Where did Unitarianism come from?


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In modern times, the oldest and most lasting deviation from Christianity has been unitarianism. It began in the sixteenth century, when some humanist scholars questioned the authority of the church and began to doubt the truth of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Another form of unitarianism is Christadelphianism, whose beliefs go back to John Thomas (1805–1871). Christadelphians are more orthodox than Unitarian Universalists are, but like them, they also deny the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit. They do, however, affirm that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, but they interpret it in a minimalist way, apart from putting a great deal of emphasis on the return of Christ and the millennial reign of the saints. Though not a numerous body, Christadelphians have done some missionary work around the world and can be found scattered across Asia and the South Pacific in particular.
Around 200ad was Arius who was a unitarian- arianism and before him was Paul of Samosata a bishop of antioch. The creed of Nicea was a response to arianism- Arius false teaching concerning Christ as a created being.

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It is important to know (at least for me anyway) what kind of Unitarian they are. If they claim to go by the words of the Bible I would like to know if they are either:
a. Adorantist (Praying to Jesus allowed or encouraged)
b. Non-Adorantist (Do not believe in praying to Jesus)
It is important to know (at least for me anyway) what kind of Unitarian they are. If they claim to go by the words of the Bible I would like to know if they are either:
a. Adorantist (Praying to Jesus allowed or encouraged)
b. Non-Adorantist (Do not believe in praying to Jesus)
Christadelphian camp is divided and have both within their systematic. I see that as a problem.
In modern times, the oldest and most lasting deviation from Christianity has been unitarianism. It began in the sixteenth century, when some humanist scholars questioned the authority of the church and began to doubt the truth of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Another form of unitarianism is Christadelphianism, whose beliefs go back to John Thomas (1805–1871). Christadelphians are more orthodox than Unitarian Universalists are, but like them, they also deny the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit. They do, however, affirm that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, but they interpret it in a minimalist way, apart from putting a great deal of emphasis on the return of Christ and the millennial reign of the saints. Though not a numerous body, Christadelphians have done some missionary work around the world and can be found scattered across Asia and the South Pacific in particular.
It comes from the the old testament. The Lord thy God is one Lord. Deut 6:4 says this.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: 5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Is the Lord Jesus the proper recipient of prayer?
I pray just like trinitarains do in Jesus name I end my prayers. I pray like Jesus told his disciples to pray when he taught them. Father hallowed be your name. I pray to the Father through the Son. Jesus is my mediator he is my high priest who is my advocate before the Father.
I pray as Jesus taught me to pray to the Father. Jesus is my Lord. I pray as he taught his disciples to pray.

All who are Christians pray to Jesus (Romans 10:13; 1 Corinthians 1:2).

Did Jesus tell them in the Lords prayer to pray to the father? yes or no

Did Jesus tell them in the Lord's prayer to pray in the name of Jesus? yes or no
All who are Christians pray to Jesus (Romans 10:13; 1 Corinthians 1:2).

Did Jesus tell them in the Lord's prayer to pray in the name of Jesus? yes or no
Thats not what Jesus taught in the Lords prayer. Jesus said to pray Father Holy is your name.

Who did Jesus pray to the Father or himself ?
Judaism is unitarian.

There’s an odd teaching on the forum that trinitarianism originated in Judaism. Trinitarianism didn’t originate in Judaism. Trinitarianism originated in Christianity.
I’m a Jewish monotheist. I’m a unitarian. My God is only one person, the Father and none other.

Unitarianism is much older than trinitarianism.
Unitarianism is much older than trinitarianism.

I wouldn't have a problem with this statement.

To me, the Trinity is a NT revelation, blazingly clear, but only in the NT.

Questions about progressive revelation (which any adherent of the NT must logically adhere to), are a complex issue.
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