Why don't you just come out and say it the way you mean it?
"Always wrong."
For from your arsenal list of heresies you can always pull something out that will cover the subject
that I am touching upon, and declare its that heresy I teach. You don't have the ability to know what
you are talking about when you do that. You will MISUSE buzz words like immutability and not properly
making an application. But demand that I accept you distorted way of using it.
Neat trick.... But wears thin after you begin following the same pattern for everything.
Now, if I want some silence from you? Just confront you with contradicts your neat little package as follows.
You will not be able to give an intelligent answer as to why it is so.
“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).
God can not increase in wisdom. You do know that? I know you do.
But you keep claiming that Jesus, even though he has two natures in union, is being God in both natures..... explain?
The other one I never get an intelligent answer for is this one.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42
It almost amounts to when admitting that Jesus has two natures? With being pulled over and being issued a "heresy" ticket by the Law.
I have never gotten an honest response from you concerning those two passages. Always sending me to somewhere else to read what was said elsewhere on many paragraphs of data, rather than show those following the forum what you actually think for yourself....
When that happens? There is no dialogue to be found, and your real thoughts not allowed to be brought into question.....
The Bereans searched the Scriptures themselves. They did not depend on commentaries, which are not the same thing.
I would like to see a direct and honest answer from you concerning those two verses so we can establish exactly what is heretical or not.
Are you up to it this time?
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight."
Philippians 1:9
The more knowledge you possess of sound doctrine?
The less something sounds weird to those who lack that knowledge to think with.
That has been the problem.
And, by simply boarding over the insecure doorway with alleged heresies does not allow for imparting knowledge which is needed to think with to make it strong.
grace and peace ..................