Pancho Frijoles
Well-known member
Allah has power over your life and death. That is why He is Creator, and Sustainer, and Destroyer of everything that exists.You are a true disciple to your god of death (allah). You befriend death, warm up to it, embrace it, love it. cuddle it, etc...
Without the Cross, all there is is death. Your god of death has no power over death. Your choice.
Next time you take a shower, take a long, contemplative look to your body (well… shut off the water first to avoid wasting too much).

That body is not the one you had last year! The one you had last year is now the body of bacteria, fungi, grass, trees, mice and cows.
About 98% of the atoms that constitute your body are replaced every year. In some sense You are already dead, man!.

So stop clinging to physicality. Thank God for it, use it wisely, enjoy it, and then, when the time comes, let it go.
The Kingdom of God is reflected in this world, but it is not of this world.