In my view, it's the religious system of this world, that is prophesied to be corrupt, and we are instructed to "come out of her", that is the issue. We already have the Feasts of the Lord that HE gave His People for their wellbeing, revealed to us in the Gospel of Christ. But this world's religions have rejected God's Feasts and choose instead to create their own high days to honor and observe. We have God's Judgments, revealed to us in the Gospel of Christ, but the religions of this world have rejected God's Judgments that HE before ordained that we should walk in them, and have created their own to walk in.
We have God's Righteousness, revealed to mankind from the Goepel of Christ, where it is written, "The Just shall live by Faith". But this world's religions are ignorant of God's Righteousness, and have gone about establishing their own righteousness, refusing to submit themselves unto the Righteousness of God.
How much money do the merchants of this world make, off the "Feasts of the Lord"? There is NO money for the merchants of this world, in promoting and observing the Feasts of the Lord. They are denied and rejected by this world, and this world's religions "who call Jesus Lord, Lord. But how about the Catholic high days worshiped and honored by her and her protestant daughters Rockson? You are an honest man, yes? How much money does this world's merchants make off the manmade high days this world's religions have created, "Christmas", "Easter", "Halloween", "St. Partick's", etc.?
You asked "What's wrong" with observing these manmade high days?
I've read your posts, you mean well, and I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. These religious traditions of man we were born into are seductive no doubt, sponsored and promoted by this world and the merchants thereof, along with all of this world's religions. While the Judgments, statutes and commandments of God are despised and preached against by this world and its many differing religious sects and businesses.
What's wrong with transgressing God's commandments that we might live by this world's religious traditions?
That seems to me, the wrong question. It should be "What's Right about it"?
You said recently that men should share their relationship with God more than defend and promote specific theologies. OK, so I will for you. I can still remember when my wife and I, November 1997, having understood these undeniable truths, burned what we had purchased to partake of these high days. We had small children, and for turning away from these manmade high days, and striving to walk in God's Judgments and Statutes of God, as Jesus and His Church did, we were marginalized, ridiculed and scorned. Not because we pushed our discission onto them, but because when they asked "Why don't you partake in these religious traditions any more", we simply answered, "They aren't in the Bible".
But we will never forget the freedom, and the weight lifted off of us, and the chaos and the expectations these manmade high days promoted. Our children grew up without all the chaos, the "looking for santa", the egg coloring. I didn't have to lie to them about when Jesus' birthday was, because no one knows as it was not given to us. And I can see how seductive all these high days are, and how the tradition is a strong one for families, as I grew up in them as well. But we learned so much more about God and His Son through HIS Feasts that we would ever learn through the customs and traditions of this world's religions. Including the reason why God had this written.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."
They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good."
You are free to continue in this world's religious system Rockson, but because I love you, I would share another path, a path walked by Jesus Himself. It's not walked by so many, and it is not an easy path to follow as it takes some self-denial, and the willingness to place God before anything else, even long held family traditions. But I invite you to consider it just the same.