Are you a hyper Calvinist ?


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Phil Johnson, who has done extensive research on this subject very helpfully defines hyper-Calvinists using a five-fold definition. A hyper-Calvinist is one who:

  1. Denies that the gospel call applies to all who hear, OR
  2. Denies that faith is the duty of every sinner, OR
  3. Denies that the gospel makes any “offer” of Christ, salvation, or mercy to the non-elect (or denies that the offer of divine mercy is free and universal), OR
  4. Denies that there is such a thing as “common grace,” OR
  5. Denies that God has any sort of love for the non-elect.
As Phil says, “All five varieties of hyper-Calvinism undermine evangelism or twist the gospel message.” So this is the key to understanding hyper-Calvinism: it undermines evangelism and/or somehow distorts the gospel message. Hyper-Calvinists emphasize God’s sovereignty but de-emphasize God’s love. They tend to set God’s sovereignty at odds with the clear biblical call to human responsibility.

Hyper-Calvinism: A Brief Definition | Tim Challies
The term hyper-Calvinist is often used as a pejorative. Almost any Calvinist who adheres to the doctrines of grace is likely to be considered a hyper-Calvinist by at least someone. Frankly speaking, a hyper-Calvinist can be any Calvinist to a person who doesn't understand Calvinism. So today...
Even Spurgeon had to look out for “Hyperism,” whose main points are. First, God loves the elect, but not the nonelect. Second, there is no such thing as a universal gospel call, but only an effective call to the elect. Third, strictly speaking, unbelief is not a sin because the nonelect cannot possibly exercise saving faith. Fourth, anything short of this degree of Calvinism is sub-Christian.

So pointing out this system of extreme Calvinism, in which divine agency completely overwhelms any hint of human agency is a good thing. Spurgeon called it “Hyperism” and now we call it “hyper-Calvinism.”

John Gill is hyper

“the That there are universal offers of grace and salvation made to all men, I utterly deny; nay I deny that they are made to any; no not to God’s elect: grace and salvation are promised for them in the everlasting covenant, procured for them by Christ, published and revealed in the gospel, and applied by the Spirit.”

John Gill on Denials of the Offer of the Gospel

The following is an informal non-exhaustive listing of comments from John Gill on the denial of the Free Offer. There is a lot here to read. If you do read it, you will see clearly beyond any doubt…
Gods will is for the salvation of everyone.

His will is for all men to be saved. Because God is Love and loving He does not force His love on anyone but gives them a choice to love in return and repent of their sins. God does not force His love on them and violate mans willing choice to love in return nor coerce man. Its a real loving act of God the way He created man in his image with the ability to love. God is Love as we see below.

1 Timothy 2:4
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. nkjv

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.klv

God wants everyone to be saved and to know the whole truth, which is, cev

who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. nab

who is willing for all mankind to be saved and come to a full knowledge of the truth.wnt

1 Timothy 4:10
To this end we labor and strive, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of everyone, and especially of those who believe.

Ezekiel 18:23
Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Lord GOD. Wouldn't I prefer that he turn from his ways and live?

Ezekiel 18:32
For I take no pleasure in anyone's death, declares the Lord GOD. So repent and live!

Ezekiel 33:11
Say to them: 'As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked should turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?'

John 3:17
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

Mark 16:15
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. nlt

hope this helps !!!
and this from the Protestant Reformed Churches in America.

" A true hyper-Calvinist, then, is one who believes rightly in sovereign, double predestination and in particular redemption - who denies a universal love of God and a will of God to save all men. "

looks like that the entire enchilada , the whole group of reformed christians are actually hyper and they don't know it.
1. [Hyper-Calvinism] is a system of theology framed to exalt the honour and glory of God and does so by acutely minimizing the moral and spiritual responsibility of sinners . . . It emphasizes irresistible grace to such an extent that there appears to be no real need to evangelize; furthermore, Christ may be offered only to the elect. . . .

2. It is that school of supralapsarian 'five-point' Calvinism [n.b.—a school of supralapsarianism, not supralapsarianism in general] which so stresses the sovereignty of God by over-emphasizing the secret over the revealed will of God and eternity over time, that it minimizes the responsibility of sinners, notably with respect to the denial of the use of the word "offer" in relation to the preaching of the gospel; thus it undermines the universal duty of sinners to believe savingly in the Lord Jesus with the assurance that Christ actually died for them; and it encourages introspection in the search to know whether or not one is elect. [Peter Toon, "Hyper-Calvinism," New Dictionary of Theology (Leicester: IVP, 1988), 324.]

Notice three very crucial points in that definition: First, it correctly points out that hyper-Calvinists tend to stress the secret (or decretive) will of God over His revealed (or preceptive) will. Indeed, in all their discussion of "the will of God," hyper-Calvinists routinely obscure any distinction between God's will as reflected in His commands and His will as reflected in his eternal decrees. Yet that distinction is an essential part of historic Reformed theology. (See John Piper, "Are There Two Wills in God? Divine Election and God's Desire for All To Be Saved" in Thomas R. Schreiner, ed., The Grace of God and the Bondage of the Will, 2 vols. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995, 1:107-131.)

Second, take note of the stress the above definition places on hyper-Calvinists' "denial of the use of the word 'offer' in relation to the preaching of the gospel." This is virtually the epitome of the hyper-Calvinist spirit: it is a denial that the gospel message includes any sincere proposal of divine mercy to sinners in general.

mark the fact that hyper-Calvinism "encourages introspection in the search to know whether or not one is elect." Assurance tends to be elusive for people under the influence of hyper-Calvinist teaching. Therefore, hyper-Calvinism soon degenerates into a cold, lifeless dogma. Hyper-Calvinist churches and denominations tend to become either barren and inert, or militant and elitist (or all of the above).romans45org

hope this helps !!!
It appears to me that John Calvin himself was a hyper-Calvinist. It's my understanding that some Calvinists today cringe when they read what he believed. For example, he apparently believed that God was happy to see people burn in hell because that was His plan for them. Also Calvinists today say that God "allowed" Hitler to murder millions of people. John Calvin would say, "No, He ordained Hitler to do what he did."
It appears to me that John Calvin himself was a hyper-Calvinist. It's my understanding that some Calvinists today cringe when they read what he believed. For example, he apparently believed that God was happy to see people burn in hell because that was His plan for them. Also Calvinists today say that God "allowed" Hitler to murder millions of people. John Calvin would say, "No, He ordained Hitler to do what he did."
Phil Johnson, who has done extensive research on this subject very helpfully defines hyper-Calvinists using a five-fold definition. A hyper-Calvinist is one who:

  1. Denies that the gospel call applies to all who hear, OR
  2. Denies that faith is the duty of every sinner, OR
  3. Denies that the gospel makes any “offer” of Christ, salvation, or mercy to the non-elect (or denies that the offer of divine mercy is free and universal), OR
  4. Denies that there is such a thing as “common grace,” OR
  5. Denies that God has any sort of love for the non-elect.
As Phil says, “All five varieties of hyper-Calvinism undermine evangelism or twist the gospel message.” So this is the key to understanding hyper-Calvinism: it undermines evangelism and/or somehow distorts the gospel message. Hyper-Calvinists emphasize God’s sovereignty but de-emphasize God’s love. They tend to set God’s sovereignty at odds with the clear biblical call to human responsibility.

Hyper-Calvinism: A Brief Definition | Tim Challies
The term hyper-Calvinist is often used as a pejorative. Almost any Calvinist who adheres to the doctrines of grace is likely to be considered a hyper-Calvinist by at least someone. Frankly speaking, a hyper-Calvinist can be any Calvinist to a person who doesn't understand Calvinism. So today...
He forgot
6. Consumes far too much caffeine or sugar.
and this from the Protestant Reformed Churches in America.

" A true hyper-Calvinist, then, is one who believes rightly in sovereign, double predestination and in particular redemption - who denies a universal love of God and a will of God to save all men. "

looks like that the entire enchilada , the whole group of reformed christians are actually hyper and they don't know it.

Quote correctly.

A real hyper-Calvinist, then, is one who believes rightly in sovereign, double predestination and in particular redemption—who denies a universal love of God and a will of God to save all men. Yet he concludes wrongly that because God has determined who will be saved, sent Christ for them only, and gives to them salvation as a free gift, therefore only the elect should be commanded to repent and believe in the preaching of the gospel.

What about those of us that do not identify as a Calvinist and enjoy our Starbucks ?
I always call them Star Sucks- burnt coffee covering it up with caramel, additives, sugar and every flavor known to man to hide their bad coffee flavor. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I can't drink caffeine anymore.

I overdosed on it once.

Feels healthier overall.
I have had to give it up in the past because of heartburn and acid reflex. I take a pill for that now. :) and do not drink as much coffee as I use to drink.
Also John Calvin was quite clear that God does not love all men, only those that he elected. He hates all others and by His sovreign will, has determined that they will burn in hell. He is not even a friend to any man except those who chosen by him. This is 180 degrees from the truth about the God of scripture. Many Calvinists today will say that they don't believe all of what Calvin actually believed, yet they still want to call themselves by his name. If I were them, I would distance myself as far away from Calvin as I could. They twist and turn their way around calling God the author of evil, but they can't escape the fact that that's exactly the end result of what they believe. They also lie to themselves in thinking that men really do have free will, yet their doctrine espouses just the opposite. John Calvin was not shy in proclaiming that we do not have free will. At least he is consistent, even though he is consistently wrong. Their doctrine has been responsible for the splitting of many churches and some just shut down. Many Calvinists are more interested in converting non-Calvinists into Calvinists than they are converting the lost to salvation. Of course, God has already determined who would be saved, so why bother with the lost anyway? Calvin was rightfully called a heretic.
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