Understanding Your Emotions

@praise_yeshua said:-
Assurance is emotional. What good is simply stating "I'm assured of my salvation from the Scriptures"..... but "inside" and "emotionally" you are complete "wreck" devoid of peace and comfort.

* This is a good point. This is where head knowledge has not yet reached the heart. Where maybe a lack of complete understanding leaves room for an element of doubt, or self-striving. The expectation of finding something good in oneself, in the flesh, instead of acknowledging, like Paul, that, 'in me is no good thing' (Rom.7:18); and simply praising God for His amazing grace.

'That their hearts might be comforted,
being knit together in love,
and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,
to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge'.

(Col 2:2-3)

Thank you

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And the Holy Spirit can be grieved, that is an emotion :).


Which is another of many ways we mirror our Creator.

When I was in high school I did my Senior Thesis on Jonathan Edwards. Edwards is generally considered "America's Greatest Theologian". While many Calvinists claim Edwards, he was a complicated mixture of ideals. He often cautioned against "emotionalism" but he believed that God must be experienced. Not just rationalized.

Which I believe is rather unique position today among most "Calvinists".
* This is a good point. This is where head knowledge has not yet reached the heart. Where maybe a lack of complete understanding leaves room for an element of doubt, or self-striving. The expectation of finding something good in oneself, in the flesh, instead of acknowledging, like Paul, that, 'in me is no good thing' (Rom.7:18); and simply praising God for His amazing grace.

'That their hearts might be comforted,
being knit together in love,
and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,
to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge'.

(Col 2:2-3)

Thank you


1) "And grieve not the holy Spirit of God (kai me lupeite to pneuma to hagion tou theou) "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God."- The attribute of grief indicates the personality of 'the Holy Spirit, who has personal, feeling qualities regarding sin and righteousness. Foul language grieves the Holy Spirit as speech originates not in the brain but the heart, Mat_15:18.

Transliteration: lypeite
Morphology: V-PMA-2P
Verb - Present Imperative Active - 2nd Person Plural
Strong's no.: G3076 (λυπέω)
Meaning: To pain, grieve, vex.

Which is another of many ways we mirror our Creator.

When I was in high school I did my Senior Thesis on Jonathan Edwards. Edwards is generally considered "America's Greatest Theologian". While many Calvinists claim Edwards, he was a complicated mixture of ideals. He often cautioned against "emotionalism" but he believed that God must be experienced. Not just rationalized.

Which I believe is rather unique position today among most "Calvinists".
Amen as God is a relational being within the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Like we have said there are good emotions which are God given reflecting how God created us to be like Him experiencing relationship with God and others. Emotions are part of our core make up as humans. I’ve always said the mind/ emotions/ heart are intertwined together and it take both knowledge/ wisdom that direct our emotions, will in a good way that pleases God. As a man thinketh so is he in his heart. :)
And the Holy Spirit can be grieved, that is an emotion :).
Angels also can be grieved...

For the Holy Spirit? Like the Son. Is being two natures in union.

The Son is Deity and a human soul in union.

Likewise, the Holy Spirit is Deity and an angelic spirit in union.

Men are souls.
Angels are spirits!

That is how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all God.
Yet... all three are different than the other.
Each according to what God's expression towards men and angles is consisting of.

The Son identifies with emotion by means of His soul.
The Holy Spirit identifies with emotion by means of His (angelic) spirit.

The Father has no need for emotion.
He is always unmoved and absolute tranquility eternally.

The expression of emotion the Father has assigned to His Son and the Holy Spirit.

Grace and peace ...............
Angels also can be grieved...

For the Holy Spirit? Like the Son. Is being two natures in union.

The Son is Deity and a human soul in union.

Likewise, the Holy Spirit is Deity and an angelic spirit in union.

Men are souls.
Angels are spirits!

That is how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all God.
Yet... all three are different than the other.
Each according to what God's expression towards men and angles is consisting of.

The Son identifies with emotion by means of His soul.
The Holy Spirit identifies with emotion by means of His (angelic) spirit.

The Father has no need for emotion.
He is always unmoved and absolute tranquility eternally.

The expression of emotion the Father has assigned to His Son and the Holy Spirit.

Grace and peace ...............
A spirit is a creation , a created being.

God is Spirit, not a spirit. The Father , Son and Holy Spirit are not spirits.
Angels also can be grieved...

For the Holy Spirit? Like the Son. Is being two natures in union.

The Son is Deity and a human soul in union.

Likewise, the Holy Spirit is Deity and an angelic spirit in union.

Men are souls.
Angels are spirits!

That is how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all God.
Yet... all three are different than the other.
Each according to what God's expression towards men and angles is consisting of.

The Son identifies with emotion by means of His soul.
The Holy Spirit identifies with emotion by means of His (angelic) spirit.

The Father has no need for emotion.
He is always unmoved and absolute tranquility eternally.

The expression of emotion the Father has assigned to His Son and the Holy Spirit.

Grace and peace ...............
Hello @GeneZ,

Forgive me, but I have never heard, 'The Holy Spirit', spoken of as an Angel before. We are not told in Scripture that He is an Angelic being, and surely angels are created of God. Please tell me why you believe that the Holy Spirit is an angelic being.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
'And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,
whereby ye are sealed
unto the day of redemption.'

(Eph 4:30)

'God is Spirit.'

Please handle this subject with care.

Tread softly.
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A spirit is a creation , a created being.

God is Spirit, not a spirit. The Father , Son and Holy Spirit are not spirits.
Sir? Is that what I said about the Holy Spirit?

Look! Jesus was what?

"Fully man and fully God."


The Holy Spirit is what?

Fully God and fully angelic spirit.

Why is it only good for Jesus to be fully man and fully God, yet be God?
Two natures in union are both the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Is Jesus not God?
But, is His humanity alone God? No.
In union, being fully man and fully God, allows Him to be God being expressed through humanity.

And, before man was created and there were only angels?
In union, being fully angel and fully God, allows Him to be God being expressed through as an angel.

Who do you think the Angel of Jehovah was? Who has been no longer to be seen since the Incarnation?
God manifested in Angelic form!

If I may coin a phrase?

God is smart. He knows how to communicate Himself to man, as a man being God.
He also knew how to communicate Himself to the angels, as an angel being God!

Its not supposed to be simple.
That is why we need to have "faith!"

grace and peace .......................
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Sounds like the H.S has 2 natures.

Does not the Son have two natures?
And? You know He is God.

Why is having two natures not good for the Holy Spirit then?
It does not make Him not God in that case...

Just like the Son is God.
Sir? Is that what I said about the Holy Spirit?

Look! Jesus was what?

"Fully man and fully God."


The Holy Spirit is what?

Fully God and fully angelic spirit.

Why is it only good for Jesus to be fully man and fully God, yet be God?
Two natures in union are both the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Is Jesus not God?
But, is His humanity alone God? No.
In union, being fully man and fully God, allows Him to be God being expressed through humanity.

If I can coin a phrase?

God is smart. He knows how to communicate Himself to man, as a man being God.

Its not supposed to be simple.
That is why we need to have "faith!"

grace and peace .......................
Where in the Bible does it say, infer or imply the Holy Spirit is an angel ( angelic spirit).

angels are not God and God is not an angel or an angelic spirit.
Hello @GeneZ,

Forgive me, but I have never heard, 'The Holy Spirit', spoken of as an Angel before.

Well, I have yet to see anyone explain who the Angel of Jehovah was as He appeared to Moses as God.

Some wish to say it was an early manifestation of Jesus.

BUT! Jesus is a Soul.
Angels are not a soul. They are spirits.

Why is what is good for man? - the Son?
Not good for the angels before man existed? -The Angel of Jehovah?

Before man was ever created?
The Angel of Jehovah could have told the angels....

"To see me is to see the Father."

Why is that principle only fitting for the Jesus with man?
What would have been fitting for the angels?
Where in the Bible does it say, infer or imply the Holy Spirit is an angel ( angelic spirit).

angels are not God and God is not an angel or an angelic spirit.

Remember Moses and the burning bush?

The Angel of Jehovah was God!
God manifested Himself in angelic bodily form just as Jesus was God manifesting Himself in human bodily form.
Hello @praise_yeshua,

Yes, God himself expresses emotion in scripture, so, as you say, emotions are not wrong in themselves: it is what we do with them that matters, how we allow them to find expression in word and action.

Peace at all costs is not good. Peace as an objective or a motivation is good. Assurance for it's own sake can be bad, it has to be founded in truth. Fear can be protective, as well as a negative emotion.

Thank you.


In the OT the Lord God of Israel expressed emotion through His Soul. = having two natures in union.
And they began to remove the foreign gods from their midst and to serve Jehovah, so that his soul became impatient because of the trouble of Israel. Jdges 10:16
Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, and anyone loving violence his soul certainly hates." Ps 11:5
“Bring no more futile sacrifices; Incense is an abomination to Me. The New Moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies— I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting. Your New Moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; They are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.. Isa 1:13-14

Those OT passages speak of two natures in union!

In contrast to God... God is not soul.
Soul is a different nature than the essence of Deity which is spirit in essence.

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth;
for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship
in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24​
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Well, I have yet to see anyone explain who the Angel of Jehovah was as He appeared to Moses as God.

Some wish to say it was an early manifestation of Jesus.

BUT! Jesus is a Soul.
Angels are not a soul. They are spirits.

Why is what is good for man? - the Son?
Not good for the angels before man existed? -The Angel of Jehovah?

Before man was ever created?
The Angel of Jehovah could have told the angels....

"To see me is to see the Father."

Why is that principle only fitting for the Jesus with man?
What would have been fitting for the angels?
When was the first appearance in OT with “ the Angel of the Lord “ ?
When was the first appearance in OT with “ the Angel of the Lord “ ?

As far as I know? Genesis 16:7
The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; it was the spring that is beside the road to Shur.

Please show me how it would make any difference to what I said.

" The Angel of Jehovah appeared to Moses as God."

How does the first appearance relate to what I said?
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