World = US = John 3:16

Amen to the truth !!!
and let us always remember , no LIE is of THE TRUTH . to the trenches one and all , we make our last stand now .
DO not let the victim card of judge not correct not be our god any longer .
IT has worked ONLY to silence the voices of those who did speak truth that does expose the darkness .
THAT IS HOW and WHY society has turned so wretched .
And so too have more and more churches .
WHEN we allow the evil to dicate HOW we speak and what we speak , IT WORKS ONLY to destruction
and it gives ONLY the wicked the voice and platform . we can no longer
heed this judge not correct not
tolerance , diversity stuff . ITS NOT WORKING to the good of society or the churches , ITS DESTROYING THEM
and giving place to Evil and NOW that Evil GROWS FASTER and faster .

Here are two truths. for you.

#1. Who has ever heard of any “unconditional election” outside of Calvinistic theology? Thus the phrase “unconditional election” is a oxymoron.

#2. God did not deal with Cain as if he were totally depraved. On the contrary, God instructed Cain to rule over this sin that was knocking at the door. The Bible tells us that Cain murdered his brother not because he was totally depraved, but because his deeds were evil and his brother’s was righteous.

You in the same denial as the other poster, denying total depravity and unconditional election.
Yes, but HIS decision to elect some and pass over others for election was NOT UNconditional or there was no condition, no reason for those not elected to be passed over. That Calvinists refuse to accept this is the doublethink I must refuse to accept.

GOD would not condemn anyone for no condition / reason.
False witness, denying the Gospel, unconditional election
and let us always remember , no LIE is of THE TRUTH . to the trenches one and all , we make our last stand now .
DO not let the victim card of judge not correct not be our god any longer .
IT has worked ONLY to silence the voices of those who did speak truth that does expose the darkness .
THAT IS HOW and WHY society has turned so wretched .
And so too have more and more churches .
WHEN we allow the evil to dicate HOW we speak and what we speak , IT WORKS ONLY to destruction
and it gives ONLY the wicked the voice and platform . we can no longer
heed this judge not correct not
tolerance , diversity stuff . ITS NOT WORKING to the good of society or the churches , ITS DESTROYING THEM
and giving place to Evil and NOW that Evil GROWS FASTER and faster .
TO the trenches . its getting worse my friend . We know and understand
by grace that our responsiblity is to speak truth . onward in the trenches .
soon it wont just be digital bans
but even removal from society many of us will be .................
I am watching this evil grow and due to a false love fake victim card it has gained the ground .
Till now the voices of those who speak truth and expose sin and error has about been silenced . seen has being hateful
seen as being an oppressor . This was never about tolerance
it was about the eradication of the truth and those who speak it . THIS IS WHERE ITS about to GO too my friend .
Society is getting worse , churches are too .
We make our last stand now . Continue to do so no matter the cost .
Often men love to debate and teach on what they see as great meats
and yet they know not what they say .
Calvin dug deep into theories and yet look at the damage done
by his so called comittees . I have a real simple solution .
The question is , HOW can one be saved . And that simple answer is BY BELIEVING ON JESUS the CHRIST .
That is how the apostels kept it and went about preaching that name and all things HE did teach .
A psalmist once said , I concern not myself with matters that are too HIGH for me .
I say had we just taught the scriptures themselves without the influence of these men who added things in
or took things out , WE had been FAR better off .
When the jailor once cried to paul and silas what must i do to be saved .
They didnt sit around and ask calvin to explain things , THEY SIMPLY GAVE THE RIGHT ANSWER
BELIEVE YE ON JESUS THE CHRIST and ye shall be saved . To the trenches
because i also notice a huge delusion that has come upon christendom itself .
And it seems not to matter what denomination one is in , they sucking up a lie and fast .
And that there lie seems to imply THAT JUST BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE it wont matter if one beleived in JESUS or not .
Their evanglism of their so called love stinks to high heaven and
it does not point to the TRUTH . Their lie in no way honors the SON and thus it HONORS not the FATHER .
HERE is the true way , the true love of GOD and the right way to express that love ,
GOD is love and HE does desire none to perish , SO ITS WHY HE SENT the SON so that all who do BELIEVE
would not perish but have everlasting life .
They use truths to point to a lie
WE must use scrips to point ONLY TO TRUTH . always remember this
if a man is using scrips , truths and yet does so to point to a lie , that man be a liar .
Well, unfortunately that poster follows in the footsteps of those who follow Calvin and does so uncritically
False witness, denying the Gospel, unconditional election
No mon, I'm a true witness, upholding the gospel based upon love and conditional election...not the Calvinist God who creates evil people after previously determining to destroy them for no condition found in them...
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projecting again. ever considered it just might be you who is deceived and needs Gods deliverance ?
Truly people would have seen how simple it was had they just learned and read the bible for themselves
rather than learning men who twisted it .
March on in the LORD my friend . What is the one simple thing we see and know in the bible .
THEY all went around preaching the dire need to beleive on JESUS the CHRIST and taught His teachings .
Not to even mention if we actually do read it
we see all over that the desire from GOD was good for man and not their destruction .
That is why he warned . Blessed are those who simply HEED His words , HIS Spirit having beleived
In JESUS the CHRIST beleiving GOD did raise him from the dead .
God had compassion for the people , THUS HE SENT
the prophets to warn them
but they mocked the prophets and would heed none of His words
Till the wrath of GOD came upon them and there was no rememdy .
TIS WHY HE SENT THE SON whom the prophets also spoke of .........
How often HE would have gathered them ONLY they would not .
For GOD so loved the world HE sent His only begotten son
that all who do BELIEVE in HIM would not perish but have everlasting life .
He who beleives is not condemned but HE who beleives NOT
is condemned already for he has not beleived in the NAME of the Son of GOD .
Truly people would have seen how simple it was had they just learned and read the bible for themselves
rather than learning men who twisted it .
March on in the LORD my friend . What is the one simple thing we see and know in the bible .
THEY all went around preaching the dire need to beleive on JESUS the CHRIST and taught His teachings .
Not to even mention if we actually do read it
we see all over that the desire from GOD was good for man and not their destruction .
That is why he warned . Blessed are those who simply HEED His words , HIS Spirit having beleived
In JESUS the CHRIST beleiving GOD did raise him from the dead .
God had compassion for the people , THUS HE SENT
the prophets to warn them
but they mocked the prophets and would heed none of His words
Till the wrath of GOD came upon them and there was no rememdy .
TIS WHY HE SENT THE SON whom the prophets also spoke of .........
How often HE would have gathered them ONLY they would not .
For GOD so loved the world HE sent His only begotten son
that all who do BELIEVE in HIM would not perish but have everlasting life .
He who beleives is not condemned but HE who beleives NOT
is condemned already for he has not beleived in the NAME of the Son of GOD .
Truly people would have seen how simple it was had they just learned and read the bible for themselves
rather than learning men who twisted it .
March on in the LORD my friend . What is the one simple thing we see and know in the bible .
THEY all went around preaching the dire need to beleive on JESUS the CHRIST and taught His teachings .
Not to even mention if we actually do read it
we see all over that the desire from GOD was good for man and not their destruction .
That is why he warned . Blessed are those who simply HEED His words , HIS Spirit having beleived
In JESUS the CHRIST beleiving GOD did raise him from the dead .
God had compassion for the people , THUS HE SENT
the prophets to warn them
but they mocked the prophets and would heed none of His words
Till the wrath of GOD came upon them and there was no rememdy .
TIS WHY HE SENT THE SON whom the prophets also spoke of .........
How often HE would have gathered them ONLY they would not .
For GOD so loved the world HE sent His only begotten son
that all who do BELIEVE in HIM would not perish but have everlasting life .
He who beleives is not condemned but HE who beleives NOT
is condemned already for he has not beleived in the NAME of the Son of GOD .
projecting since you have never been born again and received the gospel confessing Jesus as Lord per Paul in Romans 10.

you cannot be saved apart from Pauls instruction in Romans 10.

next fallacy
Thus seeing we know the truth
beware lest any being led away with the error of wickedness , the false love that cries and implies
other relgions are fine the path is BROAD . that is one BROAD PATH LOVE getting preached .
You know the problem is , THE TRUE LOVE , that path IS NARROW , very narrow
Thus seeing we know this truth beware lest any be led away into the error of interfaith .
I'm not deceived.

Who is lying ?

One of us is surely deceived and doesn't know it.

You just brought up an amazing point my friend . But let us beware
for many behave as though bad false beleifs no matter , they aint decieved . BUT I TELL US they are decieved .
ifn it dont , ITS CALLED A LIE .
a deception .
This generation has been bewitched by a false sensual love that came of the world . THEY Think its of GOD
But believe you me IT AINT . GOD dont testify of lies and fake false gods and false religoins .
take note HE didnt say OH toss what you dont like that he said , just heed some twisted parts .
Something has went deadly wrong and worse many and many more seem to be loving this deceptoin
this love , this ...................DELUSION .
projecting since you have never been born again and received the gospel confessing Jesus as Lord per Paul in Romans 10.

you cannot be saved apart from Pauls instruction in Romans 10.

next fallacy
We gonna have to stand more than ever in these last days to contend for one true faith and all lovely bibilcal doctrine .
Whether it be a building , a web site
WHOMEVER has been given the responsiblity
of said place , THEY GONNA have all reponsiblity for what is allowed on it
and in it . The watchers on the wall , THEY WARN my friend . THEY See error , THEY WARN .
IF they see the great delusoin , THEY WARN . we were not saved
and taught of GOD , so as we can just go with the flow and have the easy lets overlook error life .
ANY MAN who has been taught , WHO has been freely given , MUST GIVE . we owe the peoples THE TRUTH . if we love them .
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