T 79: 8-10. TDOT, I, pp. 193-200. THAT, I, pp. 104-106. H.W.

Does it make sense?
(smile), did you know that Eve the Woman is the ECHAD of Adam in Time, Place, rank and Order? for Adam was formed first on day 3 and Eve was formed LATER/LAST on Day 6 ..... (again the ECHAD in full view), in Time, place, Rank, and order.

Just as with God in the ECHAD, First and Last. in TIME, PLACE, ORDER, and RANK...... (smile).

(smile), did you know that Eve the Woman is the ECHAD of Adam in Time, Place, rank and Order? for Adam was formed first on day 3 and Eve was formed LATER/LAST on Day 6 ..... (again the ECHAD in full view), in Time, place, Rank, and order.

Just as with God in the ECHAD, First and Last. in TIME, PLACE, ORDER, and RANK...... (smile).

Why are you Smiling? Just told you in my culture that is seen as sarcasm and looking down in a condescendingly manner to another-and why the sudden swift to something ELSE?

You do word studies-nothing wrong with that-do you study the Morphologies and Syntax as well? Many don't and would rather nitpick on WORDS.

Don't like the AHLB?
I can see why.

and they shall be one flesh; that is, "they two", the man and his wife, as it is supplied and interpreted by Christ, Mat_19:5 and so here in the Targum of Jonathan, and in the Septuagint and Samaritan versions: the union between them is so close, as if they were but one person, one soul, one body; and which is to be observed against polygamy, unlawful divorces, and all uncleanness, fornication, and adultery: only one man and one woman, being joined in lawful wedlock, have a right of copulation with each other, in order to produce a legitimate offspring, partaking of the same one flesh, as children do of their parents, without being able to distinguish the flesh of the one from the other, they partake of: and from hence it appears to be a fabulous notion, that Cecrops, the first king of Athens, was the first institutor of matrimony and joiner of one man to one woman; whence he was said to be "biformis" (p), and was called διφυης; unless, as some (q) have thought, that he and Moses were one and the same who delivered out the first institution of marriage, which is this.

Enjoy your day.
GINOLJC, to all.
that's not hard to do, which is JESUS, for he is "LORD", and "Lord" in the ECHAD of Spirit. Revelation 22:8 "And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things." Revelation 22:9 "Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God."

now Matt, here is your test, read this verse carefully. Romans 8:9 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ are these two titles of two different persons or the same one person? your answer please. will be looking for your answer.


The Holy Spirit of God, seem to be the calling to all the world, to come to him.

Revelation 22:17
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

The Spirit of Christ, is more of a conforming to his ways in allowing him to move in and through you and to help you through life.

7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
The Holy Spirit of God, seem to be the calling to all the world, to come to him.
thanks for the reply. but The Holy Spirit is JESUS in the ECHAD...... holding both titles as Father, (Ordinal First), and Son, (Ordinal Last), in the EQUAL SHARE of HIMSELF. one person only.
Revelation 22:17
Revelation 22:17? ...... the Spirit is the Lord Jesus. let's prove it out in the scriptures. it is the Lord Jesus who is addressing the 7 churches .... correct. well how do all the letters end? listen. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches". please read all 7 letters ending..... please.
7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
WHY? because of this, 2 Corinthians 5:16 "Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more." he is GLORIFIED in the "Spirit" as he was before with now, the new body after his resurrection. HE IS "SPIRIT"

thanks for the reply. but The Holy Spirit is JESUS in the ECHAD...... holding both titles as Father, (Ordinal First), and Son, (Ordinal Last), in the EQUAL SHARE of HIMSELF. one person only.

Revelation 22:17? ...... the Spirit is the Lord Jesus. let's prove it out in the scriptures. it is the Lord Jesus who is addressing the 7 churches .... correct. well how do all the letters end? listen. "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches". please read all 7 letters ending..... please.

WHY? because of this, 2 Corinthians 5:16 "Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more." he is GLORIFIED in the "Spirit" as he was before with now, the new body after his resurrection. HE IS "SPIRIT"


I just simply disagree with you, 101g. Thank you for sharing, what you choose to believe and share with me is fine, however I don't have to accept your word on it. Even if you share the scripture, and you are most likely well aware of that. Good to hear from you again.
I just simply disagree with you, 101g.
sure, you can disagree with 101G all you want, but that's not changing the scriptures one bit. so, no need to argue with 101G, argue with God, that's his words, not 101G's .... so good day.

sure, you can disagree with 101G all you want, but that's not changing the scriptures one bit. so, no need to argue with 101G, argue with God, that's his words, not 101G's .... so good day.

You have run out of things to now say, that is alright. Bye-bye, and take care.
It's so highly important for people to learn and understand what they are reading when it comes to the bible. There are somethings there is no answer for, even so, there is a good bit that can at least be known when they go by and through bible, reading it themselves. There are alot of people who have misunderstandings, and that they also follow what man says, rather than letting God work with you in getting you the answer by the spirit in testing what people say by use of the bible. Therefore anyone who decides to read for themselves, and go along the gospels, and the letters, and check out the new testament, will have small revelations through time to what is true, and what is not true, and there are some things you must question between yourself and God.

Do not just follow what other people may summarize, or suggest, and that includes me. You should never put trust in me, or any other. Trust God, and go to him alone, and seek him out Faithfully, which Yahweh will rewards those who do so.
If this were so, there would actually be a verse that says this. Instead, only YHWH is God is what Scripture says over and over again!

As long as you build an elaborate defense mechanism to separate "the Word" from "Jesus," you will never see the plain statement right in front of you:

The Word was God.

That Word is directly equated with the incarnation and person of Jesus Christ.
Oh my God, plain as DAY, the Lord God is "JESUS".

If this were so, there would actually be a verse that says this. Instead, only YHWH is God is what Scripture says over and over again!

well let see one of the scriptures that clearly states JESUS is YHWH the "Lord God". FOLLOW, and learn, once again. Revelation 1:1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:"
someone here sent his angel to John with this REVELATION, correct. and the angel who is sent tells John and us who sent him. Revelation 22:6 "And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done."

so the "Lord God" sent his angel to John with this Revelation. .... now let's see who by name is the Lord God". Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

well Wrangler?

do, and can you follow what 101G posted..... if So, NOTICE the Reference, Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." this is the revealing truth behind the term "Lord God".

just a golden Nugget. "the Word was WITH God", just as John 17:3 "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."

"And", and, "With" are synonyms with each other when used as a Conjunction to connect two words or phrases. "in addition to, with, along with, and also.'

now watch "WITH", & "AND", in the OT. Isaiah 41:4 "Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he." here both "and" & "with" are use to Identify the "LORD", as FIRST & LAST, notice "LORD", all caps.

Isaiah 44:6 "Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." here "and" is used to identify the First & the Last. now this,

Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last." again the inclusiveness of the First & the Last.

all of these synonyms words can be found here. "Conjunction Used to connect two words or phrases"

it's very important as to how words are "USED" in Context.

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