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There's a pretty wide gap between love and reading comprehension wouldn't you say. I'm glad God loved us enough to save us by dying on a cross rather than improving our reading skills. I'm also quite sure that if you look long and hard enough you can find Folks that do not hold to Calvinism that can actually read and write volumes.And I responded in kind. Perhaps it should say "Where is the reading comprehension in "free will" folks?"'s a thought.
Here's a couple.
Arminian theologian Roger Olson represents both a small and also a very large theological tribe. The large group comprises American evangelicals and mainliners for whom common-sense Arminianism is the default theological position. These Christians think it is obvious that a loving God would never send people to hell without giving them a fair shot at salvation (if indeed God sends anyone to hell at all). The smaller group, today at least, comprises principled Arminians, defenders of the theological tradition of Jacobus Arminius, John Wesley, and Charles Finney.
I thoroughly enjoyed Roger Olson Book Against Calvinism. Here's a taste of it.
Perhaps the most serious complaint one may level against Calvinism concerns its portrayal of God himself. Biblical revelation clearly shows God to be loving, gracious, personal, responsive, caring, just, impartial, desiring life for everyone, and a hater of sin. Unfortunately, Calvinism, in nearly every case, projects a God who contradicts these characteristics. God’s love is selective, God’s salvific grace is either completely lacking (for the non-elect) or irresistible in the case of the elect.
And God’s transcendence is so amplified with its distorted view of divine sovereignty worked out through a comprehensive impersonal decree that there is little room for genuine interaction between persons and God. Where God requires believers to love their enemies, God instead is permitted to be a hater of his enemies. Where the Bible requires Jesus’s followers to be impartial in their dealings with men, God instead is demonstrably partial in his unilaterally and unconditionally selecting some for salvation while damning the rest to hell when he could, if he chose, save all. While the Bible says that God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4), God by his secret and eternal decree actually does not desire all me to be saved, for if he did he could easily ensure it through his decree.
Where the Bible clearly reveals God to be a hater of sin, God is seen to be the author and instigator of every sin manifested in history. (Recall that God’s sovereignty is such that he, through his decree, is responsible for “everything that happens” [Sproul, Grudem, etc.].) Reflecting on Calvinism’s difficulties in reconciling God as a God who is good, just, and love with Calvinism’s theistic determinism, Fischer says this:
In what sense was God good if he had done something like creating people so he could damn them? And in what sense was God just if he had done something like punishing people eternally for sins he made certain they would commit? How are those in hell merely getting what they deserve when God ordained that they commit their sins? How can humans be held responsible for their sins when God is the ultimate cause of their sins? . . . And how can we say that God loves the whole world when he created a good portion of it to go to hell?