So I believe our Lord graciously and freely receives all those who die in infancy—not on the basis of their innocence or their worthiness, but by His grace, made theirs through the atonement He purchased on the cross. These little ones experience salvation grounded in absolute sovereignty and comprehensive grace.
So I believe our Lord graciously and freely receives all those who die in infancy—not on the basis of their innocence or their worthiness, but by His grace, made theirs through the atonement He purchased on the cross. These little ones experience salvation grounded in absolute sovereignty and comprehensive grace.
Infants don’t need a savior , they haven’t sinned. They are innocent. That’s why even most Calvinists will admit they go to heaven which contradicts TD. They know they have a moral dilemma. A contradiction in their system when it comes to infants.Infants are without sin deeds. Yes, they are in need of a Savior.
Yes, God has provided a Savior for them, Jesus Christ.
Yes, all infants who die before they reach a state of moral awareness and culpability in which they understand their sin and corruption which would make their sins their sins deliberate—are graciously saved by God through the work of Jesus Christ. They are counted not guilty because they are innocent of willful sin and rebellion.
Infants have not sinned but they still need Jesus.Infants don’t need a savior , they haven’t sinned. They are innocent. That’s why even most Calvinists will admit they go to heaven which contradicts TD. They know they have a moral dilemma. A contradiction in their system when it comes to infants.
This alone shows the false teaching within Calvinism when it comes to the guilt and punishment that comes with a sin nature from birth.
Go for it. Show us what you got.I'm assuming the source verse in Titus (1:16) has already been hashed out?
Go for it. Show us what you got.
Titus 1:16
They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.
Your last paragraph is spot on and that’s the whole point which refutes Calvinism.View attachment 505
This passage comes about after the requirement of elders, the transition subject matter is shutting the mouths of the circumcision, and makes reference to locals who were always liars as a comparison. The comparison is basically painting the circumcision group to being the same as gentiles.
Regressing back to the reference to the circumcision .. it is taught to not give heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men that turn from the truth. Nowadays you could say to not give heed to Calvinist (or insert other group here) Fables.
Paul continues stating that unto the pure, all things are pure, but for those who do not believe, nothing is pure. It continues saying, they profess that they know God, but in works they deny him ... meaning even their good works are abominations. This section that was originally speaking of Jews who didn't believe in Jesus, so it can be applied to people who grew up in the church but never were born again.
Key words to keep in mind, "they profess they know God" .. most people don't but this verse is applied to them. Possibly a misdirection tactic to secure more offerings.
Also good to note: The subject matter continues with the main point in the next chapter
View attachment 506
The content of this passage is saying to appoint good examples so the rest of the community can emulate the same behavior. Applying reprobation (or being an abomination) to infants makes no sense since they cannot profess anything let alone that they know God.
It's somewhat structurally ironic since a lot of baptists become calvinists, but use the same logic to refute infant baptism.Your last paragraph is spot on and that’s the whole point which refutes Calvinism.
Yes talk about oxymorons and being all over the map. Infants and salvation reveal the issues within their systematic theology.It's somewhat structurally ironic since a lot of baptists become calvinists, but use the same logic to refute infant baptism.
And we know what Jesus thinks of infants and little children![]()
Context .No one is good but One, that is, God. (Lk. 18:19 NKJ)
Prooftexting wars make God out to be a liar.Context .
A text without the context is a pre text for a proof text.
Nice job proof texting just like our Calvinist friends do. It’s how tulip was formed.How sin nature was formed.
hope this helps !!!
DittoProoftexting wars make God out to be a liar.
Scripture vs Scripture results in everyone thinking "that scripture sure does contradict itself"
Context .