there were many things in his post that seemed close to a normal view on Romans. But he made a point about other religions that Paul simply would not address to the Roman church. (Sure it is okay to point out that works do not save within any religion, but Paul was not addressing that.) He also seemed a little focused on the law and works. In general it was a stream of thought that was a little bit hard to follow.That was addressed to studyman who attaches works to salvation. Good works is a result not the means or addition to faith in the gospel of our salvation. Genuine faith will produce good works/ fruit.
Of course, my point is a reversal of many views. I show that in 1:18b-31 that it was the Israel history where Jews knew God (per 1:18b-19) but then turned away from that knowledge to dishonor God. They got into repeated idolatry over the years and maybe got into homosexuality or were presumed to have done that at times. But 1:18-32 is a parable that then is turned against the gentile Christians and thus can have mixed behaviors. It is 2:1 that exposes the gentiles' judgmental attitude and their sins, as found especially in 1:18b-27. Now good works was tending to be required but that main work was to believe on the Son sent by the Father.
I made a fairly long argument for this new reading of Romans and pretty solidly show Paul's use of a juridical parable like Nathan's approach with David. So there are fewer guesses than I had when I made the original post.
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