Christmas and Easter

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What others have done to a day of the year has nothing to do with me. I'll choose to do with the day whatever I want to do with it. I'll try's an unusual analogy but I'll say it. .I don't know when Hitler's birthday was. If I found out his Birthday was the same as mine or one of my kids do you think I'm going to change the day we have fun on our Birthdays?

I'm speaking about a corrupt religious system that rejects God's Judgments and Statutes, and creates their own to walk in. You know your birthday, and your kids, even Hitlers, but not Jesus', because God never revealed it to us in scriptures. I am free to have fun, but not free to do whatever I want with whatever day I want. I'm a purchased possession.

My point. You non Christmas people are so upset with something the world has done with a day.

I don't care what you christmas people do with your days. I'm pointing out a religious system that full well rejects the judgments and statutes of God so that they can promote and live by their own righteousness and their own high days. If it weren't for Constantine, you wouldn't be observing these manmade high days, because they are not taught in Scriptures. This is simply true. Does it matter? Certainly not to the religoins of this world.

It doesn't matter what they've done to a day. What they do does not connect to me. If I wanted to create for my family a special day where we read scriptures about Jesus born in Bethlehem, decide to add color to my home and decorate my home just for fun what evil have I done?

This world's religions have rejected the days that "God esteemed" above others and have created their own high days in worship of some random long haired handsome man they call Jesus, that they claim was born on Dec. 25th. And you can follow suit and adopt their religion, their god, and their high days as your own if you want. And surely the "christmas custom has been around for a long time before Jesus was even born.

Jer. 10 "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."

I find it fascinating that Jesus says the world hates Him, and would hate me for following Him. And truly the Feasts of the Lord are despised and rejected by this world and its religions. But the Catholic high day of christmas, is embraced by the entire planet in some form.

Do these things mean anything? Well Rockson, not to you, because as you said, you will do what you want, when you want to do it, and you are teaching your children to live by the same doctrine.

I believe that according to Scriptures, this way of life is a mistake.

Sure they do. But what's this got to do with the subject under discussion?

These manmade religious high days are man's righteousness, not God's. This is simply Biblical Truth. Does it matter? Certainly not to this world's religions.

Nothing to do with why we can't have some fun on a certain day.

Do I have to reject God's judgments and Statutes to have fun in your religion? Can you and your children have fun without promoting and defending this world's religious high days? I know my family and I have fun following the "Way of the Lord" that Jesus promoted. Actually, a lot more blessings and fun than when we were snared by the traditions of this world.

I'm not observing such things as a part of my religion or spiritual responsibilities. Again if I want to have fun on a certain day and see my children laugh and smile that will I do.

But you are defending the high day. And you associate it with Jesus' birthday and teach this to your children as well. But it isn't His birthday. and it IS a catholic high day that wasn't taught, promoted or walking in by any example of Faithful man in the entire Bible. Does this matter? Not to the religious sects and businesses of this world.

But I don't get your argument. Merchants also choose other days and times to do promotions. They call it Back To School Sales. So because they're promoting things at certain times so we take the position we're not going to buy anything those days? Do you say "Oh no! The merchants are seeking to make money! That's why they're having that side walk sale! I'm not going for they're trying to make money!" Not I believe I'm safe to say you wouldn't reason such.

I know you are not this ignorant, you are just trolling me now. Surely even you, must know the difference between a man made religious high day, that God specifically teaches against creating, and a sidewalk sale. Come on Rockson. I brought it up because of what is written in Scriptures.

Rev. 18: 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance "of her delicacies".

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

Maybe the God "of the bible" doesn't like it when men place His Son's Name on ancient pagan high days, while they teach others to reject the Judgments and statutes of God that Jesus walked in. Maybe God doesn't like it when religious men, who call His Son, Lord, Lord, teach their children and others to reject the days HE Esteems above others, in favor of ancient catholic high days.

For me, why would I want to dishonor God by claiming to know Him, yet placing His Son's Name on known pagan high days that HE warned me about?

I'm surprised by this from you, although I probably shouldn't be.
What can be good about Christmas? I think it can be a time for being a blessing unto others. To make them feel loved. It sets forth a time where people can come together as community and be more friendlier than normal. Other reasons too..

Fascinating isn't it. The "Way of the Lord" that Jesus, and every member of God's Church walked in from the beginning of scriptures, doesn't promote blessings and kindness and love to others in your religion. But ancient pagan high days, adopted into "Christianity" centuries after Jesus ascended, by Constantine, a known sun worshipper makes you feel loved and prompts you to show kindness to others.

That's messed up Rockson. My family and I are almost 30 years separated from the religions of this world and their traditions. I find the reality the exact opposite.

You are free to worship as you please. I am simply pointing out some Biblical Truths, worldly truths, and many years of experience to share with you another path. The Path Jesus walked. This Path doesn't include manmade doctrines and religious high days, and it has been very good for my family and me. I highly recommend it, although this world's religious businesses and the merchants of the world they are partners with would want you to continue supporting the catholic high days.
Keiw1 - Since you persist in condemning those who celebrate Christmas and Easter, then your condemnation comes right back at you, because you do the exact same thing. You associate with pagan idolatry every day of the week, from Sunday - the Sun god - to Saturday - worship of Saturn, and every god and goddess in between. You also associate with the gods and goddesses of the months of the year. And you use dollar bills, which are covered with idolatrous images.
You complained about me bringing these things up before, saying that I needed to "Be real." But you're not being faithful to your own convictions, if you use days, months and dollar bills. You objected, saying no one could do that. Actually you could, if you really wanted to not be hypocritical. It would be inconvenient, but it would be possible. So until you give up using the accepted names of days and months and using dollar bills, you are doing the same thing that you accuse us of. Jesus didn't look too favorably on the scribes and Pharisees, who did the exact same thing that you are doing.
I think there should be a balance between the two. When I see people talk about the victories and answers to prayers that suggests to me their relationship with God is alive. If EVERYTHING is just talking about theology then I think something is a miss.

God's Word means something. It is created for more than just self-justification, in my view. If deceiving theologies wasn't of great concern to the Christ "of the Bible", then HE would have warned so much about them.

Having fun on a day like Dec 25th doesn't have to mean you're observing a high day of men . Do with it what you want. Let me ask you this do you have fun ANY day of the year? I'm sure you do. Seeing your kids probably have time off at Christiams what's wrong with you doing something fun. Again I just don't get your reasoning.

Yes, the whole world engages in observation of this manmade high day. Decorations, trees decked with silver and gold ornaments, images of baby Jesus and His Mother, etc. It's hard not to be influenced by this great religious manmade high day. I'm off work, the kids and now grandkids are still homeschooled. But I try and take them ice fishing or snowmobiling if it doesn't fall on God's Holy Sabbath and the ice is good.

It's a day that neither God nor HIS Son Esteemed above other days, so we treat it like any work day, but the rest of the world doesn't.

Neither is there a record where people celebrated birthdays.......from what I can see. So are you against our culture doing so too?

What??? It is your religious "culture" to preserve ancient pagan high days, by claiming Jesus was born on it, knowing full well you have no idea what day Jesus was born.

That is your culture, but no longer mine. And my kid's birthday isn't a religious high day that I placed Jesus' name on. Come on Rockson, seek God's Truth, not self-justification.

But you can have fun on a day we call Christmas without talking to them about Santa. I told my kids the truths about that all along. But it doesn't mean we can't buy each other gifts a certain day of the year to have fun.

And they will pass your religious tradition down to their kids and so on, just as the rest of the world. And I would almost bet you, that you didn't tell them the truth about you having no idea when Jesus was born, instead, I'm sure you told them Jesus was born on December 25th and that is why you buy them gifts to have fun on "That day". So you didn't tell them the truth about the origin of Christmas, why it isn't found anywhere in the Bible, and why God never Prophesied of this great manmade high day, except in Jer. 10.

Which you are free to do. But a man can give gifts to his children without promoting a catholic high day onto them.

But friend you can still have fun at what we call Christmas and just say nobody really knows for sure the actual day of his birth. Nobody is saying you have to believe he was born on a certain day for sure anyway.

This is simply untrue. The entire religious high day was placed on a pagan high "day" to preserve the pagan high day. (Dec. 25th) The traditions associated with it align with the ancient pagan god. (Jer. 10) The Name of Jesus was placed on it, to preserve the pagan high "day".

Not to commemorate Jesus' birthday, because nobody knows His day of Birth in the first place.

Jesus said, "Do this in remembrance of Me". What did HE instruct His Disciples to do? Place His name on a known pagan high day and call it His birthday? No, and yet, this is what this world's religions promote.

But to show you how deceitful the prince of this world is, men are convinced to reject Passover and Unleavened Bread, and honor the Queen of Heaven with Easter, and Mithra, the roman god of light with Christmas.

Of course you don't believe this, because of blindness. But the Scriptures do say, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Jer. 19: 4 Because they have forsaken me, and have estranged this place, and have burned incense in it unto other gods, whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place with the blood of innocents; 5 They have built also "the high places of Baal", to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind:

This is the truth behind Christmas. I'm sure the prince of this world doesn't mind being called Jesus.

Again I'm not connected to what OTHERS want to say about a day. I'll say about the day whatever I want to. But I can still have fun with family getting together, loving one another and yes even passing out gifts if we want to.

Yes, you can do what you want, when you want, on whatever day you want. And we are judged by our works.
You're not getting it. It's not a concept. It's a day of the year. And it's a day of the year that I OWN just as much as anyone else in the world. I can do with it what it want and so can Christians! Those who have done to the day that which you do not agree with DO NOT own the day. You're claiming they do.

This might help. The rainbow is a beautiful thing! We know however that those with a different world view then ourselves have taken the symbol of the rainbow and used it as THEIR trademark. Doesn't matter what they do. THEY DO NOT OWN the rainbow. If I want to use a Rainbow symbol for something than I'll tell you this I'M GOING TO DO IT! I have a right to do it! A rainbow is an incredibly beautiful thing. So is every day of the week or year! If I do or all other Christians want to do with it what they want it's their place and they have a right to do so and nobody should come forth and say you can't do anything with it. Ungodly people have taken over the day you say and it's off bounds? Baloney. Stop allowing those you don't agree with to rob things from you.
A unbiblical day of the year= a tradition of men. Mark 7:13 warns about the traditions of men.
7 is the Number that proclaims the WORD Who became flesh and dwelt among us.
That has nothing to do with Gods name being removed to mislead all using the altered translations. Do you possibly think God or Jesus agrees with men altering the way God wrote the bible?
That has nothing to do with Gods name being removed to mislead all using the altered translations. Do you possibly think God or Jesus agrees with men altering the way God wrote the bible?
What is the Name of God that JESUS proclaimed???

FYI : We KNOW the Vatican is EVIL

FYI: Not all catholics are part of the Vatican's evil.
A unbiblical day of the year= a tradition of men. Mark 7:13 warns about the traditions of men.
One doesn't have to sign on to others what THEY do that's actually evil on a certain day. We can do what WE want to do on a certain day. We can have a family gathering, fellowship, buy each other a present and have some fun on Dec 25th. And traditions of men don't mean you can't have traditions of men. It's traditions of men that make the word of God of none effect which is the problem. I mean are you opposed to have the four things I mentioned in any other day of the year too? So Christians can never have a family gathering buy a present for another any other day of the year either? I mean if it's evil in your books it's evil right?
What is the Name of God that JESUS proclaimed???

FYI : We KNOW the Vatican is EVIL

FYI: Not all catholics are part of the Vatican's evil.
All Catholics serve a non existent trinity. Breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Not a wise place to be standing.
YHVH(Jehovah) = The God of Israel=The Abrahamic God.
One doesn't have to sign on to others what THEY do that's actually evil on a certain day. We can do what WE want to do on a certain day. We can have a family gathering, fellowship, buy each other a present and have some fun on Dec 25th. And traditions of men don't mean you can't have traditions of men. It's traditions of men that make the word of God of none effect which is the problem. I mean are you opposed to have the four things I mentioned in any other day of the year too? So Christians can never have a family gathering buy a present for another any other day of the year either? I mean if it's evil in your books it's evil right?
Christians do those 4 things out of Love, not told to by a calender date. There are no pagan additives when done out of love by true followers.
All Catholics serve a non existent trinity. Breaking Gods #1 commandment daily. Not a wise place to be standing.
YHVH(Jehovah) = The God of Israel=The Abrahamic God.

When are you going to BELIEVE every word that God has Spoken???

Genesis chapter 1 is where ELOHIM (PLURAL/Gods/Divine Ones) begins the revealing of Elohenu FATHER Elohenu Son Elohenu HOLY SPIRIT.

It is NOT a catholic thing.

Two Questions:
1.) What is the Name of the FATHER that JESUS gave to us???

2.) What makes a counterfeit real?
When are you going to BELIEVE every word that God has Spoken???

Genesis chapter 1 is where ELOHIM (PLURAL/Gods/Divine Ones) begins the revealing of Elohenu FATHER Elohenu Son Elohenu HOLY SPIRIT.

It is NOT a catholic thing.

Two Questions:
1.) What is the Name of the FATHER that JESUS gave to us???

2.) What makes a counterfeit real?
In the Hebrew language, use of Elohim for the true living God translates-the supreme one, or the mighty one. Its NEVER plural for the true living God in the Hebrew language.
In the Hebrew language, use of Elohim for the true living God translates-the supreme one, or the mighty one. Its NEVER plural for the true living God in the Hebrew language.
Your controllers/watchtower are LYING to you

In the beginning
בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית (bə·rê·šîṯ)
Preposition-b | Noun - feminine singular
Strong's Hebrew 7225: 1) first, beginning, best, chief 1a) beginning 1b) first 1c) chief 1d) choice part

אֱלֹהִ֑ים (’ĕ·lō·hîm)
Noun - masculine
Strong's Hebrew 430: 1) (plural) 1a) rulers, judges 1b) divine ones 1c) angels 1d) gods 2)
(plural intensive-singular meaning) 2a) god, goddess 2b) godlike one 2c) works or special possessions of God 2d) the (true) God 2e) God
In light of 1 Corinthians 10:21= One cannot partake of the table of God and the table of demons.
Since its 100% fact, Catholicism took pagan false holidays and some practices off the table of demons and turned them into Christmas and Easter. Thus its a guarantee its like one trying to hand you a glass of clean water and they add sewer water to it. Would you drink it? Would you drink it 2 days later? 1000 years is as a day to God, thus to him those pagan additives are still fresh in his thoughts, thus to Jesus its the same, he wouldn't accept either holiday with pagan additives EVER. Just like you wouldn't drink that water EVER.
Why are the blind guides allowing it?
I agree. Yeshua was born in late September or early October depending on the lunar calendar. Most Messianic Rabbis and Sages believe Yeshua was born on or near Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year.
The Jewish New Year festival, held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.

I agree. Yeshua was born in late September or early October depending on the lunar calendar. Most Messianic Rabbis and Sages believe Yeshua was born on or near Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year.
The Jewish New Year festival, held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.


It is MOST likely, from the Scriptures, that JESUS was born in the Spring = Just as Passover is in the Spring

I agree. Yeshua was born in late September or early October depending on the lunar calendar. Most Messianic Rabbis and Sages believe Yeshua was born on or near Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year.
The Jewish New Year festival, held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.

G'd says: The Jewish New Year is the Month NISSAN = Passover

Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: ‘On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. - Exodus 12:1-3

Modern day rabbis are in rebellion against the TORAH

"For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness,
have not submitted to the righteousness of God."
Romans 10:3
G'd says: The Jewish New Year is the Month NISSAN = Passover

Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: ‘On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. - Exodus 12:1-3

Modern day rabbis are in rebellion against the TORAH

"For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness,
have not submitted to the

righteousness of God."
Romans 10:3
You are wrong on so many counts. It's obvious you are not Jewish or have any biblical knowledge of Jewish customs .
Don't be an antisemitic. It's a hate crime.
You are wrong on so many counts. It's obvious you are not Jewish or have any biblical knowledge of Jewish customs .
Don't be an antisemitic. It's a hate crime.

Willful ignorance of TORAH is a the same hate crime which Stephen(Jew) was put to death by!!!

"For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God."

Any Jew who hates TORAH Truth hates Adonai.
Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, who is the Savior of the Jewish people and of the Nations.
Adonai said this about TORAH to His accusers:

“I do not receive honor from men. But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God? Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you—Moses, in whom you trust.
For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.
But if you do not believe his writings,
how will you believe My words?” - John 5:41-47
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