God is Love

And why doesn't God stop little children from being molested?

Why does God allow children to have brain cancer and ebola?

Why does God allow trillions animals to torment and harm each other while having innumerable diseases?

Explain to me how that is loving.

Why does God have to stop anything ?

Where in the Bible does God state He is required to stop sinners from sinning ?

Or where He is held culpable for mans actions ?
Why does God have to stop anything ?

If he's not loving, then he doesn't.

But love has a definition.

Where in the Bible does God state He is required to stop sinners from sinning ?

"Love always protects."

1 Cor. 13:7

Or where He is held culpable for mans actions ?

By allowing them he seemingly demonstrates a lack of love.

That is the issue here: not God's obligations, rather God fulfilling the definition of love.
If he's not loving, then he doesn't.

But love has a definition.

"Love always protects."

1 Cor. 13:7

By allowing them he seemingly demonstrates a lack of love.

That is the issue here: not God's obligations, rather God fulfilling the definition of love.
Love requires the freedom to love in return , it does not force or coerce others.
If he's not loving, then he doesn't.

But love has a definition.

"Love always protects."

1 Cor. 13:7

By allowing them he seemingly demonstrates a lack of love.

That is the issue here: not God's obligations, rather God fulfilling the definition of love.
If that’s your real belief then you should be a universalist. Hell is unloving just like you portray it above.
My love has bonded with you.

John 17:25-26
25 “You are my righteous Father, but the unbelieving world has never known you in the perfect way that I know you! And all those who believe in me also know that you have sent me! 26 I have revealed to them who you are and I will continue to make you even more real to them, so that they may experience the same endless love that you have for me, for your love will now live in them, even as I live in them!” TPT

My love has bonded with you in the same way that you are eternally united with My beloved Son. And there is nothing you could ever do to change that My dear child. So don't be afraid of losing your royal place in My heart. For it is simply not possible.

Just as water and food coloring cannot be separated once they are mixed together, neither can anything in all creation ever separate you from My love. After all, you are in Christ and He is in you and I am in Him, so you are forever joined with Me.

So take heart little one, and trust in the love that I have for you today. And as your confidence in My unwavering affection continues to grow, the fruitfulness of My Spirit will abound more and more in your beautiful heart.
If one of your children started raping the other right in front of you, would you allow it to honor their free will?

You would use the power you have to intervene and stop it, despite their free will, right?

It's not as simple as you are making it.
Well here's right back at you. It's not as simple as you are making it as you said in your last statement. You're wanting to insist and demand that everything has to be exactly like a natural realm parent with children but adult human beings are not children under parental oversite like God is with human beings.

But to answer your real question and you brought up other grotesques examples in your other post.....How could a God of LOVE allow it. Here I believe is the answer to that or something to consider. LOVE is connected to creating peace, ULTIMATE peace is what God is interested in. For God to settle for not having ULTIMATE peace for the universe would be to sign on to a less loving thing. Because man insisted (and the devil before him) insisted on bringing forth spiritual death then God in his wisdom knew regardless of how much it would grieve him or break his heart he'd have to allow a space or period of time to allow the fruits of death to demonstrate itself ....

that period of time has been around 6000 years so far and but we believe and know it won't last forever. The time will come when God will say enough and there will only be a Kingdom where there will be no sin. If any spirit being in some future age ever sought to envision sin or death as a possible good alternative it would be immediately dismissed for our 6000 year period (approx. ) will be pointed to as what death does and produces. None could say either that God didn't give independence from him who is LIFE enough time to show what it could do for he gave it lots of time thus death will be a thing of the past and NOT allowed henceforth.

So was it God being loving to allow this? YES! Even though it grieved him and pained his heart he knew it best seeing they brought forth death to bring ultimate peace the question needed settled once and for all. That doesn't mean God wanted or needed bad things to occur as a Calvinists might say he wanted or directed or ordained whatever takes place....NO he did not. And some say all things are for God's glory which becomes just using spiritual terms in a wrong inappropriate way. More could be said but that's enough for this post.
Well here's right back at you. It's not as simple as you are making it as you said in your last statement. You're wanting to insist and demand that everything has to be exactly like a natural realm parent with children but adult human beings are not children under parental oversite like God is with human beings.

Straw man.

I did not demand that, I merely described what love does.

But to answer your real question and you brought up other grotesques examples in your other post.....How could a God of LOVE allow it. Here I believe is the answer to that or something to consider. LOVE is connected to creating peace, ULTIMATE peace is what God is interested in. For God to settle for not having ULTIMATE peace for the universe would be to sign on to a less loving thing. Because man insisted (and the devil before him) insisted on bringing forth spiritual death then God in his wisdom knew regardless of how much it would grieve him or break his heart he'd have to allow a space or period of time to allow the fruits of death to demonstrate itself ....

So God has to allow evil to bring peace?

How does that logically follow?

that period of time has been around 6000 years so far and but we believe and know it won't last forever. The time will come when God will say enough and there will only be a Kingdom where there will be no sin. If any spirit being in some future age ever sought to envision sin or death as a possible good alternative it would be immediately dismissed for our 6000 year period (approx. ) will be pointed to as what death does and produces. None could say either that God didn't give independence from him who is LIFE enough time to show what it could do for he gave it lots of time thus death will be a thing of the past and NOT allowed henceforth.

You sound rambling and confused.

What's even your point?

So was it God being loving to allow this? YES! Even though it grieved him and pained his heart he knew it best seeing they brought forth death to bring ultimate peace the question needed settled once and for all. That doesn't mean God wanted or needed bad things to occur as a Calvinists might say he wanted or directed or ordained whatever takes place....NO he did not. And some say all things are for God's glory which becomes just using spiritual terms in a wrong inappropriate way. More could be said but that's enough for this post.

Would it not be more loving to allow no evil and death, and thus always have peace to begin with?

Do you allow your kids to continue to slap each other because eventually they will get tired and bring peace?

How is that love by any definition?! Sounds like laziness and indifference.
So take heart little one, and trust in the love that I have for you today. And as your confidence in My unwavering affection continues to grow, the fruitfulness of My Spirit will abound more and more in your beautiful heart.

And what about all the people that never got to know about Christ's love?

Am I so selfish that "I got mine," that I don't care if the one who loves me seems absolutely cruel and neglectful to others?

I have to cobble together some "get saved from nature" theology that doesn't really fit Scripture to make myself feel like God is fair to everyone?

If everyone can get "auto-saved" then missionaries are stupid and useless, and make things worse for people.

See... if I take the Bible seriously, I have to admit there are serious "seeming" injustices in it.
So God has to allow evil to bring peace?
You read what I said in my post....If any spirit being in some future age ever sought to envision sin or death as a possible good alternative it would be immediately dismissed for our 6000 year period (approx. ) will be pointed to as what death does and produces. None could say either that God didn't give independence from him who is LIFE enough time to show what it could do for he gave it lots of time thus death will be a thing of the past and NOT allowed henceforth. That would put the universe at peace.
What's even your point?
It's in all my statements
Would it not be more loving to allow no evil and death, and thus always have peace to begin with?
So aren't you really saying you have doubts that God is really loving at all? It seems you've gravitated to a position that what you would do as being love would be different then God. When the Bible says God is LOVE and that's what he is then should we ever question that. Evil does exist however. Evil and LOVE can't mix together they're like oil and water. So seeing evil exist and God is Good I think it demands an interpretation that he allowed only for a demonstration time that is for the ultimate good of the universe where the question has been settled once and for all.
How is that love by any definition?! Sounds like laziness and indifference.
It's love because it brings the situation to a head where all CAN SEE by experience the the fruits of sin. And it was man and fallen angels who wanted to know this by experience not that God wanted them to. Seeing THEY DID however he's allowed our period of time to be what it has been.

And keep in mind I said in my post I'm not saying every aspect of what I'm saying is an absolute truth but I said at least it's something to consider. To me at least it seems like the way that God who is love is thinking.
So aren't you really saying you have doubts that God is really loving at all? It seems you've gravitated to a position that what you would do as being love would be different then God. When the Bible says God is LOVE and that's what he is then should we ever question that.

Well, Jesus said "be perfect" too, and nobody is doing that.

What we "should" do does not speak to how difficult it is to do it.

People lose their faith over this problem—to minimize it is dismissive, in my opinion.
And what about all the people that never got to know about Christ's love?

Am I so selfish that "I got mine," that I don't care if the one who loves me seems absolutely cruel and neglectful to others?
Dizerner aren't you being somewhat extreme with Hosanna? All they're trying to do is to say something to encourage the saints. They said,

So take heart little one, and trust in the love that I have for you today. And as your confidence in My unwavering affection continues to grow, the fruitfulness of My Spirit will abound more and more in your beautiful heart.

I'm guessing some other day they would and maybe already have said something like, "Now go and tell all others of my gracious love to them",
Only a curmudgeon would object to people praising God for His love for us. We should never stop praising His name especially for his love for us. He loves us, personally powerfully and passionately. Perhaps in your life others have promised to love you and have failed. But not our King he has promised and succeeded. he loves us with an unfailing love. And his love.... if you will let it... can fill you and leave you with the love worth giving.

The Power of Your Love
Scripture Definition of love. 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. As long as we're walking around in this earth there's going to be wrong doing. The good news is this isn't our home our real home will be without any wrongdoing whatsoever. And God loves us enough to make that possible.

What did Jesus say about love? In the gospel of John, Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” John 13:34

It's a commandment for us Christians to obey. We need to concern ourselves with that not what the rest of the world does. If you live in America you have one vote. If you're against abortion you vote for candidates that are against abortion. That's all you can do except pray for our nation.
Dizerner aren't you being somewhat extreme with Hosanna? All they're trying to do is to say something to encourage the saints.

It is not a service to soldiers to send them out with no equipment and no training.

Ever seen boot camp? Are they being "mean" to the soldiers?

Or preparing them for how serious combat really is.

Do you know how many Christians fall away in college because this is all they were ladled out?

It's time for this "comfort soup for the soul Christianity" to be called out.

It's time to grow up, and stop whining at a challenge.
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It is not a service to soldiers to send them out with no equipment and no training.

Ever seen boot camp? Are they being "mean" to the soldiers?

Or preparing them for how serious combat really is.

Do you know how many Christians fall away in college because this is all they were ladled out?

It's time for this "comfort soup for the soul Christianity" to be called out.

It's time to grow up, and stop whining at a challenge.
Every raised an infant, a child ?

They need nurturing,love and milk.

Not meat, discipline,correction and reprimanding.

Maybe some need milk to digest and not choke on the meat you like to discuss. Ever consider that ?

Are infants and children ready for battle ?

No they are not.

hope this helps !!!
Dudes a drill sergeant now? What did I miss? I thought this was a Christian forum no one told me it was a battlefield. That's it... I'm getting my Armor on. Where did I leave my two edeged sword?
I'll hang with God's peace and His love.

Here's the thing, there's a thin line between striving for excellence in our Christian walk and pride. We should try to maximize, the gifts and abilities God has given us but when our striving becomes self-serving we have crossed the line. That seems to be what's going on here. Pride can destroy agape love and give God a reason to remove his blessing from your life.

Pride is a sin that seems to be an open invitation for God's intervention in judgment. Yes it's in the New Testament letter of James "But he gives more grace. therefore he says: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble James 4:6

If you want to know what you can do to have God resist your every move, James 4:6 tells you. Be a prideful arrogant person. I've seen more instances on these Christian forums than I care to remember of individuals who had a hard time finding the humidity switch in their life., I know we are all tempted with pride and we all have to self-correct and humble ourselves on occasion. But when you see this day after day after day it gets pretty obvious that there's no attempt to deal with pride in your life.

As we all know pride appears to have been the original sin in the universe when Satan was a member of God's Heavenly Court, he rose up against God and five times declares his intent to exalt himself above God: " I will..... I will.. I will... I will... I will. Next thing you know, Lucifer's been cast out of heaven to earth. Pride will not be sanctioned in heaven.
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Dudes a drill sergeant now? What did I miss? I thought this was a Christian forum no one told me it was a battlefield. That's it... I'm getting my Armor on. Where did I leave my two engine sword?
't hang with God's peace and His love.

Here's the thing, there's a thin line between striving for excellence in our Christian walk and pride. We should try to maximize, the gifts and abilities God has given us but when our striving becomes self-serving we have crossed the line. That seems to be what's going on here. Pride can destroy agape love and give God a reason to remove his blessing from your life.

Pride is a sin that seems to be an open invitation for God's intervention in judgment. Yes it's in the New Testament letter of James "But he gives more grace. therefore he says: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble James 4:6

If you want to know what you can do to have God resist your every move, James 4:6 tells you. ,Be a prideful arrogant person. I've seen more instances on these Christian forums than I care to remember of individuals who had a hard time finding the humidity switch in their life., I know we are all tempted with pride and we all have to self-correct and humble ourselves on occasion. But when you see this day after day after day it gets pretty obvious that there's no attempt to deal with pride in your life.

As we all know pride appears to have been the original sin in the universe when Satan was a member of God's Heavenly Court, he rose up against God and five times declares his intent to exalt himself above God: " I will..... I will.. I will... I will... I will. Next thing you know, Lucifer's been cast out of heaven to earth. Pride will not be sanctioned in heaven.
The way Jesus talked with little children was different than He did with the religious leaders. We cannot talk or treat everyone the same especially if we do not know where one is spiritually or in their personal life and what they might be going through that we are not aware of which can be taken out on others. There is some discernment that is needed when we converse with others and you are dead on with the pride issue. Humility, serving others and prayer is a must. If not then the flesh and pride will take over.
Love requires the freedom to love in return , it does not force or coerce others.

Love does not require allowing freedom to hurt other people.

You don't explain that part at all.

If that’s your real belief then you should be a universalist. Hell is unloving just like you portray it above.

I don't follow your logic, you don't flesh out the train of thought very well.

I have resolved my understanding of love, and it is different than others.

So this is more of an internal critique of other's shallow views of an emotional and soulish love.
Dudes a drill sergeant now? What did I miss?

You missed what a straw man is.

And what real love is.

I thought this was a Christian forum no one told me it was a battlefield. That's it... I'm getting my Armor on. Where did I leave my two engine sword?
't hang with God's peace and His love.

Hey, if standing for the truth that the world we live is a spiritual battle is too much for "Christians" to handle than ban me for standing for the truth.

He already said he would life-ban me under Carm rules, and all I've done is stand for the truth.

Ban me now, if you want a sheltered Christian forum full of back rubbing false doctrines and sinful attitudes.

It won't be my first time being banned for the truth.

And probably not my last.

That seems to be what's going on here. Pride can destroy agape love and give God a reason to remove his blessing from your life.

So standing for the truth is "prideful" now?

How do you know the intentions of my heart?!

As we all know pride appears to have been the original sin in the universe when Satan was a member of God's

But there's no pride in your posts, right.

I admit that I fall short of God's glory—do you?

Where's your humility in applying all your warnings to yourself?
Love does not require allowing freedom to hurt other people.

You don't explain that part at all.

I don't follow your logic, you don't flesh out the train of thought very well.

I have resolved my understanding of love, and it is different than others.

So this is more of an internal critique of other's shallow views of an emotional and soulish love.
Hell is worse than rape.

Now that is a giant size dill pickle for you. :)

I one upped you.


hope this helps !!!
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