Could it be happening now ?

We all face the uncertainty of our troubled generation, we need the priceless counsel of the Word of God. We need it more than ever because it provides a firm foundation even when the world seems as though it couldn't get any crazier.

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1

John 14 is packed full of encouragement. As I feel the anxiety of these times, I get a lot of peace from the promise that Jesus gave to His disciples—that includes you and me—in the Upper Room. He told them that He would never leave them without comfort:

“The Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:25–27
Do you think the place has been prepared and He is ready to take home His bride for the wedding feast ?
Amen !!!

We are to be ready for His Return 24/7. His Return has always been Imminent- hence His Imminent return. Jesus in so many of His parables taught this and so did His Apostles.

"Being ready" is desiring His return. I can say that I greatly desire His return. I long for it. It will one great union day where the saints of God lift their voice in victory and praise. We will leave all these troubles and empty cares behind. Being ready is about caring enough to live every moment as if Christ's coming kingdom is our overwhelming desire.

I do believe there are some that are not actually desiring the return of Christ in their end times theology. I've said for many years that I believe the teaching of end times events has caused more needless separation among God's children than most any other doctrine. It shouldn't. I leave the "timing" up to God.
Yah, I just love it when the preterists claim that Israel's restoration to Statehood in 1948 was just a "lucky or fortunate coincidence" ... wow, just wow! ... really??

I tend to lean toward partial-Preterism. Though I have my own beliefs. I tend to be a rebel in most anything "traditional".

I don't see how the UN recognizing national Israel fulfills any prophecy. Can you point to one for me.
I can see how they come up with them. I'm not a date guy. But I do think there will be signs as Jesus said in Matthew 24 and the wise men from the east saw the signs in the sky ( the star ) which indicated the 1st coming of the Messiah.
Always wondered about the Star of Bethlehem. The Greek word for star in Matt 1 is aster . Would a bright illumination have to mean a star? Hears the thing that has made me wonder. So the Magi saw the star "aster" in the east. They traveled to Jerusalem . And then an unusual statement they left Herod in Jerusalem and went to Bethlehem only a couple of miles to the south but the star "aster" came over the place of the house where the child was.

With a star in space being in Jerusalem looking south it could appear to the south. But getting to Bethlehem just two miles away it's now over a particular building? If so that would mean if you're south of Bethlehem you'd be seeing it looking north. In Jerusalem you'd be seeing it looking south.

That would mean you could triangulate it's position and it would have to be in the lower atmosphere of the earth not space. And if it came over the place where he Jesus was to the point it could be defined as over a building....that would be very, very low to the ground I wonder therefore if this star, aster, was a manifestation of glory that the wise men were following.

Now the Greek word for star is aster granted.....but any type of illumination in the sky in culture then was considered a star. But perhaps not a star as we think of stars in the current day. We think of stars as huge planet sized things millions and billions of miles out in space.

This doesn't seem to be what it was. So observe the picture below. If that came down to be over a particular house that could never be thought of as a star. What we think of a star today would roast our planet millions of miles before it even came close to the earth.


After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stood over the place where the Child was. 10When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight. 11On coming to the house, Matt 1:9
By going to the cross Jesus prepare the place for us in heaven. I hope Jesus is ready I know I am.

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

I would say that verse has literally been fulfilled. So the end could come at any time. But it's not really the end is it.... it's the beginning.
Always wondered about the Star of Bethlehem. The Greek word for star in Matt 1 is aster . Would a bright illumination have to mean a star? Hears the thing that has made me wonder. So the Magi saw the star "aster" in the east. They traveled to Jerusalem . And then an unusual statement they left Herod in Jerusalem and went to Bethlehem only a couple of miles to the south but the star "aster" came over the place of the house where the child was.

With a star in space being in Jerusalem looking south it could appear to the south. But getting to Bethlehem just two miles away it's now over a particular building? If so that would mean if you're south of Bethlehem you'd be seeing it looking north. In Jerusalem you'd be seeing it looking south.

That would mean you could triangulate it's position and it would have to be in the lower atmosphere of the earth not space. And if it came over the place where he Jesus was to the point it could be defined as over a building....that would be very, very low to the ground I wonder therefore if this star, aster, was a manifestation of glory that the wise men were following.

Now the Greek word for star is aster granted.....but any type of illumination in the sky in culture then was considered a star. But perhaps not a star as we think of stars in the current day. We think of stars as huge planet sized things millions and billions of miles out in space.

This doesn't seem to be what it was. So observe the picture below. If that came down to be over a particular house that could never be thought of as a star. What we think of a star today would roast our planet millions of miles before it even came close to the earth.

View attachment 232

After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stood over the place where the Child was. 10When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight. 11On coming to the house, Matt 1:9
Yes it could be a planet, a star, even a comet. But we do know it was a sign in the heavens from God. :) Those astronomers from the east sure knew what it was. :)
Is the rapture and return of Christ imminent?

Are we about to enter into the time of Jacob’s Trouble , the great tribulation period ?
I see Eph 4:10-16 as being the primary indicator of the End times. And the "Perfect (Mature) Man" (Eph 4:13) is nowhere on the radar - yet. the VISIBLE CHURCH is still fractured, scattered, and confused. When we see the church (Born again Christians) UNITED, and calling out "Even so COME, Lord Jesus" Then I'd say we're getting pretty close.

WE, in the U.S. tend to see the death spiral of our country / governmental system as a significant "Sign".

But many other political systems over the ages have experienced the same death spiral, and all it's ever been in the final analysis, is another indication of the stupidity, Ignorance, SIN, and GREED of humans.

The Catholic's "Blessed Virgin Thing" is bawling about CATASTROPHIC THREATS ("three days of darkness have going to be happening in May - no June - no July - no August - no September - etc).

But since she's/it's nothing but satanic anyway, and she's/it's just another demonic "Chicken little", and the "SKY" really isn't falling - yet.

SO Bottom line, I don't know that we're immediately entering the "time of the end" yet. I PERSONALLY expect to watch it from the OTHER SIDE of the grass.
By going to the cross Jesus prepare the place for us in heaven. I hope Jesus is ready I know I am.

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

I would say that verse has literally been fulfilled. So the end could come at any time. But it's not really the end is it.... it's the beginning.

Legend has it that when Paul was beheaded his head bounce 3 times across the ground and three wells popped up at each location his head touched. I don't know if I believe this.... but I can tell what I do believe....

He didn't feel a thing. One moment engulfed by God's Grace and the next...... hand and hand with God. Not saying there isn't a difference between death and the return of Christ. There is.... but God has this life under control. He can do with what I love here better than I could ever do on my own. Which is what I already beg Him to do. Looking and waiting is almost as good as the real things. Especially with Him with us now.
I see Eph 4:10-16 as being the primary indicator of the End times. And the "Perfect (Mature) Man" (Eph 4:13) is nowhere on the radar - yet. the VISIBLE CHURCH is still fractured, scattered, and confused. When we see the church (Born again Christians) UNITED, and calling out "Even so COME, Lord Jesus" Then I'd say we're getting pretty close.

WE, in the U.S. tend to see the death spiral of our country / governmental system as a significant "Sign".

But many other political systems over the ages have experienced the same death spiral, and all it's ever been in the final analysis, is another indication of the stupidity, Ignorance, SIN, and GREED of humans.

The Catholic's "Blessed Virgin Thing" is bawling about CATASTROPHIC THREATS ("three days of darkness have going to be happening in May - no June - no July - no August - no September - etc).

But since she's/it's nothing but satanic anyway, and she's/it's just another demonic "Chicken little", and the "SKY" really isn't falling - yet.

SO Bottom line, I don't know that we're immediately entering the "time of the end" yet. I PERSONALLY expect to watch it from the OTHER SIDE of the grass.
Thanks Bob !
Psalm 19:1 describes the heavens as declaring and proclaiming the glory of God. The Psalmist goes on to say in verses 2-6 that the heavens “reveal knowledge.” God’s glory can be heard throughout the “ends of the earth” and booms with “joy.” The heavens are meant to reveal God’s glory to us plainly.

Romans 1:19-20 says: “For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.”
I am not very knowledgeable in terms of biblical eschatology, but I do believe the Bible is correct in that iniquity/lawlessness has increased (Matthew 24:12; see also Psalm 74:23).

I am somewhat curious that India would join with China in BRICS seeing that they have such animosity between one another. Border skirmishes between them still exist to this day.
Yes thats my biggest problem is spiritualizing all the literal prophecies in scripture, peoples and places.

Which is why I tend to believe that Christ fulfilled the vast majority of prophecy in His Advent, Death, and Resurrection. So thorough was His work, that very few things were left to accomplish.

He did promise to prepare a place. I'm not sure if I'm waiting for anything else... to be accomplished. :)

Heb 10:7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
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I find this interesting from Got Questions. @Rockson

Sometime after Jesus was born (Matthew 2:1a), magi (Gr. magos) from the east came to Jerusalem to find that King (Matthew 2:2a). Tradition tells us that the wise men may have been three in number, that they were from three different nations, and other interesting embellishments, but the biblical text simply records that these wise men were from the east (Matthew 2:1), and they all seemingly came from one country (Matthew 2:12). The magi journeyed west to find the prophesied King because they saw His star in the east (Matthew 2:2).

The magi recognized that the star they saw signified that the King of prophecy had arrived. They followed the star to Bethlehem until it was directly overhead the Christ Child’s location (Matthew 2:9). They “rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” when they saw the star above (Matthew 2:10, ESV), and they came to the house where Mary and Jesus were.

Upon entering the house the star had led them to, the magi presented their gifts to Jesus and began to worship Him. They had met the One they recognized as the King of the Jews and the fulfillment of prophecy (Matthew 2:2, 11).

In contrast to the magi’s reaction to the birth of Christ is that of King Herod (the Roman-appointed ruler in Jerusalem). Herod heard that the magi had come to Jerusalem looking for the King of the Jews. He reached out to them secretly to inquire when they had first seen the star in the east (Matthew 2:7). He then tried to deceive them into thinking that he also wanted to worship this newborn King, but God warned the magi of Herod’s deception. Rather than report Jesus’ location back to Herod, the magi went home another route (Matthew 2:12).

Matthew does not make it clear whether the star the magi saw in the east is the same star predicted through Balaam, but there was a star predicted to rise in Israel, and that star would be associated with the King (Numbers 24:17). The magi rightly calculated that the particular star they saw from the east would lead them to the King of the Jews. Perhaps God communicated something directly to them (as He did in Matthew 2:12). Perhaps they also knew of Daniel’s prophecy concerning the timing of the King’s birth (Daniel 9:25). Perhaps they just recognized a connection to Balaam’s prophecy. In any case, the magi got it right: they were guided by “His star in the east,” and they arrived at the exact place where the newborn King of the Jews was staying.
God included many things in the information that He wanted us to know in the Bible. The majority of this information is prophetic material. This would imply that we should be concerned with prophetic matters and not be ostriches. He even includes numbers. 70 Weeks, "time, times and half a time", 1290 days, 1335 days, evening morning 2300, 430 years for a day, "three days and three nights", "one day is like a thousand years", 5 months, 1260 days, 42 months, 3 1/2 days, half an hour, one hour, one thousand years. And this also includes the 7 Feasts of Yahweh which have very specific rules for when they take place as they were given as rehearsals to foreshadow major prophetic events. This would imply that it IS POSSIBLE to understand God's timeline of human history.

However, the video in the first post displays the major and very common problem with how people interpret prophecy these days. There is simply no understanding of the language the original text was written in or the culture that existed when the prophecies were given. People read their favorite English translation and come up with wild speculations and read into the text what they assume it means. But this is actually not anything new. Within a few short generations after the apostles, most Christians did not have a proper understanding of prophetic matters.

After all, Gabriel tells Daniel: [Dan 12:9 LSB] "Go [your way], Daniel, for [these] words are concealed and sealed up until the time of the end." Yet in Revelation, one of the seven messengers tells John: [Rev 22:10 LSB] "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near." But in order to properly understand Revelation you need to properly understand Daniel. So it would seem only when it truly is nearing the time of the end, will there be an accurate and proper understanding of prophetic material.
I find this interesting from Got Questions. @Rockson

Sometime after Jesus was born (Matthew 2:1a), magi (Gr. magos) from the east came to Jerusalem to find that King (Matthew 2:2a). Tradition tells us that the wise men may have been three in number, that they were from three different nations, and other interesting embellishments, but the biblical text simply records that these wise men were from the east (Matthew 2:1), and they all seemingly came from one country (Matthew 2:12). The magi journeyed west to find the prophesied King because they saw His star in the east (Matthew 2:2).

The magi recognized that the star they saw signified that the King of prophecy had arrived. They followed the star to Bethlehem until it was directly overhead the Christ Child’s location (Matthew 2:9). They “rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” when they saw the star above (Matthew 2:10, ESV), and they came to the house where Mary and Jesus were.

Upon entering the house the star had led them to, the magi presented their gifts to Jesus and began to worship Him. They had met the One they recognized as the King of the Jews and the fulfillment of prophecy (Matthew 2:2, 11).

In contrast to the magi’s reaction to the birth of Christ is that of King Herod (the Roman-appointed ruler in Jerusalem). Herod heard that the magi had come to Jerusalem looking for the King of the Jews. He reached out to them secretly to inquire when they had first seen the star in the east (Matthew 2:7). He then tried to deceive them into thinking that he also wanted to worship this newborn King, but God warned the magi of Herod’s deception. Rather than report Jesus’ location back to Herod, the magi went home another route (Matthew 2:12).

Matthew does not make it clear whether the star the magi saw in the east is the same star predicted through Balaam, but there was a star predicted to rise in Israel, and that star would be associated with the King (Numbers 24:17). The magi rightly calculated that the particular star they saw from the east would lead them to the King of the Jews. Perhaps God communicated something directly to them (as He did in Matthew 2:12). Perhaps they also knew of Daniel’s prophecy concerning the timing of the King’s birth (Daniel 9:25). Perhaps they just recognized a connection to Balaam’s prophecy. In any case, the magi got it right: they were guided by “His star in the east,” and they arrived at the exact place where the newborn King of the Jews was staying.

My view, these are the sons of Keturah. Abraham did more than train Isaac in the ways of God. He trained his entire family. There has been much speculation about where they ended up but I believe it was in Asia. I believe they looked for the "star".
My view, these are the sons of Keturah. Abraham did more than train Isaac in the ways of God. He trained his entire family. There has been much speculation about where they ended up but I believe it was in Asia. I believe they looked for the "star".
Thanks I tend to agree with you. :)
God included many things in the information that He wanted us to know in the Bible. The majority of this information is prophetic material. This would imply that we should be concerned with prophetic matters and not be ostriches. He even includes numbers. 70 Weeks, "time, times and half a time", 1290 days, 1335 days, evening morning 2300, 430 years for a day, "three days and three nights", "one day is like a thousand years", 5 months, 1260 days, 42 months, 3 1/2 days, half an hour, one hour, one thousand years. And this also includes the 7 Feasts of Yahweh which have very specific rules for when they take place as they were given as rehearsals to foreshadow major prophetic events. This would imply that it IS POSSIBLE to understand God's timeline of human history.

However, the video in the first post displays the major and very common problem with how people interpret prophecy these days. There is simply no understanding of the language the original text was written in or the culture that existed when the prophecies were given. People read their favorite English translation and come up with wild speculations and read into the text what they assume it means. But this is actually not anything new. Within a few short generations after the apostles, most Christians did not have a proper understanding of prophetic matters.

After all, Gabriel tells Daniel: [Dan 12:9 LSB] "Go [your way], Daniel, for [these] words are concealed and sealed up until the time of the end." Yet in Revelation, one of the seven messengers tells John: [Rev 22:10 LSB] "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near." But in order to properly understand Revelation you need to properly understand Daniel. So it would seem only when it truly is nearing the time of the end, will there be an accurate and proper understanding of prophetic material.
Thanks for your insight into the topic, much appreciated. I also believe when Daniel spoke of knowledge will increase it was knowledge of His return and timing. We can read the signs and know its near.
Are these really the signs of the times ?
Everyone who makes predications when the end times will occur should first look at all of the other predictions that people have made, explain why those people thought that their predictions would be correct, explain the error in their reasoning that made their predictions incorrect, and explain why their predictions are correct where the predictions of so many others have been incorrect, and if they do that first, then it might be worth watching their video.
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