Avoid : These so called : = "Teachers".


Well-known member
1.) Avoid anyone who tells you that you have to be water baptized to go to Heaven.

2.) Avoid anyone who says that "you can lose your salvation"

3.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Mary ascended to Heaven, as a perpetual virgin, and is now "co-equal" with Jesus regarding the "work of redemption".

4.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Dead faith" is "dead Salvation".

5.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Jesus started your salvation, and now you get to try to complete it"

6.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "confessing sin, then repeating it" is "Real Christianity".

7.) Avoid anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

8.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "your bible is filled with errors, and now let me show you the Greek that i can't actually read"..

9.) Avoid anyone who teaches that taking communion unworthily, can cause your death.

10.) Avoid John Calvinism and never look back.

11.) Avoid anyone who says...>"The bible is just a book".

12.) Avoid anyone who says..."you can't really know for sure if you are saved, or if you are going to heaven".

13.) Avoid anyone who says that you have to "endure to the end" if you want to go to heaven.

14.) Avoid anyone who says that Acts 2:38 is the real Gospel.

15.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "doing righteousness" is being righteous."

16.) Avoid anyone who says..>"God saved you so that you can now go and keep the Law".

17.) Avoid anyone who says that you can't get married, again

18.) Avoid anyone who says that a literal Hell and Lake of Fire does not exist.

19.) Avoid anyone who teaches Preterism.

20.) Avoid anyone who says that Satan does not exist, or no longer has any power.

21.) Avoid anyone who teaches that We'll all be saved in the end... everyone.

22.) Avoid anyone who would teach you "Lordship Salvation"
1.) Avoid anyone who tells you that you have to be water baptized to go to Heaven.

2.) Avoid anyone who says that "you can lose your salvation"

3.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Mary ascended to Heaven, as a perpetual virgin, and is now "co-equal" with Jesus regarding the "work of redemption".

4.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Dead faith" is "dead Salvation".

5.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Jesus started your salvation, and now you get to try to complete it"

6.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "confessing sin, then repeating it" is "Real Christianity".

7.) Avoid anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

8.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "your bible is filled with errors, and now let me show you the Greek that i can't actually read"..

9.) Avoid anyone who teaches that taking communion unworthily, can cause your death.

10.) Avoid John Calvinism and never look back.

11.) Avoid anyone who says...>"The bible is just a book".

12.) Avoid anyone who says..."you can't really know for sure if you are saved, or if you are going to heaven".

13.) Avoid anyone who says that you have to "endure to the end" if you want to go to heaven.

14.) Avoid anyone who says that Acts 2:38 is the real Gospel.

15.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "doing righteousness" is being righteous."

16.) Avoid anyone who says..>"God saved you so that you can now go and keep the Law".

17.) Avoid anyone who says that you can't get married, again

18.) Avoid anyone who says that a literal Hell and Lake of Fire does not exist.

19.) Avoid anyone who teaches Preterism.

20.) Avoid anyone who says that Satan does not exist, or no longer has any power.

21.) Avoid anyone who teaches that We'll all be saved in the end... everyone.

22.) Avoid anyone who would teach you "Lordship Salvation"
You make 22 points there some things I'd say are more serious than others. So if you're saying AVOID them means have nothing to do with them and don't consider them as brethren in the Lord then I'd say you've gone way too extreme. Maybe not on an odd point but on many of them.
Don't forget to ...
Avoid anyone who tells you too confidently to avoid investigating ideas on a list like this that may not be properly determined or settled yet

However, I would note that there are good points in the list.
Don't forget to ...
Avoid anyone who tells you too confidently to avoid investigating ideas

What i posted , for the most part, is related to Legalism.

Legalism is placing SELF Righteousness in place of Jesus, or its placing Law and Commandments in place of God's Grace.

For example. you'll find people on Forums who could not explain the Blood Atonement as the New Covenant, as the New Testament, as the Cross of Christ, if you put a gun to their head.
Id say that 70% of MODS on forums, are in that category.
They can all talk about Calvin, or try to to prove you can lose your salvation.. or rant about water water water....
Yet have no understanding regarding HOW God reconciles Himself to us...

John 3:17
2 Corinthians 5:19

= these same Religious NUTS will be the first to yell .. "You can't get divorced and remarried"... ..

So, these dark lights ... Luke 11:35.... only bring with them condemnation of other believers.
Isn't that what 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 teaches?


That's not what it "teaches".

What its teaching is.... "the reason many are sick", is because they have not understood that the "Lord's body" is their HEALING.
So, they take communion, not understanding the power that is found in that revelation, that they don't comprehend.

= to take the Communion unworthily, means that you take it not understanding who you have become in Christ.

See, ALL the born again, have been "made righteous" and exit as "one with God".. so, Salvation that we have received makes us WORTHY, and when you dont understand this, you are taking communion with the idea that you are not worthy, and that is why you wont be healed.
This is why "many DIE".
Its because they dont understand who they are "in Christ".. and when you dont understand this then you can't have any faith, and without that, Healing will never come.

So, the born again are to always take The Communion knowing they are made worthy, as every Son/Daughter of God, born again, is absolutely made worthy.
= Take the Communion in THAT Mind, vs...>"am i worthy"... which is the wrong mind.

That's not what it "teaches".

What its teaching is.... "the reason many are sick", is because they have not understood that the "Lord's body" is their HEALING.
So, they take communion, not understanding the power that is found in that revelation, that they don't comprehend.

= to take the Communion unworthily, means that you take it not understanding who you have become in Christ.

See, ALL the born again, have been "made righteous" and exit as "one with God".. so, Salvation that we have received makes us WORTHY, and when you dont understand this, you are taking communion with the idea that you are not worthy, and that is why you wont be healed.
This is why "many DIE".
Its because they dont understand who they are "in Christ".. and when you dont understand this then you can't have any faith, and without that, Healing will never come.

So, the born again are to always take The Communion knowing they are made worthy, as every Son/Daughter of God, born again, is absolutely made worthy.
= Take the Communion in THAT Mind, vs...>"am i worthy"... which is the wrong mind.
Could you explain what Paul said here in 1 For 11:30 ? Thanks.

1 Corinthians 11:30- That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.
What does 1 Corinthians 11:30 mean?
That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died. 1 Corinthians 11:30

Verse Commentary:
Paul's sobering words in the previous verse raised a serious question for believers. He said that to participate in communion without "discerning the body" will bring judgment on the one who eats the bread and drinks the cup. That reference seems to refer to those who treat the bread and wine as just like any other meal or snack: to be careless or shallow about it. Or, it might refer to those who fail to recognize how commemorating the death of Christ expresses unity with other believers. Or, it might refer to some combination of both. But what judgment comes from not discerning the body?

Paul's answer only adds to the seriousness of this passage. He writes that many among the Corinthians were weak and ill for this very reason. Some had even died as a result of failing to participate in the Lord's Supper in a worthy manner. To be even more clear, it is God who has brought weakness, illness, and death to them as discipline for their failure to observe communion with proper respect for Christ's sacrifice and for each other.

Many people struggle with the idea that God would bring illness or death to a Christian for continuing to participate in sinful practices. Or that He would do the same for those who sinfully mishandle good practices. It fits perfectly, however, with Paul's earlier warning to the Corinthians about the Israelites who died in the wilderness after escaping from Egypt. Paul clearly implied that God would do similar things to them if they participated in idol worship and other sins (1 Corinthians 10:1–13).

What about God's love and grace and forgiveness of sin? In verse 32, Paul will clarify that this judgment from God does not include the loss of salvation. Suffering and even death in this life are not eternal judgments. Both may be the discipline of a loving Father for the good of the children whose sin He has forgiven.

Verse Context:
First Corinthians 11:17–34 contains Paul's rebuke of the church in Corinth for their application of the Lord's Supper. They had turned it into a gathering at which the wealthy ate and drank too much, leaving the poorer Christians hungry and humiliated. Paul warns that communion should be a time of sober self-reflection about our sin and Christ's sacrifice, as well as a time to unite the body of Christ, the church, while taking in representations of the blood and body of Christ. Some in Corinth were sick and others had died as part of God's judgment for participating in communion in an unworthy manner.

Chapter Summary:
Paul confronts two issues the church in Corinth was failing to practice correctly. First, some women were not wearing head coverings while praying or prophesying in their meetings. Paul insisted they must do so, and that men must not, based on mankind's relationship to God and the social implications of that covering. Second, Paul describes the reasons for observing the Lord's Supper and how it should be done. The Corinthian Christians had brought God's judgment on themselves for practicing communion in a way which dishonored Christ's sacrifice for sin and humiliated the poor among them.

Chapter Context:
After concluding his teaching on meat offered to idols, Paul turns to two issues the church in Corinth was getting wrong. The first was head coverings when praying or prophesying in their meetings. Differences between men and women in that regard are because of both spiritual and social reasons. Paul also corrects the disastrous way in which they were practicing the observance of the Lord's Supper. They were dishonoring Christ's sacrifice for sin as well as the poor in the body of Christ, the church. Despite having more to say on communion, Paul will move on to the topic of spiritual gifts in chapter 12.

Book Summary:
First Corinthians is one of the more practical books of the New Testament. Paul writes to a church immersed in a city associated with trade, but also with corruption and immorality. These believers are struggling to properly apply spiritual gifts and to resist the ungodly practices of the surrounding culture. Paul's letter gives instructions for real-life concerns such as marriage and spirituality. He also deals with the importance of unity and gives one of the Bible's more well-known descriptions of love in chapter 13.

God also struck Anninias and Sapphira dead in Acts for lying. Great fear fell upon the church when God struck down 2 of the church leaders.
God also struck Anninias and Sapphira dead in Acts for lying. Great fear fell upon the church when God struck down 2 of the church leaders.
That would make for a really good thread. Ananias' belief that he could lie to God is ridiculous. When a believer is in unrepentant sin to the point it hurts others and the reputation of the church, God may choose to take that believer "early," from a human perspective.
Could you explain what Paul said here in 1 For 11:30 ? Thanks.

1 Corinthians 11:30- That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.


When a believer does not have faith, then How can God heal them?

So, what happens if you are dying from Cancer, and you have no faith to be healed?

You die., and this verse is explaining what happened to them..

So, the context of "dying" and being "weak".... regarding "taking the wine and the bread..... is..

If the born again Christian.... does not understand that they are made worthy, by the sacrifice of Christ... to take Communion and also receive healing..... ("""by Jesus stripes we WERE healed"""), then they eat "unworthily",,in THEIR MIND...= which means they dont understand they are made worthy to eat it and to be healed, so they are not., and because of this wrong mind, many "are weak" and others "die".

So, by not knowing this, not understanding who they are in Christ..., they CAN'T receive the healing they need, because they have no faith... = because they believe they are not worthy to receive it......so they eat feeling unworthy... as they dont discern that the Lord's Body is WHY they are always made WORTHY to take the Communion and to receive their Healing.


Paraphrase..... If you dont understand who you are in Christ, and that you are an Heir of God, and a Join Heir with Jesus, "made righteous", always and forever..... then you dont understand what it means to have become a "new Creation in Christ".....so then..... you take the Communion, thinking you are not worthy to take it because you dont "discern the Lord's body that has dealt with your sin and was supplied for your healing and Salvation"...., and so, there is no healing for you..... and many will die because of their lack of understanding that they are always WORTHY, made worthy, to take the Communion, and to be healed.
So, by not knowing this, not understanding who they are in Christ..., they CAN'T receive the healing they need, because they have no faith... = because they believe they are not worthy to receive it......so they eat feeling unworthy... as they dont discern that the Lord's Body is WHY they are always made WORTHY to take the Communion and to receive their Healing.

Did Paul feel he was not worthy and didn't possess enough faith to receive relief/healing from his thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7)?
Did Paul feel he was not worthy and didn't possess enough faith to receive relief/healing from his thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7)?

If you read the verse, he explains why the "messenger of Satan" was not removed.

And what we don't know, is if that was permanent...
It could be that This situation changed later.
God knows that we are weak; He knows it far better than we do. And He has made a provision for it. That is precisely why He gave us the Holy Spirit!

In ways that will amaze and delight you, the Holy Spirit will actively carry forward the process of transforming you through the renewing of your mind. The process works from the inside out. It is not simply the changing of external behaviors but the changing of their source. Renewed minds produce renewed thinking, values, attitudes, desires, motives, and behaviors. At the deepest level, we will begin to experience “the expulsive power of a new affection.” Our hearts will increasingly appreciate God’s grace to us, and our minds will increasingly desire God and His will more than our sin and its pleasure, thus weakening its hold on us.

The Scriptures are the Holy Spirit’s chief instrument in renewing our minds, and His primary focus is Jesus—glorifying Jesus to us. He does this through illuminating our minds and hearts to grasp ever more deeply the love of God and of Jesus for us and to focus our attention on Jesus’ life, His works, His teachings, His death, resurrection, and ascension to glory.

This highlights the great importance of being immersed in the Scriptures and praying that God will “grant us so to hear, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them” that we are truly transformed. One of our main responsibilities in this process is to sit under good preaching and teaching and also read, study, memorize, and meditate on Scripture—the Gospels, the Epistles, and the rest of the Bible.
In ways that will amaze and delight you, the Holy Spirit will actively carry forward the process of transforming you through the renewing of your mind.

Actually that isn't how that happens. @Keith

In fact, if you own a NT, you can read Paul's epistles and understand that the 'renewing" is our part, not God's.

See, when a person is born again, this is their SPIRIT, as its a SPIRITUAL Birth...

The Body and the mind are not renewed, nor are they born again.
How can you tell that the "minds" in most Christians are not renewed according to revelation knowledge??
= Well, just consider that you are on a forum where you have 9000 opinions and noone agrees.
So, if all here are born again, then where is that 'automatic" renewing of the mind by the "Holy Spirit"... that you just misspoke about @Keith ?

AS you can tell, that is not "how it works'.

So, to get to this place in your spirituality, ... Paul says...."as many as be PERFECT" having come into "one Mind"...

See that mind?
That is not "automatic, courtesy of the HS......... that mind has to be LEARNED by the Believer.

What is that "mind"?

its to come to the "knowledge of God", whereby the BELIEVER, born again, only sees themselves as "The Righteousness of God, in Christ".. the "new Creation".... having been "made righteous".

How can you tell if a "believer" has no understanding of this mind, and does not have it?

A.) Their Christianity, will be found here.......Hebrews 6:1

AA.) The will believe they can "lose their salvation" and will want to argue to try to prove it.

AAA.) They will prioritize commandment keeping, and self effort, most of all, as if God's Grace is not even relevant.
Just Give Me Jesus!

But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26

The Holy Spirit dwelling in us gives guidance and direction. Fundamentally, habitually, he enlightens our minds, give us eyes, understandings, shines into us, translates us from darkness into marvelous light, whereby we are able to see our way, to know our paths, and to discern the things of God. . . .
The Holy Spirit dwelling in us gives guidance and direction.

So, is the HS causing all arguing on the forum?

Is the HS causing one person to love Calvinism, and another to Realize its of the Devil?

is the HS causing some to give utter "DEVOTION to Mary the Mother of God", while the NT never does this even once? Not one Apostle was doing that.....not ONE of them.

So, ALL are claiming they have the Holy Spirit....... right?

Well, in that case, some DONT, some are not really Christians, OR, some are deceived according to Hebrews 13:9, by "doctrines of Devils".. ., and i named 2.

So, This Thread is designed to help CHRISTians... both avoid deception,..... and spot those who teach it.
1.) Avoid anyone who tells you that you have to be water baptized to go to Heaven.

2.) Avoid anyone who says that "you can lose your salvation"

3.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Mary ascended to Heaven, as a perpetual virgin, and is now "co-equal" with Jesus regarding the "work of redemption".

4.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Dead faith" is "dead Salvation".

5.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "Jesus started your salvation, and now you get to try to complete it"

6.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "confessing sin, then repeating it" is "Real Christianity".

7.) Avoid anyone who teaches that you are to "Live in a state of repentance".

8.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "your bible is filled with errors, and now let me show you the Greek that i can't actually read"..

9.) Avoid anyone who teaches that taking communion unworthily, can cause your death.

10.) Avoid John Calvinism and never look back.

11.) Avoid anyone who says...>"The bible is just a book".

12.) Avoid anyone who says..."you can't really know for sure if you are saved, or if you are going to heaven".

13.) Avoid anyone who says that you have to "endure to the end" if you want to go to heaven.

14.) Avoid anyone who says that Acts 2:38 is the real Gospel.

15.) Avoid anyone who teaches that "doing righteousness" is being righteous."

16.) Avoid anyone who says..>"God saved you so that you can now go and keep the Law".

17.) Avoid anyone who says that you can't get married, again

18.) Avoid anyone who says that a literal Hell and Lake of Fire does not exist.

19.) Avoid anyone who teaches Preterism.

20.) Avoid anyone who says that Satan does not exist, or no longer has any power.

21.) Avoid anyone who teaches that We'll all be saved in the end... everyone.

22.) Avoid anyone who would teach you "Lordship Salvation"
A good list but not everyone will agree with all of them.
Just Give Me Jesus that's who I will rely on. I'm glad you're concerned with helping Christian's avoid deception. But the Holy Spirit guidance is what works for me.

The Holy Spirit has worked for many people for the last 2,000 years before the internet ever got here.
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