Calvinism : = Hellish


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Predestination According to Demonic John Calvin​

According to John Calvin, predestination is God’s unchangeable decree from before the creation of the world that he would freely save some people (the elect), foreordaining them to eternal life, while the others (the reprobate) would be “barred from access to” salvation and sentenced to “eternal death.


See that Reader? ??

That is the Demonic John Calvin teaching that before some are born, God has "decreed" that they they are born only to burn in the Lake of FIRE.

"Pre-destined by GOD, to go to Hell, then the Lake of Fire"...

See,..... the issue with this doctrine of devil's is MANY.... as this hellish doctrine is (T.U.L.I.P) LEGION... and what you have to SEE.. .Reader... is that all of us are EQUAL, regarding originally being a SINNER.

Why? "Because ALL HAVE SINNED".

This is why "Jesus came into the world TO SAVE SINNERS"< not the "elect only" as Demonic "TULIP" Calvinism Teaches.

Calvinism Abuses God, willfully..= by falsely accusing Him of causing people to NOT BELIEVE... As they are not "chosen" to believe.
They are "pre-destined into ..(FORCED BY GOD))...= Unbelief".., .is what this DEVIL Teaches people to Believe.

So, here is how THEOLOGICALLY INSANE John Calvinism is...

Reader, ....

Unbelievers go to Hell because they never Believed in Jesus, were never born again, and die.... so God judges them... John 3:36, after they die., for their Christ REJECTION....

So, if God is causing them NOT to Believe, the demonic John Calvin teaches... then How can GOD be just, honest, true, and right, if He decided they can't BELIEVE in Jesus, before they were born...... and then after they, you, me, are here on earth, and we die.... God judges us into eternal damnation, and HE is the reason we could not believe. !!

Do you see how that accuses God of being some sort of cosmic psychopath, who wont let you believe in Jesus, then sends you to hell after you die, for "not BELIEVING", as you were not 'chosen/pre-destined to believe".,,. according to the Theological Blasphemy of John Calvin.

His Theology is OF THE DEVIL.
Its a CANCER on the Body of Christ.

Don't believe it reader.
Avoid people who teach it.
Don't let them get to your family.
And if you have been infected with demonic Calvinism, then GET AWAY FROM IT.
Put it away.
Leave it alone.
Deny it.
There's strong CDS on this forum.

Let me show you verses that prove that Demonic Calvinism, opposes God's Grace.

Calvin's theology is anti-Cross Blasphemy. And its interesting to note that God makes CHRISTians, and Calvin creates Calvinist's.
These are not the same.
Notice that deceived Calvinist's teach Calvinism, while CHRISTian's teach Christ.
Notice that reader, as you can't miss it.

Now, Here we go..

Use any Bible version you like, Reader.

1.) 1 John 2:2

"""When JESUS served as a sacrifice for our sins, He solved the sin problem for good - not only ours, but the whole WORLD's""

Notice that John said that Jesus solved the sin problem for the whole = world..
Not just the "pre-destined", as Demonic John Calvinism and his disciples lie to teach.

We see in this verse that the Cross is for the WORLD< exactly as John 3:16 teaches, that Calvin and his disciples, deny.

2.) 1 Timothy 4:10

""""God, who is the Savior of ALL people, especially of those who believe.""""

So, we see that God is the Savior of ALL, with the condition that they BELIEVE">

So, "ALL" is not "pre-destined elect"... as the demonic John Calvin teaches.

Foolish Calvinist, read "all" and "world" and can't understand it, because Calvin's theology is a type of mind blinding "bewitching" that is a doctrine of devils... and that is how it owns your MIND...= Its Satanic.. It will deceive you, and have you preaching T.U.L.I.P. instead of JESUS SAVES.
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Predestination According to Demonic John Calvin​

According to John Calvin, predestination is God’s unchangeable decree from before the creation of the world that he would freely save some people (the elect), foreordaining them to eternal life, while the others (the reprobate) would be “barred from access to” salvation and sentenced to “eternal death.


See that Reader? ??

That is the Demonic John Calvin teaching that before some are born, God has "decreed" that they they are born only to burn in the Lake of FIRE.

"Pre-destined by GOD, to go to Hell, then the Lake of Fire"...

See,..... the issue with this doctrine of devil's is MANY.... as this hellish doctrine is (T.U.L.I.P) LEGION... and what you have to SEE.. .Reader... is that all of us are EQUAL, regarding originally being a SINNER.

Why? "Because ALL HAVE SINNED".

This is why "Jesus came into the world TO SAVE SINNERS"< not the "elect only" as Demonic "TULIP" Calvinism Teaches.

Calvinism Abuses God, willfully..= by falsely accusing Him of causing people to NOT BELIEVE... As they are not "chosen" to believe.
They are "pre-destined into ..(FORCED BY GOD))...= Unbelief".., .is what this DEVIL Teaches people to Believe.

So, here is how THEOLOGICALLY INSANE John Calvinism is...

Reader, ....

Unbelievers go to Hell because they never Believed in Jesus, were never born again, and die.... so God judges them... John 3:36, after they die., for their Christ REJECTION....

So, if God is causing them NOT to Believe, the demonic John Calvin teaches... then How can GOD be just, honest, true, and right, if He decided they can't BELIEVE in Jesus, before they were born...... and then after they, you, me, are here on earth, and we die.... God judges us into eternal damnation, and HE is the reason we could not believe. !!

Do you see how that accuses God of being some sort of cosmic psychopath, who wont let you believe in Jesus, then sends you to hell after you die, for "not BELIEVING", as you were not 'chosen/pre-destined to believe".,,. according to the Theological Blasphemy of John Calvin.

His Theology is OF THE DEVIL.
Its a CANCER on the Body of Christ.

Don't believe it reader.
Avoid people who teach it.
Don't let them get to your family.
And if you have been infected with demonic Calvinism, then GET AWAY FROM IT.
Put it away.
Leave it alone.
Deny it.
Oh man, someone spent too much time in one of those Calvinist churches that activates a field that negates the presence of God. The violent reaction is kind of like being forced to hold your breath for too long. I was wondering if a tulip dripping with blood would display in the post or something, but no dice.

Faith is like breathing.

Remember to breathe.
haven't seen that word for a while.

David Bowie?

Maybe you can post a KISS video next, to show us just how much you love Jesus.
Right? @Frank Russell
Just keep in mind that people know you by your behavior.....on a Forum.
Think on that...


God "saves" ALL who "call on the Name of Jesus" by Faith.

God "saved".... "as many as BELIEVE" in Jesus.

Or as Jesus told YOU... "ALL that believe in me.... (FAITH), i give unto them eternal Life and they shall never go to Hell, (Perish).

Now, who is ALL?


That is "all who call on the name of Jesus shall be saved".

That is... Jesus saying.."If i be lifted up (on the Cross) I will draw ALL people to me.
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28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Rom. 8:27–31.

As you can (hopefully) see Saul 'speaks' in the past-tense as though they have already happened.
And they have. I am already with God and Christ is ruling from His throne.

IF God be for us who can be against us?
Ironically, Calvin acquired his ideas from the Bible.
Just as Jacobus Arminius did his.

The problem with calvinism came when the council had extremitized his ideas to the point what appears to me to be a weaponization.

I'll fess up to attending Calvary Chapel. The church founded by Chuck Smith, in 1965, in what became to be known as the Jesus movement in Southern California.

Early on, before I had the slightest idea of what the word- theology- meant, he described the two ideas- Calvinism, and Arminianism, and stated, in what struck me as no uncertain terms...

Calvary Chapel is neither Calvinist nor Arminianist! We are both Calvinist and Arminian.
This of course meant little to me, but quickly became clear that it should be something I paid attention to.

It was actually an interesting experience.

In the article that was eventually published by Calvary, he describes the points of each, and then explains what Calvary's perspective is, with sufficient biblical references to corroborate his point.

For a bunch of young, inexperienced Jesus people, just learning to follow Jesus, it was pretty interesting.

In my days at Calvary Chapel, I don't recall Chuck ever diminishing either Calvin or Arminius.

He just emphasized- neither and both.

One point I recall being made was that they're each the opposite sides of the same coin, and in their worst expressions... extreme opposites.

He then iterated Philippians 4:5.

Live in moderation, because the Lord is at hand!

1 Timothy 4:10

""""God, who is the Savior of ALL people, especially of those who believe.""""

So, we see that God is the Savior of ALL, with the condition that they BELIEVE">

False statement, nothing about believing being a condition you added that statement.
Ironically, Calvin acquired his ideas from the Bible.
Just as Jacobus Arminius did his.

The problem with calvinism came when the council had extremitized his ideas to the point what appears to me to be a weaponization.

I'll fess up to attending Calvary Chapel. The church founded by Chuck Smith, in 1965, in what became to be known as the Jesus movement in Southern California.

Early on, before I had the slightest idea of what the word- theology- meant, he described the two ideas- Calvinism, and Arminianism, and stated, in what struck me as no uncertain terms...

Calvary Chapel is neither Calvinist nor Arminianist! We are both Calvinist and Arminian.
This of course meant little to me, but quickly became clear that it should be something I paid attention to.

It was actually an interesting experience.

In the article that was eventually published by Calvary, he describes the points of each, and then explains what Calvary's perspective is, with sufficient biblical references to corroborate his point.

For a bunch of young, inexperienced Jesus people, just learning to follow Jesus, it was pretty interesting.

In my days at Calvary Chapel, I don't recall Chuck ever diminishing either Calvin or Arminius.

He just emphasized- neither and both.

One point I recall being made was that they're each the opposite sides of the same coin, and in their worst expressions... extreme opposites.

He then iterated Philippians 4:5.

Live in moderation, because the Lord is at hand!
I like Calvary Chapel and attended for a while when there was one locally.
Personally I have never found any theology or doctrine that I am in agreement with the hyper Calvinists or the Reformed Protestants. By hyper Calvinists, I mean the 5 pointers. A Bible believer who does not understand the nuances of Reformed theology only thinks he might have agreement with the Reformed until he understands the definition of words and terms are far different for them than for us. All teaching by the Reformed is 180 degrees from what I believe from the words of the scriptures. I will give an amazing example.

Both the Reformed and the Bible believer says a sinner gets saved by grace through faith but only the Bible believer really believes that. The Reformed believes a sinner gets saved by faith through grace. That is just a fact. There is a misguided false teacher among the participants on this thread who started a thread to prove that God saves those only whom he has elected before the foundation of the world. He would attempt to convince the simple among us that God must "give" faith to the elect he has previously chosen before they can believe and be saved, or in order for them to be saved.

I am going plead for some intelligent reasoning from you fellows that believe yourselves to be intelligent and reasonable. If faith to be saved is "given" by God so salvation can occur, isn't that an act of grace on his part? The whole of Reformed theology teaches that men cannot believe unless God acts on the behalf of man in the area of faith for him to be saved. Therefore for any of you men to present an argument that says the Reformed believes the saying in scripture that says the following, "for by grace are ye saved through faith" I am going to say you are trying to deceive me and you are not honest.

Here is the true way for the Reformed salvation to be expressed.

"For by the grace of faith are ye saved." Another way of saying it to express the false gospel of the Reformed is in this manner.

"For by faith are ye saved through grace." This is totally opposite of the truth. 180 degrees.

If God created two men and then elected one to be saved and live with him forever and rejected the other for no good reason and assigned him a future in a fiery hell so awful the human mind cannot even imagine, would that not be a matter of grace in choosing the one over the other? Will someone please use their God given (by grace) intelligence and reasoning and THINK? Reformed theology has a barrier they cannot cross. It is called logic.

Predestination According to Demonic John Calvin​

According to John Calvin, predestination is God’s unchangeable decree from before the creation of the world that he would freely save some people (the elect), foreordaining them to eternal life, while the others (the reprobate) would be “barred from access to” salvation and sentenced to “eternal death.


See that Reader? ??

That is the Demonic John Calvin teaching that before some are born, God has "decreed" that they they are born only to burn in the Lake of FIRE.

"Pre-destined by GOD, to go to Hell, then the Lake of Fire"..i

See,..... the issue with this doctrine of devil's is MANY.... as this hellish doctrine is (T.U.L.I.P) LEGION... and what you have to SEE.. .Reader... is that all of us are EQUAL, regarding originally being a SINNER.

Why? "Because ALL HAVE SINNED".

This is why "Jesus came into the world TO SAVE SINNERS"< not the "elect only" as Demonic "TULIP" Calvinism Teaches.

Calvinism Abuses God, willfully..= by falsely accusing Him of causing people to NOT BELIEVE... As they are not "chosen" to believe.
They are "pre-destined into ..(FORCED BY GOD))...= Unbelief".., .is what this DEVIL Teaches people to Believe.

So, here is how THEOLOGICALLY INSANE John Calvinism is...

Reader, ....

Unbelievers go to Hell because they never Believed in Jesus, were never born again, and die.... so God judges them... John 3:36, after they die., for their Christ REJECTION....

So, if God is causing them NOT to Believe, the demonic John Calvin teaches... then How can GOD be just, honest, true, and right, if He decided they can't BELIEVE in Jesus, before they were born...... and then after they, you, me, are here on earth, and we die.... God judges us into eternal damnation, and HE is the reason we could not believe. !!

Do you see how that accuses God of being some sort of cosmic psychopath, who wont let you believe in Jesus, then sends you to hell after you die, for "not BELIEVING", as you were not 'chosen/pre-destined to believe".,,. according to the Theological Blasphemy of John Calvin.

His Theology is OF THE DEVIL.
Its a CANCER on the Body of Christ.

Don't believe it reader.
Avoid people who teach it.
Don't let them get to your family.
And if you have been infected with demonic Calvinism, then GET AWAY FROM IT.
Put it away.
Leave it alone.
Deny it.
Food for thought. If there was only 100% free will concerning salvation, then there is a mathematical possibility that no one will accept salvation. That would mean that God would have let Yeshua die for nothing. I don't think for a moment that was ever Adonai's intention. Some where between the poles of Calvinism and Armininism there exists truth about God's plan of salvation.
Food for thought. If there was only 100% free will concerning salvation, then there is a mathematical possibility that no one will accept salvation. That would mean that God would have let Yeshua die for nothing. I don't think for a moment that was ever Adonai's intention. Some where between the poles of Calvinism and Armininism there exists truth about God's plan of salvation.
Is it your belief God could not know that there would be those who would believe?
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