Why I don’t believe or accept the trinity.

It doesn't follow sound reason that suddenly without precedent, comment, or explanation someone would suddenly pray to Jesus in the Bible. Not only did none of the prophets, Jesus, or any of the disciples teach about praying to Jesus, no one apparently did in Scripture by example. Therefore, there is no mention of Jesus in Acts 1:24-25.

None of the evidence I gave was refuted.

None of the evidence I gave was refuted.

It's interesting that in this thread: https://berean-apologetics.communit...rrassing-or-still-valid-today.1689/post-79119 you presented an argue that God's commands are obsolete and then you make a new command about praying to Jesus where none has never existed. That's the problem with cherry picking verses and creating your own homebrewed religion where anything you say goes. Maybe that flies under your roof, but out in the real world Scripture opposes you.

The only teaching about prayer in the NT is to the Father.

Matthew 6
6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
7And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
9So then, this is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be Your name.
i thought you might have better arguments than Peterlag. They are just as bad.
Your comment about Acts 1:24-25 neglects the context where Jesus as Lord was just mentioned.

You point is worse in Matt 6 since Jesus was not revealing to them his deity. They would have stoned him in their ignorance if he said that.

Then Acts 24 is no excluding Christ Jesus as divinity. John 16:23 speaks against your view. The verse means that you must acknowledge Jesus' centrality here. Almost everything Jesus says is for people listening as him in relationship with the Father. That says nothing beyond the fact that Christ is divine of the same divinity as his Father.

If you do not have enough of an argument to convince others, you should be careful what you are trying to believe.
Arguments and denials don't somehow suddenly undo Scripture. Now that you are done with your soapbox, care to put up some Scripture where it says someone prayed to Jesus or taught about praying to Jesus?
No it isn't.
Please post the teachings and commandments regarding prayer in the Bible then. To be clear, I am not asking you to be a teacher or give us a commandment. You have no authority. I am asking you to post what God, Jesus, or the apostles taught regarding prayer. Thank you!
Arguments and denials don't somehow suddenly undo Scripture. Now that you are done with your soapbox, care to put up some Scripture where it says someone prayed to Jesus or taught about praying to Jesus?
So you do not know the scriptures you are trying to discredit?
I just let you bury yourself as we observe how you try to build your argument
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