Incorrect, I'm still waiting for the conclusion of the matter.
God’s Mercy is Freely Given but Conditional on Faith in Christ
Ephesians 2:8–9 (Lexham Bible): "For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so that no one can boast."
Salvation is offered by grace (unmerited favor), but it is received through faith in Christ. Faith is not a "work" but the means by which a sinner trusts in the saving work of Jesus.
You have a philosophy concerning "works" that you have adopted and are now promoting through the lens of the BBS. Others promote the religious philosophies of the religious sect of the Catholics, SDA, JW's, and many other religions who call Jesus Lord, Lord. Each religion believing their adopted religious philosophies superior to the others. But to justify the interpretation of Scriptures through the lens of your religion, you seem to need to omit the conclusion of Paul's teaching in Eph. 2. I would humbly present for your consideration how the message changes when the conclusion of Paul's teaching, along with his other teaching, is included for our examination.
Eph. 2: 8 For "by grace" are ye saved through faith; (Now faith is the substance of things "hoped for", the evidence of things "not seen") and that (Grace is) not of yourselves: (Grace) it is the gift of God:
9 Not of (Man's) works (But of God's), lest any man should boast.
10 For we (who in time past walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the "children of disobedience") are (NOW) his workmanship, (if so be we have Yielded ourselves to God) created in Christ Jesus (To walk even as HE walked) unto good works, which God (Not religious man) hath before ordained "that we should walk in them."
So God's "Grace/Mercy" exists for the express purpose of promoting God's "works", not mans, unto man. That we might, because of His Grace, turn to Him in submission. Believing that this same God will give us to His Son, God's High Priest, for cleansing and as it is written, "To teach us in the way that we should go", which includes "Living By Every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God" that Paul said was profitable "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God "may be perfect" (As the Jesus "of the Bible" commands), throughly furnished unto all "good works" (which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them)
This understanding is confirmed by Paul in all of his letters, I will list just one.
Rom. 2: (OF GOD) 6 Who will render to "every man" according to "his" deeds: (Not the Deeds of Jesus)
7 "To them" who by patient continuance "in well doing" (Good Works) "seek for" glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: 8 But unto them that are contentious, and "do not obey the truth", but "obey" unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
It is true, Biblically speaking, that there is no other Name by which a man may be saved, than the Messiah, the Lord's Christ Jesus. But it is also very clear that you can call Jesus Lord, Lord, or even Almighty God, and transform yourself into an apostle of Christ, and teach in His Name, and build massive religious businesses and shrines of worship all in His Name, but if you live contrary to God's Laws, adopting the religious doctrines and traditions of this world in their place, Jesus said HE doesn't know you.
So "Works", according to what is actually written, are essential for God's Salvation. Not man's Works, lest man should boast. But by the Just, Good and Holy "Works of God" that HE before ordained that His people should walk in them, even as Jesus, His son walked in them.
Pancho is pointing out that praising Jesus with our lips, calling Him God almighty, means almost nothing, if a man doesn't "Yield himself" a servant to obey God.
This is the sole purpose of the Christ's Existence, that you might "KNOW" the One True God, without which there is no Messiah, No Grace, NO resurrection, No Salvation, No Eternal Life, "AND" His Son, that God Sent that through HIS LIFE (Blood) we might repent and "Put On" the New Man, and become born again into a man, "which after God" is created "in righteousness and true holiness".
This is why, in my humble view, that Jesus commands His People to "Be Ye Perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect", the result of which would create a man "Who walks, even as Jesus walked" if we are not detoured from "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, and pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God (Which was) in Christ Jesus.