BAD arguments against Calvinism that need to STOP!


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I reject Calvinism for a lot of sound reasons (that I explain here ), but I found many people gravitate towards the wrong reasons for rejecting Calvinism where in fact the Calvinist is actually more correct than they are; this muddies the waters, because then it becomes a partial confused truth, and one error trying to correct another.

1. Calvinism is not wrong because God does not have the right to do with his creation whatever he wants.

God is the ground and source of all being, and as such he legitimately has the official and moral right to do whatever he wants with his creation. God is not in a democracy, his people are not Americans who fight for their civil liberties to the death in the grand republic. God is a complete and unilateral monarchy, and denying him his right to do whatever he wants with no restrictions, is placing an external constraint upon God that doesn't come from himself, and so boils down to idolatry.

Thankfully our God is maximally loving, unlike the Calvinist God, and we can rest in relief that he has revealed himself as so. But never and not because he owes it to us—God does not owe us his love. This puts the obligation and demand on God from the value of creation itself, reversing the roles of Creator and created, and belittling the value of God by transferring that value into his creation itself, whereupon God becomes beholden and indebted to his creation's value: idolatry.

2. Calvinism is not wrong because God would be unloving to allow any person into hell for a reason other than their direct free will choice.

This is a powerful motivation for many false doctrines, the demand that God meet our own sense of morality. The demand that God give us the purity and capacity to know him in and of ourselves, can only logically reduce to pride and independence from God. For any obligation placed upon God logically equates to something else being more valuable than God, and putting a moral obligation upon him. Behind the scenes of what looks like care for the lost, is really a root of rebellion and pride.

It is the reason for this that people feel God owes us. And to demand a reason from God—this is the entire plot of the book of Job, and the lesson it teaches us. To demand a reason from God, an explanation, for something we personally dislike, find distasteful, or outright immoral, is to put ourselves on the throne and God as our subject. This whole line of argument that "God is a monster if he allows X, he is evil and mean and cruel and unworthy of any worship": it boils down to rebellion.

So, we have a maximally loving God who has yet, in his sovereignty, allowed us to be born with a sin nature that does not naturally like his ways. This is the path of humility—accepting what God tells us, instead of figuring out if we like it enough and think it's okay for God to do, or makes sense. And here, in fact, is a simple path of just accepting propositions we cannot logically harmonize and do not emotionally prefer. Christ told us to come this way: deny self, be simple as a child.
2. Calvinism is not wrong because God would be unloving to allow any person into hell for a reason other than their direct free will choice.
GOD cannot be unloving and HIS love is perfect, ie, complete, and perfectly patient, 1 Corinthians 13:4–8 Love is patient and kind; . GOD condemns people to hell for love of those who are not condemned by their own free will but while HE saves them HE cannot save those who chose by their free will to be eternally evil in HIS sight because a free will decision is sacrosanct and unchangeable except by the person choosing.

Therefore the only reason for a person to be condemned to hell is if they chose by their free will to reject YHWH as their GOD and saviour making them to be now eternally evil.

There is only one way this situation can come about that GOD is forced by HIS method of building HIS Church into doing what is against HIS nature and that is:
1. WHEN by sovereign decree HE created all the spirits in HIS image with the ability to make true free will decisions, and
2. WHEN by HIS sovereign decision HE did not decree the results or outcomes of the created persons true free will decisions but let HIS creation choose the result themselves by their GOD given ability to do so, and
3. WHEN by Sovereign decision HE pledged HIMself or vowed to keep the results sacrosanct, that is, He would never break anyone's true free will choice and nor make anyone a puppet because they chose to reject HIM as their GOD and thereby recreate themselves as eternally outside of HIS love grace and mercy forever, eternally outside of HIS promises of election and salvation, eternally unable to fulfill HIS purpose for their creation and therefore fit only to be discarded in gehenna.

Since GOD is not a GOD to create people just to go to hell, free will decisions to put themselves outside of HIS loving grace and mercy is the only answer to how people then get damned as, not HIS will but their own will to be outside of HIS capacity to redeem them because of giving HIS WORD to accept their decision as final.
GOD cannot be unloving

This denies God's free will, so I cannot accept it.

God is loving because he CHOOSES to be loving, not because he is FORCED to be loving.

And it is far more virtuous and praiseworthy to choose love, than if you are forced into it.

Love requires freedom.
1. Calvinism is not wrong because God does not have the right to do with his creation whatever he wants.
Seems to me various believers have a different tolerance level of what it would mean that God expects us to walk in LOVE and he wouldn't need to? If God is LOVE then LOVE always has to be consistent at least many would believe. I somewhat share that view becomes a wrong hypothetical question to even bring up would God do something outside of his nature of LOVE. God is always fair and God is always just and he'd not going to do that "anything he wants" outside of his nature anyway. The real thing we've got to know is....he doesn't want to and never will.
This denies God's free will, so I cannot accept it.

God is loving because he CHOOSES to be loving, not because he is FORCED to be loving.

And it is far more virtuous and praiseworthy to choose love, than if you are forced into it.

Love requires freedom.
False dichotomy. Nothing he said denies Gods free will.

God cannot be unloving for God is love. God is immutable.
GOD cannot be unloving

This denies God's free will, so I cannot accept it.

1. GOD can only be HIMself.
2. GOD is loving. Period.
3. Therefore GOD cannot be unloving.

Being loving has nothing to do with HIS will but only with who HE is. HE does not CHOOSE to be loving...HE IS loving!! Can HE choose to be unloving because HIS will is free? NOT AT ALL! HE IS loving - HE cannot choose to be that which HE is not !!! HE is NOT a HOUSE DIVIDED!!!
1. GOD can only be HIMself.
2. GOD is loving. Period.
3. Therefore GOD cannot be unloving.

Being loving has nothing to do with HIS will but only with who HE is. HE does not CHOOSE to be loving...HE IS loving!! Can HE choose to be unloving because HIS will is free? NOT AT ALL! HE IS loving - HE cannot choose to be that which HE is not !!! HE is NOT a HOUSE DIVIDED!!!
1. GOD can only be HIMself.
2. GOD is loving. Period.
3. Therefore GOD cannot be unloving.

Being loving has nothing to do with HIS will but only with who HE is. HE does not CHOOSE to be loving...HE IS loving!! Can HE choose to be unloving because HIS will is free? NOT AT ALL! HE IS loving - HE cannot choose to be that which HE is not !!! HE is NOT a HOUSE DIVIDED!!!

There are some differences between what God loves and man loves. Men love their own. God loves more than just those that listen to Him.

You can't have a full and rewarding relationship to God and not agree with Him. God still loves but relationships are based upon more than just love. Love being the bond of perfection.
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