What is KJO ?

Yes, most translations are promoted as "Based on" original texts. Greek Septuagint, The Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland's, Byzantine manuscripts, etc.

The NASB is a New Age, progressive translation in my view, because of their continued revisions and the implication that these translations reveal Truths of God not revealed to man through Scriptures between like 1611, and 1971, which was revised in 1995, and again in 2020.


"The translation work was done by a group sponsored (Paid) by the Lockman Foundation.[16] According to the Lockman Foundation, the committee consisted of people from Christian educational institutions of higher learning and from Evangelical Protestant, predominantly conservative, denominations (Presbyterian, Methodist, Southern Baptist, Church of Christ, Nazarene, American Baptist, Fundamentalist, Conservative Baptist, Free Methodist, Congregational, Disciples of Christ, Evangelical Free, Independent Baptist, Independent Mennonite, Assembly of God, North American Baptist, and "other religious groups").[17][18]

The Lockman Foundation's website indicates that among the translators and consultants who contributed are Biblical scholars with doctorates in Biblical languages, Christian theology, "or other advanced degrees", and come from a variety of denominational backgrounds. More than 20 individuals worked on modernizing the NASB in accord with the most recent research.[18]"

Jesus warns that as time goes on, Matt. 24:11 (NASB) "Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. 12 "Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold".

So you basically made an argument that the KJV isn't getting corrected..... thusly it is better.

The KJV was corrected in the late 18th century. Till then, it was not very popular at all. In fact, the Vulgate was more popular in English culture. There is a huge Latin influence upon English. Many Latin English sources for "biblical words" are problematic to say the least.

So it only makes sense to understand that this world's religions will not promote "more truth", but less truth as time goes on, at least if one believes in the Jesus "of the bible". So I am careful of all translations to consider "Every Word" inspired by God translated by them. More so for the New Age bibles, that the ancient ones.

You're late to the "game" here. After the death of Christ and apostacy in the early church that culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem, the last age of mankind began. This fact is witnessed many times throughout the NT by many different writers. The writer of Hebrews said very clearly that God has spoken to us in these "latest days" by His Son.

So the "last days" began long before your appeal. This generation of mankind is just another in a very long line of those who have rejected God. Your fathers. My fathers. All of them.....

You're late. Every generation seems to believe they're the generation that going to see the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds........ It is just another form of pride to believe that you're just one of the few left.....

Lord knows I went through that "phase" early in my Christian life.
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You preach the KJV is the dark translation, and yet the NASB warns of the same things. Perhaps the issue isn't with the translations at all, but with one's respect and honor for the God who Inspired them.

Hebrew 13 alone in the KJV is enough to warn others about the corruption that took place under the authority of King James. King James's archbishop of choice was the only source of the final words that made it into the translation. There are no committee notes so we can detail the differences between the committee work and the final product. Richard Bancroft the Archbishop of the Church of England in diocese of Canterbury. He alone was the final publisher of the KJV. He was installed by King James in 1604 and died in 1610 before the KJV was actually published. Richard Bancroft sought to destroy the efforts of the "Reformers" in Geneva and their influence in England.

The Geneva Bible

Heb 13:8 Remember them which have the oversight of you, which have declared unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering what hath been the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ yesterday, and to day, the same also is forever.

vs the KJV

Heb 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

Note the translation differences. I've highlighted the word "rule" vs "oversight".

The Etymology of "oversight" comes from German/Dutch influence to "look over".

The Etymology of "rule" comes from Latin/French and indicates "order" from a "ruler".

See the difference. May I ask, which you prefer.
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