Will Babies that die go to Heaven?


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The Bible is clear that God’s love for all He has created extends to the young child, the infant, the baby yet unborn. Those who cannot discern right from wrong, whose minds have not developed enough to understand sin, repentance, grace, and forgiveness, are not held accountable for errors made in ignorance. As Jesus welcomed the little children during His earthy ministry, so He will open His arms to them in heaven....

The Bible assures us that children go to heaven to be with the Lord. The Lord loves children and isn’t willing for any of them to perish. Not one of them will be lost. Let me show you two Scriptures on this.

1. “I Shall Go to Him” (2 Sam. 12:16–23). When David said in verse 23: “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me,” he understood that he would see his baby again in heaven, that the child had gone to be with the Lord. His grief was great, but his joy came from anticipating the coming reunion.

2. “She Is Not Dead But Sleeping” (Mark 5:21–43). The mourners at the funeral of this little girl were wailing in grief, but that wasn’t Jesus’ perspective when He arrived on the scene. Christ looked at the little form lying there and said three remarkable things:

A. She is not dead! Those words are for every mom, dad, or grandparent who has lost a little one. This child that miscarried, this child that was stillborn, this child that was aborted, this child that died of SIDS, this child who perished in the natural disaster—these children are not dead. This is Bible-speak. This is Jesus-talk.

B. …but sleeping. This little body is resting, and his (her) soul is with Jesus.

C. Talitha, cumi… Little girl, I say to you, arise. The miracle of this little girl’s resurrection was a token of what He is going to do when He comes again, and the dead in Christ are raised first.

Robert J. Morgan
I agree with both posts.

Matthew 18:14: “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”
I'm not sure. I hope so but I'm doubtful Scripture leans that way, even if it is unclear.

The whole logic of "they are innocent" just does not work for me for many reasons. If we are born to inevitably sin, then no human being is inherently innocent. How is it any more fair to take babies to heaven when if they lived out there lives they would have ended up in hell? By giving babies that are forced to live physically the unalterable destiny of sinning, God is being just as unfair as if he let babies go to hell, so a sin nature, which Scripture clearly teaches, blows up the whole idea that God is somehow morally obligated to save babies.

Too much doctrine is just based on feelings and emotions and an arbitrary sinful desire of what we think God should do.

My current theory is babies of believing parents go to heaven through vicarious faith. It is possible, though I doubt it, that all babies are saved through Christ's vicarious faith. But one thing is 100% certain, no human being bypasses the need for atonement and we are born in a sinful state of being, which is inherently a sin. It is not the first willful mental act that makes a person a sinner, as no human being is even capable of keeping the Law.
The jailer and his household.

Acts 16:29 Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
I'm not sure. I hope so but I'm doubtful Scripture leans that way, even if it is unclear.

The whole logic of "they are innocent" just does not work for me for many reasons. If we are born to inevitably sin, then no human being is inherently innocent. How is it any more fair to take babies to heaven when if they lived out there lives they would have ended up in hell? By giving babies that are forced to live physically the unalterable destiny of sinning, God is being just as unfair as if he let babies go to hell, so a sin nature, which Scripture clearly teaches, blows up the whole idea that God is somehow morally obligated to save babies.

Too much doctrine is just based on feelings and emotions and an arbitrary sinful desire of what we think God should do.

My current theory is babies of believing parents go to heaven through vicarious faith. It is possible, though I doubt it, that all babies are saved through Christ's vicarious faith. But one thing is 100% certain, no human being bypasses the need for atonement and we are born in a sinful state of being, which is inherently a sin. It is not the first willful mental act that makes a person a sinner, as no human being is even capable of keeping the Law.
Original sin doctrine came from augustine it was not held by those before him.
The whole logic of "they are innocent" just does not work for me for many reasons.
nor me...

No one who believes in limbo or GOD's salvation of non-innocent children has ever offered any reason for why GOD would choose some to save WITH NO CHANCE OF ENDING IN HELL by killing them as infants (Psalm 139:16 All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.) while the rest of us poor humans must all face a necessary choice to seek salvation from hell to the destruction of the many and the salvation of only the few???!!!

Why would those who die young get a free ride and we, me and thee, did not but must live and suffer and face the chance of hell?

Pre-Conception Existence theology (PCE) contends that the premises of our fall lead to a probable conclusion that though all sin has the same and ultimate disvalue to GOD, not all sinners are equal in sin before HIM.

No one accrues any culpability for sin without making a true free will decision to rebel. The wages of sin cannot be pad to an innocent as death is only a wage for sin, not a consequence of life. Without mens rea, the choice to sin, no one can be found guilty and die.

When we made our free will choices about our eternal relationship with YHWH by faith to be our GOD and Saviour or to reject HIM as a liar and a false god, we all demonstrated a more or less willingness to be close to HIM or to chose sin over HIS call to righteousness.

This willingness is the measure of how close to the heat we are willing to sit. The holy elect angels bask in HIS heat; those condemned already, the unforgivable reprobate demons, are as far from HIM as it is possible to get. In between are the rest of us living out our choice of how much were we willing to accept HIS commands and how much we were willing to give into the desire to sin...

The theology of our fall in heaven before the creation of the physical universe is lengthy and not a big topic in scripture, alas. But following the byplay of Adam and Eve, we get a condensed version of what happened to HIS creation...

After HIS proclamation of HIS deity and HIS gospel of salvation proclaimed to every creature, Col 1:23, there comes the serpent who chose to totally rebuke YHWH's claims to be our GOD and Saviour as the lies of a false god. Then there are the elect, the people GOD chose to be HIS bride because they put their faith in HIM as telling them the truth about HIS Divinity and the only source of salvation from sin and hell some of whom later sinned against HIS commands.

The reason some of HIS elect chose to reject HIM came when HE called for all HIS elect to "come out for among" the reprobate, HIS now eternal enemies, so they could be damned. Some of HIS elect refused to follow this command arguing for mercy for these damned, that surely the GOD who is love could love them out of their sin, that if time were given, they must surely repent and that the suffering of hell was too harsh in the light of mere disbelief. Thus they became fully evil in HIS sight, outside of HIS will but not HIS grace, mercy or love and in need of redemption and sanctification.

To contain this contamination of evil, GOD then commanded that all HIS still non-sinful elect come out from among their sinful elect friends but many were not willing to leave their beloved friends to GOD's mercy and rebelled, staying joined to these now sinful elect in their hearts so they too became fully evil in HIS sight, outside of HIS will but not HIS grace, mercy or love and in need of redemption and sanctification. This process continued until every person had chosen their place, their relationship with YHWH.

So the order of the fall was: first, satan and the fallen angels who became demons, then the elect who idolized the demons over GOD, (Eve), and then the elect who idolized the fallen elect over GOD, (Adam) as shown in the order of the fall in the garden, first the serpent, then Eve and then Adam and we get a hierarchy of those most willing to sin...

To bring this all into the context of the fate of infants who die, let's consider the people who were the last elect persons to sin against GOD out of love for a sinner, unwilling to sin for anyone else but as unwilling to trust their loved one to the tender mercies of GOD they finally joined them in their sin. Thus they had to be born into Adam so that they could come under the death of their Redeemer and be justified in GOD's sight. But as unwilling to sin, they do not really need to go through the yo yo training in righteousness that the sinful but legitimate children of GOD partake as per Heb 12:5-11.

Thus we see that there are two types of sinful infants who die in the womb:
1. The elect who only need to enter Adam to come under the redemption of Christ's death but who do not need to suffer life under the reprobate (Matt 13:27-30) to have their eyes opened to the evil of the reprobate.

This can also include those elect who can learn wisdom and faithfulness in the womb as per
Ps 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;
you taught me wisdom in that secret place.

With the job done in the womb, there was no need for a birth or a long life of suffering under the reprobate while the judgement was postponed.

2. Those non-elect reprobate whose death sends them back to Sheol,
(Berean Standard Bible) Psalm 9:17 The wicked will RETURN to Sheol—all the nations who forget God. as part of the suffering for sin that this world is heir to, a lesson in a natural consequence for sin.

Only sinners are conceived on earth as Ps 51:56 intimates which is supported by the explanation of the parable of the weeds, not a mere expansion of the metaphor, which tells us we are sown/moved here from Sheol (Ps 9:17 remember) not created here as has been believed for so long:
Matt 13:
The Parable of the Weeds Explained
36 Then Jesus dismissed the crowds and went into the house. His disciples came to Him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”

37 He replied, “The One who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed represents the sons (PEOPLE) of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons (PEOPLE) of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

No innocent is conceived on earth, only the guilty. No innocent except our Lord, anyway. No innocent dies on earth so no one need wonder about their fate...and elect sinful infant who dies is returned to GOD,
Ecclesiastes 12:7, and the non-elect sinful infant who dies returns to Sheol to await the final judgment, Ps. 9:17.
Well there is the age of accountability for sin.

Deuteronomy 1:39
“Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it.”

Calvinists on the other hand deny the reality of an age of accountability, an age a child reaches at which point the child can be morally accountable for its behavior. It's a necessity for them because it goes there against their concept of total depravity.
You have to be aware of sin in order to be held accountable for it. If just being born on planet earth makes you a sinner then that would include Jesus. And yet the Bible tells us he was without sin even though he was tempted in every way as we are.

Romans 4:15
“Where there is no law, there also is no violation.”

Romans 7:8
“Apart from the Law sin is dead.”

The close connection between law and sin is brought out throughout Scripture, especially in the book of Romans, and especially in these two verses. The Apostle Paul notes that “I would not have come to know sin except through the Law” (Rom 7:7).
The Bible is clear that God’s love for all He has created extends to the young child, the infant, the baby yet unborn. Those who cannot discern right from wrong, whose minds have not developed enough to understand sin, repentance, grace, and forgiveness, are not held accountable for errors made in ignorance. As Jesus welcomed the little children during His earthy ministry, so He will open His arms to them in heaven....

The Bible assures us that children go to heaven to be with the Lord. The Lord loves children and isn’t willing for any of them to perish. Not one of them will be lost. Let me show you two Scriptures on this.

1. “I Shall Go to Him” (2 Sam. 12:16–23). When David said in verse 23: “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me,” he understood that he would see his baby again in heaven, that the child had gone to be with the Lord. His grief was great, but his joy came from anticipating the coming reunion.

2. “She Is Not Dead But Sleeping” (Mark 5:21–43). The mourners at the funeral of this little girl were wailing in grief, but that wasn’t Jesus’ perspective when He arrived on the scene. Christ looked at the little form lying there and said three remarkable things:

A. She is not dead! Those words are for every mom, dad, or grandparent who has lost a little one. This child that miscarried, this child that was stillborn, this child that was aborted, this child that died of SIDS, this child who perished in the natural disaster—these children are not dead. This is Bible-speak. This is Jesus-talk.

B. …but sleeping. This little body is resting, and his (her) soul is with Jesus.

C. Talitha, cumi… Little girl, I say to you, arise. The miracle of this little girl’s resurrection was a token of what He is going to do when He comes again, and the dead in Christ are raised first.

Robert J. Morgan

of course babies go straight to heaven.
Well there is the age of accountability for sin.

Deuteronomy 1:39
“Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it.”

Calvinists on the other hand deny the reality of an age of accountability, an age a child reaches at which point the child can be morally accountable for its behavior. It's a necessity for them because it goes there against their concept of total depravity.
i was going to say that but you said it first and better...
Well there is the age of accountability for sin.
Sorry Clifford, the accounting of sin is death. Period. Iow, death proves sinfulness at the time of death. Death is the wages for sin, NOT a consequence of life.

The fact that a fetus in utero and a newborn can die proves sinfulness. All the rest is wishful thinking.
Sorry Clifford, the accounting of sin is death. Period. Iow, death proves sinfulness at the time of death. Death is the wages for sin, NOT a consequence of life.

The fact that a fetus in utero and a newborn can die proves sinfulness. All the rest is wishful thinking.
it's true sin exists in a baby to the extent this body IS sin and God did not make it.. and that a baby here is born into flesh.

however, no one chose to be born in the sin type of flesh body... that was adams sin against us all. babies do not know what sin (as choices) is yet...
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yes i am aware most wrongly believe God would create such a horror body and would create this earth.

at most God went along after adam
did what he did to us.
The Bible is clear that God’s love for all He has created extends to the young child, the infant, the baby yet unborn. Those who cannot discern right from wrong, whose minds have not developed enough to understand sin, repentance, grace, and forgiveness, are not held accountable for errors made in ignorance. As Jesus welcomed the little children during His earthy ministry, so He will open His arms to them in heaven....

The Bible assures us that children go to heaven to be with the Lord. The Lord loves children and isn’t willing for any of them to perish. Not one of them will be lost. Let me show you two Scriptures on this.

1. “I Shall Go to Him” (2 Sam. 12:16–23). When David said in verse 23: “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me,” he understood that he would see his baby again in heaven, that the child had gone to be with the Lord. His grief was great, but his joy came from anticipating the coming reunion.

2. “She Is Not Dead But Sleeping” (Mark 5:21–43). The mourners at the funeral of this little girl were wailing in grief, but that wasn’t Jesus’ perspective when He arrived on the scene. Christ looked at the little form lying there and said three remarkable things:

A. She is not dead! Those words are for every mom, dad, or grandparent who has lost a little one. This child that miscarried, this child that was stillborn, this child that was aborted, this child that died of SIDS, this child who perished in the natural disaster—these children are not dead. This is Bible-speak. This is Jesus-talk.

B. …but sleeping. This little body is resting, and his (her) soul is with Jesus.

C. Talitha, cumi… Little girl, I say to you, arise. The miracle of this little girl’s resurrection was a token of what He is going to do when He comes again, and the dead in Christ are raised first.

Robert J. Morgan
There is something called the sin nature that is passed on to every new birth and generation. Babies are conceived in sin. Everyone is conceived in sin. Everyone is born in sin.

5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity;
And in sin did my mother conceive me.
Ps 51:5.

So, the conclusion is that we don't know who God elects to salvation - even in the womb. But God does the saving no matter if a word of Jesus is spoken to the person or not. "Salvation is of the LORD," Jonah says. We have no say in the matter.

14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
Rom. 9:14–16.

19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
Rom. 9:19–21.

God looks upon all mankind as sinners and destined to eternal separation from Him. So, unless He extends His grace to people they are bound for this destiny. But God does extend His mercy and grace to people. These are the people whose names are written by God in the lamb's book of life (Rev. 13:8.)
God is following this book and when a person is conceived and born, He intervenes into their lives at the appointed time and saves them from sin and baptizes them into the body of Christ. The same goes for babies in the womb; and every baby conceived in sin is determined by God to His Presence or eternal separation from Him.
God doesn't see as man sees. God is of purer eyes than that.
The Bible is clear that God’s love for all He has created extends to the young child, the infant, the baby yet unborn. Those who cannot discern right from wrong, whose minds have not developed enough to understand sin, repentance, grace, and forgiveness, are not held accountable for errors made in ignorance. As Jesus welcomed the little children during His earthy ministry, so He will open His arms to them in heaven....
The Bible assures us that children go to heaven to be with the Lord. The Lord loves children and isn’t willing for any of them to perish. Not one of them will be lost. Let me show you two Scriptures on this.

1. “I Shall Go to Him” (2 Sam. 12:16–23). When David said in verse 23: “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me,” he understood that he would see his baby again in heaven, that the child had gone to be with the Lord. His grief was great, but his joy came from anticipating the coming reunion.
The first thing to understand is that the covenant God made with Abraham is also to his seed, meaning his descendants. King David was from the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob whom God changed his name to Israel. David was in covenant and being that the Abrahamic Covenant was a covenant that ran through Abraham's family line and descendants David knew he would see his child again because he and the child were in God's covenant.
2. “She Is Not Dead But Sleeping” (Mark 5:21–43). The mourners at the funeral of this little girl were wailing in grief, but that wasn’t Jesus’ perspective when He arrived on the scene. Christ looked at the little form lying there and said three remarkable things:
A. She is not dead! Those words are for every mom, dad, or grandparent who has lost a little one. This child that miscarried, this child that was stillborn, this child that was aborted, this child that died of SIDS, this child who perished in the natural disaster—these children are not dead. This is Bible-speak. This is Jesus-talk.
"Sleeping" is a term used for death. But before Jesus knowing He was to raise this Jewish child He said this because in a few short moments He was to raise her from her death.
B. …but sleeping. This little body is resting, and his (her) soul is with Jesus.
This Jewish child in covenant with God was dead.
C. Talitha, cumi… Little girl, I say to you, arise. The miracle of this little girl’s resurrection was a token of what He is going to do when He comes again, and the dead in Christ are raised first.
Robert J. Morgan
This Jewish child who was dead was raised to life by Christ.
The first thing to understand is that the covenant God made with Abraham is also to his seed, meaning his descendants. King David was from the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob whom God changed his name to Israel. David was in covenant and being that the Abrahamic Covenant was a covenant that ran through Abraham's family line and descendants David knew he would see his child again because he and the child were in God's covenant.

"Sleeping" is a term used for death. But before Jesus knowing He was to raise this Jewish child He said this because in a few short moments He was to raise her from her death.

This Jewish child in covenant with God was dead.

This Jewish child who was dead was raised to life by Christ.
All Children will be raised to life by Christ. He is just that good. He conquered sin and death death. He removed the sin barrier.
All Children will be raised to life by Christ. He is just that good. He conquered sin and death death. He removed the sin barrier.
Sorry, but the Scripture doesn't say that.
A proper understanding of the truth of Scripture is supposed to inform our beliefs. If we choose to lean on our own understanding and reject the Scripture, then we will be in error in our beliefs.
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