Civic has his own Bible.
It reads "in civic's flesh dwells every good thing."
Can't argue with the civic version.
I will quote another poster here
There is a false teaching, that many are involved in, that has Paul "struggling with sin", and its based on misunderstanding and twisting a verse that is taken out of context, by not quoting the very next verse that is the solution.
Many Quote:
Galatians 5:17 to try to teach Romans 7, as "real Christianity".
They never read Galatians 5:18, and that is the context of 5:17 and of Romans 7.
Read them when you have time..
So, there is Romans 7, where Paul is describing Legalism, that wars against the Spirit Man.
"that which i hate i do"....
Paul kept right on teaching, and most Christians, stopped reading once they read..."that which i hate i do, and that which i want to do, i cant'"
Thousand of Poison Pulpits and error filled commentaries teach that verse as if that is "real Christianity"...... And in fact its not at all.
So, Paul kept teaching, and most Christians stopped reading, and have no idea that He was not describing "Christianity".
= He was describing the mental bondage effect of LEGALISM that will war against your Born again Spirit man, inside you, and make you so miserable, that even telling God again for the 100th Time, that you are "sorry i did that again"... is still not making the guilt and condemnation go away.
So, Lets make it go away and stay away.
Most of You have not noticed that Paul never confesses sin, in any Epistle, and never tells the Born Again to do this...
The Reason is....
He explains, that a person who is having trouble with their mind..... (where the lust lives)(where the confusion lives), ... this is because they have not renewed their mind so that their sin consciousness becomes this..
A.) "Christ always gives me the Victory".
AA.) "I can do all things through Christ, which STRENGTHENS me'.
See, its the Devil who wants you to believe that Christianity is..."sin... confess... repeat"... or that its..."struggling against sin, and failing again".
Its the devil's ministers who will teach that to you to try to ruin your faith.
Do not listen,
Leave that Church.
Find a real one.
So, "sin, confess, Repeat" and " struggling against sin and failing again."""""" = That's the Devil's lie, and Paul never teaches that.... He teaches the exact Opposite., but you have to read ALL of His Teaching.
You have to do this.... .Paul teaches..."follow i follow Christ'. (not worship, but follow the TEACHER).
Paul, the "apostle to the gentiles".. "In the time of the Gentiles'.. (and you are in it right now... Reader.)... Teaches that the "old man of sin is Crucified with Christ", and that we are to see HIM DEAD., as our REAL FAITH.
Do you yet?
The Born again, are to understand that we are "made FREE From sin", and "made RIghteous"...and that to """walk in the Spirit, and you will not commit the deeds = works of the Flesh""
Paul teaches this...>"Use not your liberty for an occasion to the Flesh".
What does that mean?
It means that when you understand your Salvation, (
worked it out)... and how Eternally Free you are from Judgment, and how "made righteous" you are and will always be, by God's "Gift of Righteousness"........ then it can be that you might choose to "have a little too much fun one day".
And what Paul is showing you, is that you are so DELIVERED from Sin Consciousness, that you literally have to choose to go and commit a carnal deed, as there is nothing in you that temps you any more.
See that?
You'll become so "made free from sin" that you can actually test this, and you'll find that whatever it was, that you use to lust to do, is becoming/
become nothing to you now.
No attraction... no more desire to do it.
"made free from Sin".
"The Old Man is Crucified with Christ".
Here is the main thing that most believers do not understand, and if you can SEE this, then this will begin your renewed mind that will cause sin consciousness to fade away over time.... right into..."Christ ALWAYS gives me the Victory". .......over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
A.) You have to understand and BELIEVE.... that : """"you are not under the Law, but Under Grace."""
No Matter What.
This means that what you did wrong recently perhaps ?????? , that the law previously defined as "sin" before you were saved....... is now... "not under the Law but under Grace".
See, its not just YOU that is "under Grace".. Its everything you do, as well.
You are this, if you are born again...
"Made righteous"
"in Christ"
"ONE with God'"
"Temple of the Holy Spirit"
Having Become "The righteousness OF GOD...IN CHRIST".
See, the Born again .. exist '"""IN CHRIST""""...."One with God", and there is no sin found there...
The born again exist HERE :
"As Jesus are the born again, in THIS World"...
And when you BELIEVE THIS by revelation, you wont have any "license to sin" issue, as the heretics will teach you.
Not at all.
What will happen is that your heart will be more in Love with God, and your will shall become more dedicated to giving Him all of you.
That's the effect of God's Grace in your mind and heart, once you begin to see yourself as God sees you, = as become "the righteousness of God, in Christ". = THE Renewed MIND.
Paul's TESTIMONY< as that is partially what he's giving in Romans 7.
Always, gives me the Victory"
"i can do ALL THINGS Through Christ'.
"if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the Flesh".
See those? Thats a few that Paul continued to teach, as REAL Christianity.
You also forgot this part. (or never read it yet).
He identifies Himself as "made free from sin"
He Identifies His old man of sin as "crucified with Christ"
He identifies Himself as "the temple of the Holy Spirit"
Paul identifies Himself as "Heir of God"
Paul identifies Himself as "Joint Heir with Jesus".
Paul never wrote a verse that said.."confess sin"
Paul never wrote a verse that says.. "YOU will do what you hate"
So, the issue is, .. .people who do not study Paul's epistles, get a commentary that pretends to teach "Paul's" theology, or their Preacher, Teacher, Pope, or similar, told them that "you'll never be able to stop sinning"... as over there in Romans 7, is the only verse that Paul ever wrote.