How does his blood cover your sins?
By redemption. A sinless man giving His life for our sinful lives, that upon his death we are free from sin and the guilt thereof.
Why does his blood cover your sins?
Because God mercifully instituted a provision within the law whereby sins could be atoned, and He sent His Son to be the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.
Q: Do you think if Jesus does some good deed it will somehow
outweigh your bad deeds?
I agree with the Apostle Paul in Romans 5:18 when he stated, "as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men".
So, absolutely yes. The single righteous act of Jesus obeying His Father's will to willingly die as an offering for our sin certainly outweighs the sin of all mankind. Paul stated in Romans verse 15-16, "But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification."
It is a foundation of our faith that Adam's one sin brought sin and death into humanity, and Jesus our Lord's one act of righteousness brought justification and life to humanity. What do you think Paul was stating?
Q: Why couldn't God forgive you
without dying and shedding blood for you?
Because life is in the blood, and it is a sinless life that atones for one's sinful life. "it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life." (Lev 17:11)
Q: Why do you think the animal's blood was taken after it was burned up, and
sprinkled on God's holiest presence?
To fulfill the provision of atonement, wherein a sinless life is offered for the sins of the sinful, making reconciliation between God and man, averting wrath.
Q: Do you think your sins deserve punishment?
Absolutely, I deserved punishment for my own sins. No one else but me deserved what was due me. It is wrong to punish the righteous for the sins of the wicked. Isn't that right? Isn't that what God said? (Eze 18:20) "The soul who sins, he shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be on him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be on him."
But if God allows His sinless Son to willingly redeem me from the merciless judgement of the law on my behalf, taking upon himself my judgement of death to free me from the law, then so be it. The merciless judgement of the law is fulfilled. The love and mercy of the redeemer is fulfilled. And I am free from the law and its wrath that the lawgiver instituted and redeemed me from. We "are not under law but under grace" because God "has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation"
No wrath or punishment mentioned anywhere in the bible upon any animal sacrifice, and especially not on our Lord who died to redeem us from the curse of the Law, freeing us from sin's bondage and wrath.
Let me just say it, if there was a smoking gun of God's wrath upon our Lord, you and every proponent of PSA would be posting it, but there is not a smoking gun because that did not happen. Seriously, brother that should be sounding alarms for you.
Adam brought sin and death into humanity, and Jesus Christ our Lord brought us justification and eternal life. Justification is no longer merited by one's sinlessness. We are justified by faith that the blood of Jesus our sinless Lord justified us with God...Romans 5:1,9
God Bless