You are a smart Christian for many years—but do not assume that makes you truly BORN AGAIN.


Well-known member
There are people who have hung around Christianity for so long, they think that profuse knowledge and association are enough to make them Christian.

You may have read the Bible 20 times through.

That's not what saves you.

You may have 3 degrees in theology.

That's not what saves you.

You may have attended church all your life and sung all the hymns.

You may have given to the poor and worked at soup kitchens.

You may have debated Christian theology for years and years.

You may have even had devotions every day.

Please know, that is NOT what saves you.

It can be a strange and disorientating thought to be so well versed in Christianese, to read so much Christian material, to surround yourself with so many relationships with Christians, and be able to consider the thought that you might actually not even be born again—it could all be a cultural thing in your head.

It takes a lot of humility for someone who thinks they are very religious and knowledgeable to even consider they might be a Christian in label and culture only.

Unless you have a real and sincere relationship with the Biblical Jesus, and have confessed to him personally your trust in his atoning Blood to cover your sins, all this religious culture and knowledge and associations do not make you an authentic Christian or get you into heaven.

When God asks you "Why should I let you into my pure and holy heaven?" and you answer anything BUT, "I am trusting in the sacrificial death of your Son for the atoning of my sins," please know you are not going to enter heaven.

You will take your place with hypocrites with weeping and gnashing of teeth.

We should all ask God, "Am I really born again, do I really trust Christ?"

I'm not just trying to create doubt, there are days I don't feel saved.

But neither do I assume religious trappings and knowledge make me authentic.

Double check today, when the last time you truly talked to Christ from the heart, and confessed faith in his sacrifice, really was.
Knowing You Are Saved Starts With Knowing You Have Faith in Jesus.

Here's a short 3 minute video

So how can you know if you are truly saved by God? How can you have assurance of salvation? We must examine ourselves, we must pass the test of faith, but ultimately we must rest secure in the truth that God is faithful even when we are not. God alone is the reason you are saved. Trust God for your salvation and rejoice in the assurance he alone can give.
Lamentations 3:22-23
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.
You may have debated Christian theology for years and years.
I think some have as their god, theology.....and not the God of the theology.

God gives us a litmus test where we can KNOW if we've passed from death to life. 1 Jn 3:14

We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death. 1 John 3:14
Double check today, when the last time you truly talked to Christ from the heart, and confessed faith in his sacrifice, really was.
The most important thing in life if to KNOW Christ. I mean really know him personally in fellowship of Spirit. Jesus will say to many who claimed him as Lord, "I never knew you" meaning you weren't one with me in Spirit and fellowship.
One thing I hear from Christian’s all the time which is never once mentioned in the Bible btw.

Why should I let you into heaven asked either by God the Father or Christ.

That’s a fairy tale, make believe.There is no entering the pearly gates with any type of Q and A.

Absent from the body is present with the Lord for believers. When you die you will instantly know if you are in or out, no ifs ands or buts about it.

hope this helps !!!
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Addendum- having the right answers in your head doesn’t mean there has been a heart transplant, a new heart. The difference they say between heaven and hell is the distance between the brain and the heart- 18 inches. One needs both the mind and the heart.
Knowing You Are Saved Starts With Knowing You Have Faith in Jesus.

Here's a short 3 minute video

So how can you know if you are truly saved by God? How can you have assurance of salvation? We must examine ourselves, we must pass the test of faith, but ultimately we must rest secure in the truth that God is faithful even when we are not. God alone is the reason you are saved. Trust God for your salvation and rejoice in the assurance he alone can give.
decent video
One thing I hear from Christian’s all the time which is never once mentioned in the Bible btw.​
Why should I let you into heaven asked either by God the Father or Christ.​
That’s a fairy tale, make believe.There is no entering the pearly gates with any type of Q and A.​
Absent from the body is present with the Lord for believers. When you die you will instantly know if you are in or out, no ifs ands or buts about it.​
hope this helps !!!​
(2Col. 5:1-88 & Phil. 1:18-24)

Hello @civic,

'Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality,
then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
Death is swallowed up in victory.'

(1Cor. 15:50-54)

Re. your last sentence, I would rather know beforehand, rather than find out when it is too late. :)

There will be some who will experience being, 'absent from the body and present with the Lord', and that will be those who are alive and remain at the Lord's coming: for they will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

For those who die, 'in Christ', prior to that: their bodies will be placed in 'the grave', or 'the place of the dead', their 'breath of life' (or 'spirit') will have gone back to God Who gave it. God reckons all such to be, 'asleep in Christ', for they will be unaware of the passage of time, or of the events taking place in time (Job 14:14). They sleep until their awakening, when they will be quickened into life by the Spirit, and raised to life by God by means of the same resurrection power by which He raised the Lord Jesus Christ Himself: and they will be changed, putting on the resurrection bodies prepared for them.

No one has yet ascended up into Heaven, save He that came down out of heaven: and Hell is the place of the dead, and not a place of eternal conscious punishment. All will be raised to judgement. Yet for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ there is no condemnation. What can be lost is the reward for service rendered, not life itself. The unbelieving dead will be judged and sentenced, and will receive what is due: and those who have never heard, will be judged by Him Who knows the secrets of men's hearts, according to their works, and justice will be done by Him Who knows the end from the beginning.(Rom. 2).

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
The most important thing in life if to KNOW Christ. I mean really know him personally in fellowship of Spirit. Jesus will say to many who claimed him as Lord, "I never knew you" meaning you weren't one with me in Spirit and fellowship.
Gal 4:9 - It is even more important that He knows us, rather than that we know Him. Matt 7:23
Jesus said.....>"you must be born again".

And water can't do that for you.
Water must be a part of the way in which we are born again (John 3:5, 1 Pet 3:21).
(2Col. 5:1-88 & Phil. 1:18-24)

Hello @civic,

'Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality,
then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
Death is swallowed up in victory.'

(1Cor. 15:50-54)

Re. your last sentence, I would rather know beforehand, rather than find out when it is too late. :)

There will be some who will experience being, 'absent from the body and present with the Lord', and that will be those who are alive and remain at the Lord's coming: for they will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

For those who die, 'in Christ', prior to that: their bodies will be placed in 'the grave', or 'the place of the dead', their 'breath of life' (or 'spirit') will have gone back to God Who gave it. God reckons all such to be, 'asleep in Christ', for they will be unaware of the passage of time, or of the events taking place in time (Job 14:14). They sleep until their awakening, when they will be quickened into life by the Spirit, and raised to life by God by means of the same resurrection power by which He raised the Lord Jesus Christ Himself: and they will be changed, putting on the resurrection bodies prepared for them.

No one has yet ascended up into Heaven, save He that came down out of heaven: and Hell is the place of the dead, and not a place of eternal conscious punishment. All will be raised to judgement. Yet for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ there is no condemnation. What can be lost is the reward for service rendered, not life itself. The unbelieving dead will be judged and sentenced, and will receive what is due: and those who have never heard, will be judged by Him Who knows the secrets of men's hearts, according to their works, and justice will be done by Him Who knows the end from the beginning.(Rom. 2).

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Thanks for sharing your ideas on the topic. :)
Gal 4:9 - It is even more important that He knows us, rather than that we know Him. Matt 7:23

Water must be a part of the way in which we are born again (John 3:5, 1 Pet 3:21).



I want you to think about this...

1.) The dying Thief, who hung on the Cross next to Jesus, is in heaven right now.......He was never water baptized.

Now, here is a wider angle lens....

I want you to see Jesus, as not having come to the earth yet.
He is still "pre-incarnate".....not born yet of a Virgin.
No Cross.
See it?

Now, go and get water baptized, 2345 times, in the next year.
If you do, will you go to Heaven?
No you wont.
Why not?


I want you to think about this...

1.) The dying Thief, who hung on the Cross next to Jesus, is in heaven right now.......He was never water baptized.
Indeed, but he was promised Heaven before the death of Jesus. Can a person change their Will (last will and testament) before they die? Yes (Heb 9:17). Jesus had not yet died, so He could change His command any way He wanted. But after His death, His Will was set and can not be changed. The thief on the cross beside Jesus was saved under the OT, not the NT.
. The thief on the cross beside Jesus was saved under the OT, not the NT.

Yes, without water.

Like this..

"Abraham BELIEVED GOD, and it "IT", (his Faith)., was credited to Him as Righteousness".

See that?

We give, Faith in CHRIST....., and God responds with "the gift of Salvation".

No water pours out of Heaven.
He's not in the fish tank.

Jesus is the LIVING Water, who lives IN the Born again.

So, "Abraham is the Father of OUR Faith"......because the born again have given God "Like faith".....the same.....and God accepts it.


"Faith is counted"
"Justification by Faith".

And someone who is confused says...>"but can faith save us"?

And the answer is.....NO......because Faith is not the SAVIOR.
Jesus is the which God SAVES us.
"blood atonement" "Gift of Righteousness".

God is the SAVIOR... He saves us THROUGH our Faith......

See, many are trusting in if Faith hung on the Cross.

I hear confused believers all the time say to me...>"well, as long as i hold unto my faith, i stay saved, i'll go to Heaven".

No you wont. As FAITH is not your savior.... You're trusting in FAITH, and that is not literally to trust in Christ.

See, Its God who holds unto us by Spiritual Birth,.....:"born again".... because we gave Him our faith ONE TIME, and then He performs this, forever.

Philippians 1:6
Yes, without water.

Like this..

"Abraham BELIEVED GOD, and it "IT", (his Faith)., was credited to Him as Righteousness".
And in James 2:21-23, we are told that his actions worked with his faith making it complete. Without his actions, his faith would have been dead and useless. Thus his belief was not passive but action producing.
See that?

We give, Faith in CHRIST....., and God responds with "the gift of Salvation".

No water pours out of Heaven.
He's not in the fish tank.

Jesus is the LIVING Water, who lives IN the Born again.

So, "Abraham is the Father of OUR Faith"......because the born again have given God "Like faith".....the same.....and God accepts it.


"Faith is counted"
"Justification by Faith".

And someone who is confused says...>"but can faith save us"?

And the answer is.....NO......because Faith is not the SAVIOR.
Jesus is the which God SAVES us.
"blood atonement" "Gift of Righteousness".
It is by God's grace that we are saved THROUGH faith. But you leave out a word in your quote. James 2:14, "What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him?"
We are saved through faith (Eph 2:8-9)(faith is the conduit through which salvation flows to us), but an inactive faith does not bring salvation to us.
God is the SAVIOR... He saves us THROUGH our Faith......

See, many are trusting in if Faith hung on the Cross.

I hear confused believers all the time say to me...>"well, as long as i hold unto my faith, i stay saved, i'll go to Heaven".

No you wont. As FAITH is not your savior.... You're trusting in FAITH, and that is not literally to trust in Christ.

See, Its God who holds unto us by Spiritual Birth,.....:"born again".... because we gave Him our faith ONE TIME, and then He performs this, forever.

Philippians 1:6
You are correct that salvation is completely of God, and that God does the "holding". But if we fall back out of our faith and begin living again in unrepentant sin (1 Cor 9:26-27), we can lose our salvation (Heb 6:4-6).
And in James 2:21-23, we are told that his actions worked with his faith making it complete.

Christ on the Cross is what makes Salvation complete.

So, until you understand that : JESUS is Salvation and nothing you can do.. you have not understood the Cross of Christ.
And in James 2:21-23, we are told that his actions worked with his faith making it complete. Without his actions, his faith would have been dead and useless. Thus his belief was not passive but action producing.
"What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him?"

Faith does not save anyone, unless Faith died on the Cross for your sin.

See, Jesus is our Salvation, and if we have Him in us, then God has accepted our Faith, already.
A.) Born agan

Now, discipleship, that follows salvation, is very faith based, as we are now in a walk of faith, but not regarding our Salvation.
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