Easily Dispelling The Trinity

It was always by the Holy Spirit that Jesus did miracles. As I said before, it was His divine powers, not His Divinity, that He temporarily set aside on Earth.

I disagree but it is small disagreement... :)

When Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit "rested upon him". I believe it was a sign that the Son was THE instrument of focus to humanity. Also, I believe Jesus showed His wisdom and power when He supernaturally escaped His family when He was only 12 years old.
That's not how the Pharisees took it.
What actually transpired is totally misaligned with your interpretation of that verse.
You are confused. Many trinitarians dismiss the narrative and embrace errors that contemporaries make. For example, trinitarians tend to pick and choose when to accept Pharisee pronouncements. In this case, you imply the Pharisee are correct in Jesus claiming to be God but when the condemn Jesus for blasphemy deserving of death, not so much, right?
I disagree but it is small disagreement... :)

When Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit "rested upon him". I believe it was a sign that the Son was THE instrument of focus to humanity.
I believe that the whole Trinity should be the focus of humanity. Only then do you get a balanced view of God.
Also, I believe Jesus showed His wisdom and power when He supernaturally escaped His family when He was only 12 years old.
Jesus certainly used his wisdom in many instances during his entire life.

You are confused. Many trinitarians dismiss the narrative and embrace errors that contemporaries make. For example, trinitarians tend to pick and choose when to accept Pharisee pronouncements. In this case, you imply the Pharisee are correct in Jesus claiming to be God but when the condemn Jesus for blasphemy deserving of death, not so much, right?

Nope. Just showing that even they understood what Jesus was saying.
I believe that the whole Trinity should be the focus of humanity. Only then do you get a balanced view of God.

Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Nope. Just showing that even they understood what Jesus was saying.
LOL. OK. Did they understand what Jesus was saying when they condemned him to death for blasphemy?

Funny how trinitarians disregard the Biblical narrative, of what God says about himself, that YHWH alone is God. You take the Pharisee's word for it - when it convenient.
Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Exactly. We need to be understanding of the ministries and powers of each Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of Truth (Christ) and that is one of His Ministries.
LOL. OK. Did they understand what Jesus was saying when they condemned him to death for blasphemy?
PY explained it already. They took offense to the truth that Jesus was proclaiming. We don't. That's the difference.
Funny how trinitarians disregard the Biblical narrative, of what God says about himself, that YHWH alone is God. You take the Pharisee's word for it - when it convenient.
Funny how anti-Trinitarians disregard the Biblical narrative of what Jesus plainly says about Himself. You're willing to totally misrepresent what clearly does transpire as a sacrifice to the Unitarian God.
LOL. OK. Did they understand what Jesus was saying when they condemned him to death for blasphemy?

Yes. That is why they wanted to kill Him.

Funny how trinitarians disregard the Biblical narrative, of what God says about himself, that YHWH alone is God. You take the Pharisee's word for it - when it convenient.

Jesus spoke plainly. They understood it. You're the one having difficulty understanding what Jesus clearly said.
Yes. That is why they wanted to kill Him.

Jesus spoke plainly. They understood it. You're the one having difficulty understanding what Jesus clearly said.
If Wrangler's interpretation was true then wouldn't you think that Jesus would had spoken up and corrected the Pharisees? This is exactly where Cults get tripped up. They do not employ critical thinking.

CC: @civic @Johann
If Wrangler's interpretation was true then wouldn't you think that Jesus would had spoken up and corrected the Pharisees? This is exactly where Cults get tripped up. They do not employ critical thinking.

CC: @civic @Johann
Shalom Achi-I fully concur brother.

Act_2:23 this Yeshua, given over by God’s predetermined plan and foreknowledge, nailed to the cross by the hand of lawless men, you killed.

Act 2:23 "This one, delivered up by the determined cheshbon (plan) and yedi'ah mukdemet (foreknowledge) of Hashem, and by the hand of lawless Bnei Adam you made him talui al HaEtz (being hanged on the Tree, DEVARIM 21:23) and put him to death. [YESHAYAH 53:10]
Funny how anti-Trinitarians disregard the Biblical narrative of what Jesus plainly says about Himself. You're willing to totally misrepresent what clearly does transpire as a sacrifice to the Unitarian God.
LOL. What he plainly says is that he is the son of God.
Yes or no. Did they understand what Jesus was saying when they condemned him to death for blasphemy?
The rabbis and the Sanhedrin knew who their Messiah was-in their midst-they knew the Torah and understood full well what Yeshua was saying brother-What did they expect? A Messiah ben David-or a Messiah ben Joseph?
The rabbis and the Sanhedrin knew who their Messiah was-in their midst-they knew the Torah and understood full well what Yeshua was saying brother-What did they expect? A Messiah ben David-or a Messiah ben Joseph?
Not really a yes or no answer, is it?
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