All truth is contained in Scripture which is inspired and its all we need to defend the True God who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All doctrine is contained within the N.T. for the church today. Its only the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles that are authoritative with the exception of Mark and Luke who were under Peter and Paul.
the gospel mark wrote
the gospel that luke wrote
They are TRUTH indeed my friend . In fact not a word one of theirs contradicts a word one
in other two gospels either .
And genealogies are not an issue either .
You wanna know what i find so odd these days . of course i aint saying YOU do it , but rather that many
seem to do this ,
Have you noticed they try and pit the GOD and scriptures in the OLD testament
as somehow being contrary to the JESUS of the new testament .
YET i challenge all to really examine even the jesus they offer up , Cause their version of him
CONTRADICTS the new testament version of HIM too .
I SEE the SAME GOD from page ONE to page last in that bible . HE DONT CHANGE , HIS TRUTH dont change .
ONLY the covenant changed and even that was written in the old test and propheised by the true prophets
In fact if we examine what peter and paul were meaning when they said THE HOLY SCRIPS
THEY MEANT TORAH and the prophets not their own writings . THOUGH we KNOW their writings are GOD INSPIRED .
Men love to pit and to twist things . But the wee little sheep WONT HEED a word one outta they lips .
Many have done a tremenodous evil and blapshemous thing .
They have created an image of GOD , they THINK is GOD and yet their image and version of him
SURE TRODS HIS WORDS , HIS SON , RIGHT UNDER FOOT and holds up rainbows and who knows what else .
AS THOUGH GOD LOVES SIN TODAY . SOMEHOW their god seems to Embrace lies , sins and even UNBELIEF
and sure seems to have a huge problem with manythings written that were INSPIRED BYTHE GOD .
DO ya ever get the feeling that satan can cloake himself as an angel of light and LIE and do so USING the name of JESUS and of GOD
CAUSE I SURE DO . wolves in wool baby they are all over the places .