Well-known member
From my own personal experience it all boils down to whoever/whatever your conception of God is it will be lived our doctrinally and personally in ones life/actions/ thoughts/ deeds etc....... If your god is full of wrath, anger, vengeance, justice, deterministic etc....... then it will come to fruition in your discussions. And most of the time its reflected in mockery. Who are you oh man to answer back to me type of attitude as if they can know another mans heart as God does. I have allot to say on this topic and those guys cannot stand me now that I'm on the other side. All I got from them was the ad homs like Tom gets there. I use to be one of them and treat the opposition the same way. In fact I use to treat Tom that way and many other non calvinists who post here that way. As @sethproton use to say it was a stronghold. I use to treat seth terrible and I'm ashamed at my behavior.You've spent alot of time trying to make Calvinists see how TULIP severely contradicts the Bible. I'd like to ask you a question. What is it about Calvinists that psychologically forces them to believe that the average man has no more spiritual perception than a door knob? I am well aware of the verses they appeal to but time and time again you have pointed out where they falter in their presuppositions and they just won't listen. What is it about them that causes that?
The calvinists I invited here are not like the ones there and I know them from other places. I'm not throwing the baby out with the bath water and I respect the Calvinists we have here as my brothers in Christ.