God's grace to forgive and transform is not conditioned to recognizing Jesus' deity, blood atonement or physical resurrection

This proves you do not understand basic NT Greek grammar or English grammar.
What about your understanding of moral grammar?
Yes, the one the Holy Spirit taught you through your mom, when you were five. The grammar of sentences like these:

Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Sikh is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Muslim is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Jew is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Jehovah Witness is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Baha'i is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Buddhist is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Zoroastrian is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of a Hindu is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.
Putting out a cigarette on the skin of an agnostic is bad. It doesn't matter if it is done in this life or the afterlife.

ERROR, God never demanded a sinner to do nothing but confess his Son Jesus the Christ
Your statement is unsupported by the Bible and by reason, my friend.
God requires repentance, a humble heart, which includes turning away from the bad ways.
I have already posted 21 passages from the Bible who explicitly address the topic of forgiveness. None of them requires what you say.
That includes teachings from Jesus Himself.
I will get the link to the post so that you review them carefully.

and BELIEVE that he was raised from the dead. supportive scripture. Romans 10:4 "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." Romans 10:5 "For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them." Romans 10:6 "But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)" Romans 10:7 "Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)" Romans 10:8 "But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;" Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Paul was not talking literally.
Demons can make all confessions you can think of, and that doesn't save them. It is the transformation of the heart and reflected in the fruit of the Spirit which provides the validity of any confession expressed by a mouth.
When Jesus was asked what to do to have eternal life, he provided an answer. What was that answer? Please look of it in the gospels.
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I refuse to accept or adopt the labels created by those who "transform themselves" into apostles of Christ, for the purpose of exalting themselves as superior to those who do not adopt the philosophies of their specific religious business.

The same arrogance that Paul found in the Judaizers, who despised those who did not follow the Law of Moses, is exhibited by sectarian believers who despise those challenging their theology, like you.

If we really understood Paul's motives and concerns, we would realize that we should do with divisive theological debates what he did to circumcision.
I didn't ignore anything. Pay attention to what you write. You have created your own sabbaths. You're guilty of what you claim is evidence of not following Jesus.

Yes, yes, yes, I have heard your judgement of me “Praise Yeshua” over and over. According to you,”I don’t know Jesus, I don’t love God, I can’t please God, I don’t obey God, and now I’m not following the Jesus “of the Bible”.

But if I would yield myself to you and Kenneth Copelands religion, and agree with you and praise you and submit to your theology, I would be saved, and an acceptable human being in your eyes, and you would say nice things about me.

While it would be nice if you would stop telling lies about me, I understand how important it is to you, that you appear superior in front of of others. And maybe your flesh craves this attention. So you go on being a tale bearer, if it makes you feel good. It only reflects what is in your heart, not mine.

I'm not claiming to know when the sabbath actually takes place in the context of God's appointment of such. I have no idea.

You should, as it is a commandment of God. I find your philosophy regarding the God and Father of the Lords Christ troubling. That somehow God gives a Sabbath commandment to you, but doesn’t have the ability to show you when His Sabbath is.

And the Hubris you promote is to promote to me that it’s God’s fault that you don’t know, refusing to even consider that perhaps you are blinded by your own self exaltation.

Perhaps you might consider humbling yourself to God. It has been my experience that when a man does this, He reveals Himself to them, and writes His Laws on this man’s heart. Even you must believe that the Great God and Father of the Lords Christ is capable of showing a man, through His Inspired Word, when a day is that He said to “Remember” as a matter of Law.

You don't either. I'm not the one involved in "Hubris" and "self-exaltation". You are.

I will take your judgment under its due consideration.
"If I call Jesus Lord, Lord, but reject God's Judgments and many of His commandments, create images of God in the likeness of anything, create my own high days and sabbaths, and refuse to "Live by" God's Word, then I don't think it would matter much to God or Jesus, if I was a Trinitarian or not."

If you don't agree with my statement, then why not just say "I don't agree"? Why must you exhibit such hubris and self-worship as to lord yourself over me in such a manner, while at the same time, diverting from and completely ignoring what I actually said?

Gal. 6: 3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. 4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

"If I call Jesus Lord, Lord, but reject God's Judgments and many of His commandments, create images of God in the likeness of anything, create my own high days and sabbaths, and refuse to "Live by" God's Word, then I don't think it would matter much to God or Jesus, if I was a Trinitarian or not."

Again, if you don't believe this statement is true, then please address what is not true about it. All your foolish and sophomoric judgments are unsightly.

Again, here is what you replied to. ""If I call Jesus Lord, Lord, but reject God's Judgments and many of His commandments, create images of God in the likeness of anything, create my own high days and sabbaths, and refuse to "Live by" God's Word, then I don't think it would matter much to God or Jesus, if I was a Trinitarian or not."

If you believe this statement isn't true, then please address it. I mean, if you get your jollies by lording over others in the way you are here, then so be it. I guess when you are not vomiting on me, someone else is being spared. So you can continue if you want if your flesh desires such to be satisfied.

But it is an astonishing display of Hubris and self-exaltation, and I don't think it is good for you personally.
If you call Him Lord Lord and deny He is Lord you are just as guilty as those you condemn
Yes, yes, yes, I have heard your judgement of me “Praise Yeshua” over and over. According to you,”I don’t know Jesus, I don’t love God, I can’t please God, I don’t obey God, and now I’m not following the Jesus “of the Bible”.

But if I would yield myself to you and Kenneth Copelands religion, and agree with you and praise you and submit to your theology, I would be saved, and an acceptable human being in your eyes, and you would say nice things about me.

While it would be nice if you would stop telling lies about me, I understand how important it is to you, that you appear superior in front of of others. And maybe your flesh craves this attention. So you go on being a tale bearer, if it makes you feel good. It only reflects what is in your heart, not mine.

You've never seen me once point to "Kenneth Copeland" for anything....

Also, I never said anything about not possibly pleasing God. Like everyone else. We please God at times and at times we don't. Which is one of the reasons I treat you like I do myself. We are all the same in regards to this.

My point is solely in the fact that you are equally guilty of what you condemn in others.

You should, as it is a commandment of God. I find your philosophy regarding the God and Father of the Lords Christ troubling. That somehow God gives a Sabbath commandment to you, but doesn’t have the ability to show you when His Sabbath is.

God didn't give it to you. He gave it to your ancestors. He gave it to my ancestors. Their reject of it caused the problem. God has no obligation to train YOU outside of the context of another person. What do we have that we have not received from another? You can make claims that God has personally trained you, but I have the right to challenge that concept myself.

And the Hubris you promote is to promote to me that it’s God’s fault that you don’t know, refusing to even consider that perhaps you are blinded by your own self exaltation.

I have appealed to my experience here but I've never promoted myself.

Perhaps you might consider humbling yourself to God. It has been my experience that when a man does this, He reveals Himself to them, and writes His Laws on this man’s heart. Even you must believe that the Great God and Father of the Lords Christ is capable of showing a man, through His Inspired Word, when a day is that He said to “Remember” as a matter of Law.

Humility is why I'm even discuss this with you. I'm trying once again to appeal to your senses.

I will take your judgment under its due consideration.

Just look at yourself. You don't have to look at me. Just look at yourself. We pale in comparison to Jesus Christ. A person that refuses to acknowledge this fact is self absorbed.
Your statement is unsupported by the Bible and by reason, my friend.
God requires repentance, a humble heart, which includes turning away from the bad ways.
did 101G just say that. how can a sinner call on the name of the LORD UNLESS HE OR SHE WAS IN REPENTANCE? for have they not heard? was they not preached to?, and have they not believed? 101G suggest re-read the post reply again.

101G. (AKA the spiritual saboteur), (AKA the anti-christ)
I have never denied that HE is Me and David's Lord. I just don't believe in the image of God you guys have created.
Lord means God(YHWH) the Greek translation of the Hebrew for YHWH is Lord. Besides Jesus and the Apostles identify YHWH of the OT with the Son in the NT in many occasions.

You clearly deny He is Lord. You can’t like Thomas call Him your Lord and God, like Paul your Lord and Savior/ God and Savior and the same with Peter and John and Jude and writer of Hebrews

Next fallacy
I have never denied that HE is Me and David's Lord. I just don't believe in the image of God you guys have created.
101G is not a trinitarian, but God is a plurility..... of his own-self, which many do not understand. now you mention David Lord. may 101G ask you a question about David Lord? ..... Psalms 110:1 "A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." is this two separate and distinct persons? or is this the same one person in a ECHAD of plurality as the Ordinal First and Ordinal Last.

You've never seen me once point to "Kenneth Copeland" for anything....

Also, I never said anything about not possibly pleasing God. Like everyone else. We please God at times and at times we don't. Which is one of the reasons I treat you like I do myself. We are all the same in regards to this.

My point is solely in the fact that you are equally guilty of what you condemn in others.

God didn't give it to you. He gave it to your ancestors. He gave it to my ancestors.

That is what you and Kenneth Copeland and the Pope teaches. I have chosen not to "Yield myself" a servant to obey the religious businesses of this world you guys have adopted.

Their reject of it caused the problem. God has no obligation to train YOU outside of the context of another person. What do we have that we have not received from another? You can make claims that God has personally trained you, but I have the right to challenge that concept myself.

I have appealed to my experience here but I've never promoted myself.

Humility is why I'm even discuss this with you. I'm trying once again to appeal to your senses.

Just look at yourself. You don't have to look at me. Just look at yourself. We pale in comparison to Jesus Christ. A person that refuses to acknowledge this fact is self absorbed.

Yes, just look at yourself, and acknowledge that the neither the Jesus, or the Bible", nor His Father that HE said is greater than He, ever told anyone to do anything they are not capable of doing. Just because HE didn't write His Laws on your heart, doesn't mean He doesn't write them on the hearts of others.
Lord means God(YHWH) the Greek translation of the Hebrew for YHWH is Lord.

Hi Civic

Unfortunately you have been repeating this error throughout the Forum, for several weeks, even when you have been refuted.
That's OK. I am glad to correct that mistake once again, since it is for the profit of all readers.

  1. The translators of the Septuagint were not making a literal translation of YHWH. They were just imitating what the Hebrews did when they read YHWH: saying "Adonai". No scholar of Hebrew or Greek would affirm that YHWH means "Lord". YHWH means something related with the eternal /intemporal existence of God. Something like "I am who I am" or "I am who I am being" or "I am who I can become".
  2. Kúrios, Lord or Master, is a term that was used in the times of the New Testament to any person in a high position deserving respect and deference... particularly if you served them or wanted to appear as humble as if you were their servant. For example, Cornelius called "Lord" the angel who was speaking to him, even when Cornelius knew such angel was not God. (Acts 10:4). The disciples of Jesus called him "Lord" out of deep respect, even when they knew that Jesus Himself worship the same God they worshiped (John 20:17)
  3. Paul uses constantly "Theós" and "Kúrios" in his epistles. But when he is mentioning both the Father and The Son, and he wants to assign the titles "God" and "Lord", Paul ALWAYS assigns Theós to The Father and Kúrios to the Son. There is no swap. Never. Moreover, for Paul, the gods and the lords compete in different leagues. The Father competes (and wins) in the league of gods, while Jesus competes (and wins) in the league of lords. (1 Corinthians 8:6) Crystal clear.
  4. The Septuagint, as any other man-made creation, is imperfect. If Paul had preached to the Chinese, he would have called God "Heaven" (Tien) and that wouldn't have meant that "heaven" and "God" are the same concepts in all circumstances.

You clearly deny He is Lord.
You don't know the private, spiritual life of @Studyman.
So, you can't say he denies the Lord.

Has he ever accused you of denying the Lord?

From my side, and even when we hold doctrinal differences, I can certainly state that you worship the Only and True God, and that Jesus is the Lord of your Life. For that reason, I am sure you will reflect in what you have just said to @Studyman and correct.
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101G is not a trinitarian, but God is a plurility..... of his own-self, which many do not understand. now you mention David Lord. may 101G ask you a question about David Lord? ..... Psalms 110:1 "A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." is this two separate and distinct persons? or is this the same one person in a ECHAD of plurality as the Ordinal First and Ordinal Last.


Thanks for the question. It isn't a simple question. First one would have to determine when Jesus was told to "Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies "thy footstool". Was this before His Enemies murdered HIM? Or after God raised Him from the Dead?

I believe the Spirit that was in the Lord's Christ, the Wisdom that was in the Lord's Christ, to Love that was in the Lord's Christ, existed with God, and was God in the very beginning. I believe this Spirit was given to Jesus after HE had "learned obedience from the things HE suffered", when HE had grown in the wisdom and knowledge of God, even being surrounded by men who "professed to know God" but were actually children of the devil. This Spirit of God was given to HIM, in His late 20's or early 30's, after being anointed into God's Priesthood by a true Levite Priest, JTB, "as per the Law" and as Prophesied in the Law and Prophets.

This Spirit was God and was with God from the very beginning. Jesus behaved perfectly as a man, even as His Father in heaven is perfect, and instructed us to "do" the same.

I don't believe in the popular religious philosophy that Jesus overcame sin and temptations "because HE was God", that when the going got tough, as it does for all humans, Jesus just kicked in God power no other human was allowed to have or had access to, but HIS Father glorified Him anyway, for only doing what God would have no problem doing.

I believe this same power Jesus exercised was available to David, Shadrack, and even Peter until he started to doubt, and existed before Abraham, and we were promised the same power to do even greater works.

Was there 2 Spirits, separate one from the other? I don't believe so. I think they are One Spirit, which God has promised to give to them that obey Him, even as Jesus was Prophesied to do from His Youth. Can you imagine the self-sacrifice, self-discipline and Faith this man had? We would all do good to "Strive against sin" even as HE did.

Psalms 45: 6 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.

7 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore (Because of this) God, "thy God", hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

But such a belief doesn't lend itself to this world's religious sects and business, or the Image of God in the likeness of some very handsome, long-haired man they created, nor for the high days they created in worship of this image. These religious sects and their religious system is huge money, and the merchants of this earth wax rich promoting their image of God, and their high days and their philosophies. I saw a Jesus Bobblehead for sale last week, $20.00. I don't think this is the reason why God sent His Son into the world.

While God's judgments, Feasts and Sabbaths are despised and forgotten. There is no money in them at all.

So not many follow the path I believe the scriptures promote. I think this is why Jesus said, "Be ye not therefore like unto them" and again: "come out of her My People, that ye not partake of their transgression of God's Commandments".

But I am just a man, I believe we should all "Seek the Kingdom of God and "HIS" Righteousness", even as Jesus also instructed.

Thank you so much for the question.
But such a belief doesn't lend itself to this world's religious sects and business, or the Image of God in the likeness of some very handsome, long-haired man they created, nor for the high days they created in worship of this image.

Good reflection, Studyman.
As a footnote, the oldest paintings of Jesus Christ present him as a man with short hair and shaved face, as befitted any decent Roman citizen of that age (second century). So, Jesus physical image has been adapted to fit the standards and needs of the culture.

Should we be surprised to know that the disciples in their way to Emmaus could not identify His Master after two hours of direct face to face talking? Should we be surprised to learn that the woman who went to the tomb on Sunday morning mistook His Master by a gardener?
I can imagine that woman in deep sorrow, reproducing in her mind over the last 48 hours all type of remembrances of His Master ineracting with her: every detail of his glance and smile, every one of his gestures. Yet, when standing in front of Him again, she thought he must have been the gardener!

Yet, although the physical appearance of Jesus is of little or no importance, and although nobody in the Forum would be able to recognize Jesus for any physical trait, some people still demand every person to believe that Jesus possess today a physical face, as a condition to inherit eternal life.
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Lord means God(YHWH) the Greek translation of the Hebrew for YHWH is Lord. Besides Jesus and the Apostles identify YHWH of the OT with the Son in the NT in many occasions.

You clearly deny He is Lord. You can’t like Thomas call Him your Lord and God, like Paul your Lord and Savior/ God and Savior and the same with Peter and John and Jude and writer of Hebrews

Next fallacy

Well, I don't deny that HE is my Lord as you know, based on my Posts. He is mediating between me and His Father even now. How is HE not my Savior in such a capacity? But I have come to know how important it is for men to promote their adopted religion; in the same way the Pharisees were obsessed with promoting their adopted religion. There is nothing I can do about that.
Good reflection, Studyman.
As a footnote, the oldest paintings of Jesus Christ present him as a man with short hair and shaved face, as befitted any decent Roman citizen of that age (second century). So, Jesus physical image has been manipulated to fit the standards and needs of the culture.

It seems the same exact example is given to us in the Law and Prophets, concerning David and Saul. Certainly something to beware of, in my view.

Should we be surprised to know that the disciples in their way to Emmaus could not identify His Master after two hours of direct face to face talking? Should we be surprised to learn that the woman that went to the tomb mistook His Master by a gardener?

The Scriptures do say, "For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

And in like manner, a poor widow woman named Anna, in the middle of Jerusalem, knew the Messiah as an 8-day old child, when the expert "Doctors of the Law" in charge of doctrine and philosophy for the mainstream religion of that time, didn't see God in the man Jesus having known Him and talked to Him for 30 years.

Yet, although the physical appearance of Jesus is of little or no importance, and although nobody in the Forum would be able to recognize Jesus for any physical trait, some people still demand every person to believe that Jesus possess today a physical face, as a condition to inherit eternal life.

It is curious, that they claim this man Jesus was the God of Abraham, yet the very first of the 10 commandments forbids the creation of the very Image of God they create and promote throughout the world.
For the readers who the NT inspired writers identify as Lord/ YHWH in the NT

Jesus is the Lord in Joel, Isaiah and Jeremiah

Joel 2:27-32
32 "And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Will be delivered;
For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
There will be those who escape,
As the LORD has said,
Even among the survivors whom the LORD calls.

Paul quotes Joel below and says it is Jesus who is the Lord(YHWH) whom all will call upon

Romans 10:9-13
9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, "WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED." 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of C all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for "WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED."

Isaiah 45:21-24
Is it not I, the LORD?
And there is no other God besides Me,
A righteous God and a Savior;
There is none except Me.
22 " Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth;
For I am God, and there is no other.
23 "I have sworn by Myself,
The word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness
And will not turn back,
That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance.
24 "They will say of Me, 'Only in the LORD are righteousness and strength.'

Now Paul quotes Isaiah about YHWH and declares it is Jesus(YHWH) whom all will bow before,

Philippians 2:9-11
For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Isaiah 6:1-5
In the year of King, Uzziah's death, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. 2 Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings; with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 3 And one called out to another and said,
"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts,,
The whole earth is full of His glory."
4 And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke. 5 Then I said,
5"Woe is me, for I am ruined!,
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I live among a people of unclean lips;,
For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts."

Below John says Isaiah saw His ( Jesus the Son's ) glory. This was the only time the prophet Isaiah saw the Lord ( YHWH )

John 12:41
These things Isaiah said, because he saw His glory, and he spoke of Him

Jeremiah 17:10 the Lord says
"I the LORD search the heart, I test the mind. Even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings"

In Revelation 2:23 Jesus says
"I am He who searches the minds and hearts and I will give to each one of you according to your works"

Conclusion: So if Jesus is not God ( YHWH ) why would he claim to do something in Revelation that Yahweh claimed in Jeremiah?

So is it Yahweh or Jesus who searches hearts and minds?

The only name that can possibly be above all names is the name of YHWH. This means that Jesus shares the personal name and authority of YHWH, making Him God Himself as no one can be equal to God except God alone.

hope this helps !!!
That is what you and Kenneth Copeland and the Pope teaches. I have chosen not to "Yield myself" a servant to obey the religious businesses of this world you guys have adopted.

No it is not. You need to study more. Quote the Pope and Copeland.

You do not "do" what you claim you do. It is impossible. The problem is you. Not those that admit their guilt. You're a pretender.

Yes, just look at yourself, and acknowledge that the neither the Jesus, or the Bible", nor His Father that HE said is greater than He, ever told anyone to do anything they are not capable of doing. Just because HE didn't write His Laws on your heart, doesn't mean He doesn't write them on the hearts of others.

You and your Christ denying friend seem to think you can claim to be like Jesus without any evidence you're just like Jesus. Jesus knows more than you do. You are a victim of lesser knowledge. You don't know enough to please God.

"Case in point". Lets start over again. I will start slow. So when is the next Sabbath for you?

Until you actual prove you're like Christ, all you have is boasting. You're definitely boasting.
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Well, I don't deny that HE is my Lord as you know, based on my Posts. He is mediating between me and His Father even now. How is HE not my Savior in such a capacity? But I have come to know how important it is for men to promote their adopted religion; in the same way the Pharisees were obsessed with promoting their adopted religion. There is nothing I can do about that.

Why do you need mediation?

You're not making any sense whatsoever here. You claim you're not like I am yet you claim a mediator. Do you even know what a mediator is?

Why do YOU need the active mediation of Jesus Christ?
Hi Civic

Unfortunately you have been repeating this error throughout the Forum, for several weeks, even when you have been refuted.
That's OK. I am glad to correct that mistake once again, since it is for the profit of all readers.

  1. The translators of the Septuagint were not making a literal translation of YHWH. They were just imitating what the Hebrews did when they read YHWH: saying "Adonai". No scholar of Hebrew or Greek would affirm that YHWH means "Lord". YHWH means something related with the eternal /intemporal existence of God. Something like "I am who I am" or "I am who I am being" or "I am who I can become".
  2. Kúrios, Lord or Master, is a term that was used in the times of the New Testament to any person in a high position deserving respect and deference... particularly if you served them or wanted to appear as humble as if you were their servant. For example, Cornelius called "Lord" the angel who was speaking to him, even when Cornelius knew such angel was not God. (Acts 10:4). The disciples of Jesus called him "Lord" out of deep respect, even when they knew that Jesus Himself worship the same God they worshiped (John 20:17)
  3. Paul uses constantly "Theós" and "Kúrios" in his epistles. But when he is mentioning both the Father and The Son, and he wants to assign the titles "God" and "Lord", Paul ALWAYS assigns Theós to The Father and Kúrios to the Son. There is no swap. Never. Moreover, for Paul, the gods and the lords compete in different leagues. The Father competes (and wins) in the league of gods, while Jesus competes (and wins) in the league of lords. (1 Corinthians 8:6) Crystal clear.
  4. The Septuagint, as any other man-made creation, is imperfect. If Paul had preached to the Chinese, he would have called God "Heaven" (Tien) and that wouldn't have meant that "heaven" and "God" are the same concepts in all circumstances.

You don't know the private, spiritual life of @Studyman.
So, you can't say he denies the Lord.

Lord of Lords means what? It certainly presents a rank among "lords". Who is Lord of Lords?

Do you know what "rank" means?

Has he ever accused you of denying the Lord?

Why Yes. He has. Can you read?

From my side, and even when we hold doctrinal differences, I can certainly state that you worship the Only and True God, and that Jesus is the Lord of your Life. For that reason, I am sure you will reflect in what you have just said to @Studyman and correct.

You seem to believe that Jesus shares His Honor with others. We know that isn't true. Just listen to Jesus.

Joh 13:13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
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