All the Fullness of Deity dwells bodily

I was just posting what the Greek Scholars who know the original language just as good if not better than you know your own native language.
I don't trust any modern Greek scholars.

It's a snowball effect in redefinitions.

100 years from now we won't even recognize the Bible.
Nowhere does scripture claim sola scriptura. In fact it speaks against it in 2 Th 2:15.

So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
The Bible does not teach Bible alone?

Does the Bible teach us to obey commentary also?

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
The Bible does not teach Bible alone?
I already gave you 2 Th 2:15. Did you look it up or did you just scoff at it?
Does the Bible teach us to obey commentary also?
Not in my Bible.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Exactly! Like people who scoff at 2 Th 2:15.
I don't trust any modern Greek scholars.

It's a snowball effect in redefinitions.

100 years from now we won't even recognize the Bible.
I recognize the Koine Greek Bible that is many centuries old, not to mention the Koine Greek OT (LXX) that is over 2300 years old.

Many people don't even recognize the Bible now even if they got clobbered over the head with it.
I recognize the Koine Greek Bible that is many centuries old, not to mention the Koine Greek OT (LXX) that is over 2300 years old.

Many people don't even recognize the Bible now even if they got clobbered over the head with it.

The rejection over the last few decades of the KJV and replacement with endless modern versions has snowballed into sinner folks rejecting the Bible as a sacred text altogether.

Why should they believe the Bible as the pure word of God if we don't.

Why shouldn't they delve into false ideologies since we coddle extra Biblical literature that is not divinely inspired.
The rejection over the last few decades of the KJV and replacement with endless modern versions has snowballed into sinner folks rejecting the Bible as a sacred text altogether.

Why should they believe the Bible as the pure word of God if we don't.

Why shouldn't they delve into false ideologies since we coddle extra Biblical literature that is not divinely inspired.
If one truly does not want to get snowballed then he can either learn Koine Greek or come under the tutorship of someone who does know Koine Greek. If the will is there then there is a way.
If one truly does not want to get snowballed then he can either learn Koine Greek or come under the tutorship of someone who does know Koine Greek. If the will is there then there is a way.
For the most part the most of the word for word English translations are pretty good. When there is disagreement on a passage then cross referencing reliable Greek sources like a good lexicon and Greek Scholars on those words/passages becomes helpful to see what the issues are about in the passage. And then there is the textual criticism aspect with the manuscript differences depending on the ones used for the bible translations. There is much more to it than meets the eye and it takes time,dedications and plenty of resources to figure out who is right with the passages/words in question. I was really into this in the mid 80's through mid 90's. Not so much these days.

I realized I have a hard enough time with the passages that are not up for debate and are agreed on by all textual critics. :)
If one truly does not want to get snowballed then he can either learn Koine Greek or come under the tutorship of someone who does know Koine Greek. If the will is there then there is a way.
It is uncommon to teach sinners ancient Greek, and ancient Hebrew. We teach them the King James version of the Bible. You might be thinking of people teaching scripture 2 thousand years ago or more.
It is uncommon to teach sinners ancient Greek, and ancient Hebrew. We teach them the King James version of the Bible. You might be thinking of people teaching scripture 2 thousand years ago or more.
I'm talking about our church leaders, scholastic leaders, and whoever wants to know what the originals actually said. If our leaders don't know Greek then we are all heading into oblivion.
I'm talking about our church leaders, scholastic leaders, and whoever wants to know what the originals actually said. If our leaders don't know Greek then we are all heading into oblivion.
That is an absolute mess. Endless redefinitions. How could you even go to a church having a man in the modern Times redefining scriptures for you in his interpretation of modern Greek. I would walk away and never come back.
Hello church, today I’d like to read out of your king James Bible‘s a particular verse, but I have a better understanding of it then they did. It comes from James Strong. He is smarter than all 50 of those translators put together and let’s hear what he hast to say about this verse.

Yep, this is what you hear behind pulpits in today’s Christendom.
That is an absolute mess. Endless redefinitions. How could you even go to a church having a man in the modern Times redefining scriptures for you in his interpretation of modern Greek. I would walk away and never come back.
We already are in an absolute mess because very few of our leaders know Greek. We are in a tower of Babel concerning Bibles. JWs, for example, confessed to no one professionally knowing Greek in their creation of their NWT Bible. That's exactly the situation of utter chaos and despair that you're promoting when you scoff at knowing Greek.
Colossians 2:9
King James Bible
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily

Now read the Greek below on the present ongoing meaning of DWELLS . The bodily dwelling of Deity is permanent not temporary. The Incarnation was PERMANENT.
Let's get this straight Godhead or Godhood is used 3x in scripture, even 5x depending on the translation type, and it means the state of being God and with 'all' its attributes

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device” (Acts 17:29, KJV).

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20, KJV).

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9, KJV).

Now the preferred word is Divine, Divinity or of being divine (nature) ,divine being, and not the old English derivative word for 'Godhead which is 'Godhood' And English translations completely disregard the divinity of God and just call it Godhead.

Further, where does this divinity come from that resides or dwells in Yahshua, within his body and mind and complete spirit of his soul. It's from God his Father who is the only one who represents this so-called 'Godhead,' And his word indwelt in his Son from conception. God in or residing in Jesus if you will. And scripture in many places proves this out....for another discussion.

There is no mention of a pagan incarnation process occurring within Jesus' conception whatsoever, so why reach for it as if it were a fact of scripture? Why try to distort scripture and the true meaning of 'Godhead' and its source?

I might open a thread on the concept on the Trinity model that I have used before on another site that which became instrumental in banning any discussion for or against the Trinity.....well maybe just a more watered-down tempered thread on the subject...
We already are in an absolute mess because very few of our leaders know Greek. We are in a tower of Babel concerning Bibles. JWs, for example, confessed to no one professionally knowing Greek in their creation of their NWT Bible. That's exactly the situation of utter chaos and despair that you're promoting when you scoff at knowing Greek.
Greek schmeek!

We need only the KJV that has unboxed the ancient Greek.

Not a million closet translators, all saying it means this, this or this...
Greek schmeek!

We need only the KJV that has unboxed the ancient Greek.
I rest my case. You, together with everyone else who says the same thing about their translation, can carry on with building that Babel Tower of a million English translations.
Not a million closet translators, all saying it means this, this or this...
There's only one Koine Greek language. One.
I rest my case. You, together with everyone else who says the same thing about their translation, can carry on with building that Babel Tower of a million English translations.

There's only one Koine Greek language. One.
…..that no modern person can accurately translate.
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