Another Application for the Term "Justification" not often considered.


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As we know from Scripture that Satan is the accuser of believers in heaven both day and night before the Lord. Revelation 12:10

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down."

Satan must have challenged the Lord many times, demanding to know why God accepts someone is His own
and that one can commit sins just like any unbeliever of Satan's kingdom.

For example... King David.

David was committing adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband murdered in battle.

Satan could have demanded of the Lord..


The Lord's answer?

"But, Satan? .. Do any of your "moralistic ones" have faith? No they do not!"
Its faith that indicates this one David will be resurrected sinless and allowed into my kingdom!
No good works can make one be found acceptable to Me!
Only when I see 'faith' do I know that this one has believed in Me and will be saved!

So, before Satan's face the Lord tells him that we have been justified by faith!

grace and peace ......................
He still caused tremendous suffering to himself and many others for his sin.

And loss of many precious rewards in heaven as well

And knowing much he hurt God and made him suffer.

Remember, even when heaven is a free gift, sin still isn't worth it.
He still caused tremendous suffering to himself and many others for his sin.

And loss of many precious rewards in heaven as well

And knowing much he hurt God and made him suffer.

Remember, even when heaven is a free gift, sin still isn't worth it.

Jesus is hurt when we fail to reach the maturity to become person of blessing.

For the Lord blessing us glorifies the Lord!

Satan competes against the Lord to do better than the Lord in making his own loyal ones happy...

Satan can give his own, mansions, ultra luxury cars and private planes...
But? After the novelty wears off, boredom and emotional emptiness sets in.

The one thing that the Lord can do is to not only give His mature believers such blessings.
Like He did with David, and Job..
But, while having those blessings poured into their Cup, they experience not emptiness
and boredom.. But, a joy that Satan can not demand that his own can have!

Now... David slipped into trouble because he wandered away from the Lord, allowing boredom to creep in.
David was supposed to be out in battle, but stayed in his castle. That is when Bathsheba caught his eye
and David was conquered by lust.

Yet David, because he is a child of God, suffered from the Lord's harsh discipline when David strayed from his Shepherd.
And David in the Lord's hands even came close to the sin onto death.
And, even as more discipline from God, David's first born son died soon after birth...

All the while.. being a child of God? Gave David the right to acknowledge his sins before God to receive forgiveness.
Thus letting the Lord open the door to reestablished once again within David happiness.

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." Psalm 51:12​

To his frustration, humiliation, and shame, Satan can not do that for his own.
Its why some of his "pet people" end up committing suicide even though they have wealth and fame from Satan.

On the other hand.

Sadly.. God can not bless all believers. For they refuse to glorify Him by first maturing in Christ.
They never grow sufficiently in grace and sound doctrine, seeking out teachings that are not real answers.
But answers that satisfy their personal bias. (2 Timothy 4:3)

Instead.. they will seek the approval of men. Fellow like minded believers.
They end up wasting time that should have been redeemed by learning corrective sound doctrine where need be.
Spending their time as apologists for their denomination's pet doctrines while seeking to be viewed as heroes within
their own denominational clique.

When a believer is willing to suffer as the Lord requires of him? By accepting corrections as the Lord deems?
And, he matures to God's required level of knowledge and understanding by grace?
Thus maturing to a level that would liberate God blessing him?
That is when God is glorified! Glorified before all the angels watching the blessings pour.

For God is glorified when He is (finally) able to bless a believer!
Too many believers fail to mature and offer God no target for air dropping blessings that would glorify God once received!

In contrast to the Lord being glorified? Glorified by being able to bless a believer?

Satan is always trying to prove himself worthy to receive worship of men.
But, Satan can never satisfy his "A students." He will give them material things.
But, inwardly, they remain loveless, being dead to only what God can give to the soul of a man.

Satan's own can act upon their self love, by proxy.
Done by means of loving their own kind. By seeking the admiration of mere men, not God.

grace and peace ......................
Jesus is hurt when we fail to reach the maturity to become person of blessing.
True. Or we could say disappointed and grieved. Doesn't mean he stops loving us though.
Satan can give his own, mansions, ultra luxury cars and private planes...
But? After the novelty wears off, boredom and emotional emptiness sets in.
True. Men's hearts crave to have the Light of Life, God's life in their spirits. Jn 8:12 Then and only then will they feel a sense of fulfillment.
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