Where do demons come from?

My favorite "theory" as a "Gap Theoryist" (from Derek Prince decades ago) is that Demons are the spirits of beings who inhabited the earth in a previous creation before the Adamic creation that the Bible concentrates on. Is it true??? Who cares. I'll ask later (if I even have to). That there ARE demonic entities is a "Given".

Big fan of Derek Prince in general but he missed on this particular area.

Knowing they are fallen angels takes away all the goofiness that tries to sneak in about their origin.
@Bob Carabbio

“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues” (Mark 16:17).

Demons possess knowledge. In Mark 1:24, the demon in the man in the synagogue at Capernaum said to Christ, “I know who You are, the Holy One of God!” In Acts 19:15, the evil spirit in the man at Ephesus said to the seven sons of Sceva, “Jesus I know [acknowledge], and Paul I know [know about]; but who are you?”

Demons possess will. In Matthew 12:44, the unclean spirit who has gone out of the man but can find no place of rest, says, “I will return to my house from which I came.” In Luke 8:31–33, the demons in the man of Gadarenes displayed very strongly their will not to be cast into the abyss, but rather to be allowed to enter into the swine.

Demons possess emotion. In James 2:19 we read, “Even the demons believe—and tremble!”

Derek Prince, Expelling Demons: An Introduction into Practical Demonology
Those that have replies stating their opinions that they don't agree with this or that I pretty much dismiss as useless. Unless someone includes evidence for or against, opinions are useless. I've investigated place names throughout Israel. places were named to preserve significant history. Investigate Mount Hermon. Or the meaning of the town of Rama. Some strange stuff was going on in those places
It is generally accepted that Satan was once an angel of high standing in heaven, a created being of splendor and beauty who rebelled against God together with his own followers and associates and consequently was thrown out of the realm of the presence of God.

Two passages in the New Testament make this clear. Both references imply rebellion against God and a desire for usurping God’s position and authority:

2 Peter 2:4 specifies “… angels who sinned …” and Jude 6 mentions “… angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home …”
DEMONS were created by their own free will rebuke of YHWH's Divine nature. This fall preceded the creation of the physical universe and humankind though not the human spirits who animated each human body.

My interpretation of Rev 12 is in part based upon the fall preceding the proof of YHWH's divinity and eternal power being seen by/in the creation of the physical universe.
Rom 1:18-20 tells us that creation is the proof of YHWH's divinity and power so no one has an excuse for not bowing to HIS majesty but since 99% of humanity cannot see nature as proof of YHWH's divinity, for this to be true it must refer to their witnessing the creation of the physical world which ALL THE SONS OF GOD saw and were moved by this proof to sing HIS praises as is written in Job 38:7.

Once a person has seen the proof of HIS Divinity they would also know the proof of heaven and hell and no one who had that proof would choose to rebel in such a way as to be condemned to a proven hell by their free will.

ImCo, the demons are those who chose to rebuke YHWH as a liar and therefore a false god as part of what we call the Satanic fall, who then, when they witnessed the truth, they loved sin more than the truth and gave themselves over to the lie fully as explained in Romans 1:21 to the end...

When they saw the proof of their eternal error and realized this as the proof of their damnation they became hardened in their hearts to wage war against YHWH. This is what I interpret the meaning of Rev 12:4-9 to be about...

Where does the Bible say that all sinners were flung to earth?
I read it in Rev 12:4 His tail swept a third of the stars from the sky, tossing them to the earth. right before his war with the holy angels. Since Satan had power over them to cast them down, I suggest these stars must have been sinners so I ask: "Why did Satan cast down sinners who could have helped him in his coming war with GOD?"

Perhaps they are sinners but they would not fight for him so he discarded them as useless to his cause? What sinners could these then be??

To cast down is
S906. balló: to throw, cast down and in this verse includes the ideas of the use of force and effort: to smite one with slaps, to buffet... The animosity of this verb is echoed in v9 where it repeated twice: Rev 12:7 Then a war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But the dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any place found in heaven for him and his angels. 9 And the great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
Satan hurled these sinners to the earth with the same hostile emotion that Michael et al hurled him and his demons to the earth.

Well, the only sinners I can think of that are useless to Satan are Christ's sheep who went astray into sin, the sinful people of the kingdom called the good seed in Matt 13. I suggest that the Satanic angels became the demons who are sown into this world as per Matt 13:27 The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ 28 ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied....sown into the world by the devil as Matt 13:36-39 explains. Sown cannot mean created because it is clear that the devil sows also and he can't create...

We see that these demonic people who are condemned already for never believing in the name of Christ, John 3:18, RETURN to Sheol upon their death which is the real meaning of shuv in Ps 9:17 The wicked will RETURN to Sheol—all the nations who forget God.
Berean Standard Bible, and not as the kjv insists, are turned into...sigh. The elect but sinful good seed who die return to our Lord who has sown us here for our redemption, sanctification and our training in righteousness, Heb 12:5-11.

This interpretation does no disvalue to the words as written but only conflicts with the preconceived ideology of some church beliefs. This might be a case of "It is written right there but some can't or won't see it."

And, if you have a theory about there being other sinners beside the reprobate demons and the sinful elect people of the kingdom, I'd like to peruse your argument.
Big fan of Derek Prince in general but he missed on this particular area.

Knowing they are fallen angels takes away all the goofiness that tries to sneak in about their origin.
Prince, however, pointed out that there's nothing about "Angels" (created beings) that coincides with the behavior of "Demons" in their relationship with humans. BUT HEY!!! "what" they are is of no consequence one way or another. They're HERE present, and they can interact with us / affect us to varying degrees, and that's all that really matters.
Prince, however, pointed out that there's nothing about "Angels" (created beings) that coincides with the behavior of "Demons" in their relationship with humans. BUT HEY!!!

Well, angels are said to be ministering spirits, so they minister somehow. And demons do the opposite.

Good correlation if you ask me.

"what" they are is of no consequence one way or another. They're HERE present, and they can interact with us / affect us to varying degrees, and that's all that really matters.

I disagree.

Their origin reflects and speaks to the character of God, and how he established his ways.
Everyone familiar with the Bible knows it talks about angels and demons. But most would be surprised to learn that there’s no verse in the Bible that explains where demons came from.
So the only HONEST answer would be: "We don't Know". That's good enough for me -
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