Isaiah 53:10 and the LXX

False equivalence fallacy.

Hey, if you just want "to win," congrats, buddy!

You win!

Hope you feel better. ❤️

I want details from YOU. Not someone else. FROM YOU. Make the argument your own.

You don't know the time I've wasted in my life dealing with references like you're using.... to only have that person deny they believe what they posted as evidence.

You can mock all you want. Go for it. It is not about winning for me. It is about the Truth. Evil sometimes wins.
Are you after winning some kind of argument, or increasing your knowledge.

Seems like only one of them.

This seems to be something like what you are after:

View attachment 408

I'm going to "bite" just once and ask a very simple question.....

What was their criteria for establishing their conclusion? Did they base it solely on grammar? literal representation, script matching or what?
There's a link attached.

You can copy and paste what you believe to be relevant. I'm not going to read through it to find it. I looked at the details of some of their references. I at least did that. I'm not going any further till you make a choice to claim what they've said by making it your own.
How about this?

Psalm 68:18
18 You have ascended on high,
You have led captivity captive;
You have received gifts among men,

Eph 4:8
“When He ascended on high,
He led captivity captive,
And gave gifts to men.”

And those are both English.

Septuagint Psalm 68:18
Thou art gone up on high,
thou hast led captivity captive,
thou hast received gifts for man

Seems to me the Septuagint matches more closely what Paul said in Ephesians.​

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