Proof of What Modern Bible Translators Have Done to Corrupt Newer Bible Translations

is this the anti-christian thread?
this is a Christian forum and does not accept judaism and its rejection of Christ.
Some Judaizers are attempting to impose their Jewish Supremacy mindset on us. They will not succeed. There are many records of Judaizer Supremacists failing in the Bible and they will fail here. The Bible shows us how to call out Judaizer Supremacists. Any attempt of them to flash their antisemitic card will be met by Bible verses on how Judaizer Supremacists were handled by Paul. Which do you think will win: the Bible or their flashcards? The Bible of course.
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No, you people that don't agree with others call them racists. Give me a break. I gave a Gentile elderly woman the gift of hearing today and you call me a racist? The fact of the matter is the Jews are God's chosen people. I know you Gentile people can't handle that, because it doesn't fit your false narrative.
I'm pretty sure it's because your causal connections don't make sense. Not because of gentiles not being able to handle it.
No, you people that don't agree with others call them racists. Give me a break. I gave a Gentile elderly woman the gift of hearing today and you call me a racist? The fact of the matter is the Jews are God's chosen people. I know you Gentile people can't handle that, because it doesn't fit your false narrative.
Um Today God's chosen people believe on Christ.
We need to stop the Bickering. Everyone's entitled to their beliefs and it's fine to state your beliefs here. Personal attacks, name calling and plain rudeness is not allowed.

So I would appreciate it if we could be more considerate of each other in "This Thread" or it'll be close to further comments.
We need to stop the Bickering. Everyone's entitled to their beliefs and it's fine to state your beliefs here. Personal attacks, name calling and plain rudeness is not allowed.

So I would appreciate it if we could be more considerate of each other in "This Thread" or it'll be close to further comments.
I agree. Maybe I need to move out of your forum to alleviate the bickering and rudeness. I joined your forum to give
Christians a glimpse into Messianic Judaism and the Jewish roots to their faith. I have failed in that endeavor, probably
because I have too much chutzpah and impatience with people. I will pray about this. I apologize for the disruption
and rudeness this has caused on your forum.
I agree. Maybe I need to move out of your forum to alleviate the bickering and rudeness. I joined your forum to give
Christians a glimpse into Messianic Judaism and the Jewish roots to their faith. I have failed in that endeavor, probably
because I have too much chutzpah and impatience with people. I will pray about this. I apologize for the disruption
and rudeness this has caused on your forum.
No need to apologize and we appreciate your input. The reason we started this forum was for people to share their beliefs in a loving and kind manner. All are welcome to do that. I hope you decide to stay.

Remember it always takes two to tango. ;) So we're not picking sides here we want everyone to get along.
I think it is a mistake to believe that God didn't preserve His truths in English translations. Granted, a person would need to study the Bible as a whole, in order to overcome some of the inconsistencies from one translation to another. But the main focus and "instruction in God's Righteousness" exists in Every Translation that I have found.

Jesus warned of "many men" who would come in His Name and call Him Lord but would deceive "many". But HE never warned that the Holy Scriptures could not be trusted "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."

I would be way more cautious of modern u-tube videos and the preaching of man, than the Holy Scriptures themselves.
I haven't read this thread, but I agree with your first sentence. That is what I thought of when the Epistle of Barnabas was discovered by Tishendorf when the monks were going to burn it for fuel after he made a copy. What I believe happened centuries earlier and the reason why they refused to add it to the canon was that it contained a prophecy that wasn't going to be fulfilled for centuries! We are now in the season of its fulfillment. I love the Epistle of Barnabas and believe it was written by the apostle.
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