How do "Christian" Unitarians define the role and rank of Jesus Christ?


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Most Unitarians refuse to engage at any meaningful level to properly establish their view of the role and rank of Jesus Christ in their theology. Most of the time all you can get from them is the endless repetitive charge that "There is only One God"........

Some Unitarians will tell you clearly that they are equal to Jesus Christ. That Jesus Christ is just the "firstborn" of many children. However, a few will insist they still see Christ as being superior.

I believe it is fair to insist that Unitarians clearly define the role and rank of Jesus Christ in their theology. Is this too much to ask?
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There is no unity in unirarianism as to the person of Christ. Some say he is no different than us just without sin, others a little god jr, still others a created being(an angel JW's ) while still others just under the Father as God almost describing a form of deity without equality with the Father ( a hybrid type of kenosis but permanent ). They are all over the map on the Person of Christ. I have known some unitarians who honor the Son but they just won't take the leap of equality with the Father with that honor when it comes to prayer for example. Its through the Son not to the Son.

But heck I know trinitarians that do the same.
There is no unity in unirarianism as to the person of Christ. Some say he is no different than us just without sin, others a little god jr, still others a created being(an angel JW's ) while still others just under the Father as God almost describing a form of deity without equality with the Father ( a hybrid type of kenosis but permanent ). They are all over the map on the Person of Christ. I have known some unitarians who honor the Son but they just won't take the leap of equality with the Father with that honor when it comes to prayer for example. Its through the Son not to the Son.

But heck I know trinitarians that do the same.

Well said. Absolutely. I believe both our goals are the same. To properly extol the value of Jesus Christ so that others might know Him.
boy oh boy what a bunch of confusion.... 1 Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." The Lord Jesus is the REDEEMER, and SAVIOUR of the World. meaning he is the "ONLY" TRUE and LIVING God. NO SECOND NOR THIRD PERSON, but the ONLY PERSON. Isaiah 35:4 "Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you."

again, the ECHAD in Ordinal Designations.

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