Trouble In Paradise

Genesis 3 is recognized for its narration of the introduction of sin into the world. By eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve brought the world into a fallen state, commonly referred to as “the fall.”

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Romans 5:19

Not everyone agrees on who the serpent was. But I think we can all agree on the core conflict in Gen 3 is the conversation between the serpent and the woman that leads to the woman eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 3:1–6). I think the same motives that affected Eve's decision to disobey God are still in effect today. It's a model of temptation that affects all people

I don't think the serpent being in the garden was an accident. God knew that Adam and Eve would fall the same way he knew that he would die on a cross as a result of the fall.
Yes I must agree, Adam started quite the mess. But Jesus is the answer. I believe when God made men from the dust he knew that he would have to die on a cross for us. And he loved us so much that he made us anyway. What a mighty God we serve.
The term "Fall of Man" is not used in the Bible. It is a theological expression for the descent from perfection to sin. "Man" is a generic biblical word for the human race, including both men and women.
it's better than "CUT OFF" from God. because one can get up from a fall, but only God himself can raise the DEAD.

Actually, Christians filled with the spirit of God are now closer to Him than Adam ever was, even though Adam saw Him face to face. Christ in us, the hope of glory.
I think being with Him again would be the only way to be closer.

So i disagree.
Some Bible scholars blame Adam for being a bad husband. When Satan tempted Eve, Adam was
with her (Genesis 3:6), but Adam did not remind her of God's warning and did nothing to stop

Seeing as how God is omnipresent, then according to the logic of the scholars: I
must assume God is a bad god because He was with Eve, failed to remind her of
the warning, and did nothing to stop her from tasting the forbidden fruit.

Also: God is guilty of the crime of enablement, i.e. He put no fence around a tree
unfit for human consumption, and in a location where Eve was sure to find it.

Plus: God allowed the Serpent to tempt Eve and He didn't even try to shoo it away
from her knowing full well just how hazardous that creature is to human life and
safety. (a.k.a. the Devil and Satan; Rev 12:9 & Rev 20:2)
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Did not adam get us here into this dungeon earth by disobeying God?

you are an occasionalist ?
No, you said, "Sin is this body and earth . Made by adam not God" sin is spiritual, HELLO. and as for this body we are in was made by God, and only contaminate .... BY SIN.

and as for 101G being an occasionalist? yes, to correct ERRORS.... (smile).

No, you said, "Sin is this body and earth . Made by adam not God" sin is spiritual, HELLO. and as for this body we are in was made by God, and only contaminate .... BY SIN.

and as for 101G being an occasionalist? yes, to correct ERRORS.... (smile).

this body is sin. I see no contradiction. Adam caused it. Yes he made it. I do not follow your kjv.
this body is sin. I see no contradiction. Adam caused it. Yes he made it. I do not follow your kjv.
this body is sin, let's see if your statement is true. Romans 5:12 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Romans 5:13 "(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law." Romans 5:14 "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come."

did you get that? listen, "even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression".

and please don't say this is Esau corruption.

this body is sin, let's see if your statement is true. Romans 5:12 "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" Romans 5:13 "(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law." Romans 5:14 "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come."

did you get that? listen, "even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression".

and please don't say this is Esau corruption.

Adam is not the figure of Christ.
Adam is not the figure of Christ.
figure: G5179 τύπος tupos (tï '-pos) n.
1. a die (as struck).
2. (by implication) a stamp or scar.
3. (by analogy) a shape, i.e. a statue.
4. (figuratively) style or resemblance.
5. (specially) a sampler (“type”), i.e. a model (for imitation) or instance (for warning).
[from G5180]
KJV: en-(ex-)ample, fashion, figure, form, manner, pattern, print
Root(s): G5180

Adam is the Figure of God in Flesh, (as the ordinal Last.

figure: G5179 τύπος tupos (tï '-pos) n.
1. a die (as struck).
2. (by implication) a stamp or scar.
3. (by analogy) a shape, i.e. a statue.
4. (figuratively) style or resemblance.
5. (specially) a sampler (“type”), i.e. a model (for imitation) or instance (for warning).
[from G5180]
KJV: en-(ex-)ample, fashion, figure, form, manner, pattern, print
Root(s): G5180

Adam is the Figure of God in Flesh, (as the ordinal Last.

Totally not true. adam betrayed God.
Totally not true. adam betrayed God.
GINOLJC, to all.
Eve, did 101G say this? what did 101G say? listen, "Adam is the Figure of God in Flesh, (as the ordinal Last). now look at the definition for "Figure", again, that is above.
if Adam betrayed God or went to the moon with God, that has nothing to do with Adam being the in the Figure of God. look at the definition again, and the scripture 101G gave.

now to help you out, is not the Aleph (א) and the Tav (ת) together form the phrase “אני האלף והתו” (Ani h’Aleph v’tav), which translates to “I am the Aleph and Tav.” or First and the Last, or the beginning and the end, or the Root and the Offspring...... correct.

The Aleph represents an ox head, (see the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible), symbolizing power and authority. When turned upward, it resembles our modern capital letter “A.” The Tav signifies a sign or a mark, often associated with a cross or two sticks intersecting.
Therefore, the phrase “I am the Aleph and Tav” conveys the idea of completeness, encompassing everything from beginning to end.

but what interesting is this, the Aleph-Tav combination may represents something more revealing. Behold the nail (ה then ו), behold the hand (ה then י). consider this, the nail (Tav) connects to the hand (Yod) through the vav (ו), which means “the nail.” through the vav (ו), which means “the nail that pierced?” consider it.
could this signify a sacrifice of redemption, through the divine connection of Salvation in the context of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus (Yeshua, HaMashiach, the Messiah?) where nails pierced His hands just as the prophet Zechariah clearly states. 12:10 "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." or as the king, and prophet David said, Psalms 22:16 "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet."

yes, Eve this figure of God is in his own IMAGE, in his OWN "FIGURE" to come is ADAM. ....... "GOD", the Ordinal First and the Ordinal Last Redeemed man/Adam...... did Esau see that, how about you?

GINOLJC, to all.
Eve, did 101G say this? what did 101G say? listen, "Adam is the Figure of God in Flesh, (as the ordinal Last). now look at the definition for "Figure", again, that is above.
if Adam betrayed God or went to the moon with God, that has nothing to do with Adam being the in the Figure of God. look at the definition again, and the scripture 101G gave.

now to help you out, is not the Aleph (א) and the Tav (ת) together form the phrase “אני האלף והתו” (Ani h’Aleph v’tav), which translates to “I am the Aleph and Tav.” or First and the Last, or the beginning and the end, or the Root and the Offspring...... correct.

The Aleph represents an ox head, (see the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible), symbolizing power and authority. When turned upward, it resembles our modern capital letter “A.” The Tav signifies a sign or a mark, often associated with a cross or two sticks intersecting.
Therefore, the phrase “I am the Aleph and Tav” conveys the idea of completeness, encompassing everything from beginning to end.

but what interesting is this, the Aleph-Tav combination may represents something more revealing. Behold the nail (ה then ו), behold the hand (ה then י). consider this, the nail (Tav) connects to the hand (Yod) through the vav (ו), which means “the nail.” through the vav (ו), which means “the nail that pierced?” consider it.
could this signify a sacrifice of redemption, through the divine connection of Salvation in the context of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus (Yeshua, HaMashiach, the Messiah?) where nails pierced His hands just as the prophet Zechariah clearly states. 12:10 "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." or as the king, and prophet David said, Psalms 22:16 "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet."

yes, Eve this figure of God is in his own IMAGE, in his OWN "FIGURE" to come is ADAM. ....... "GOD", the Ordinal First and the Ordinal Last Redeemed man/Adam...... did Esau see that, how about you?

The sweet Originals of Eden are in His image... yes, the Originals male and female in the other reality are in the figure of God, His image and are in His Nature. We were separated from Our Original Nature, the body made by God, by Adam, so, we are no longer in His image but in this animal flesh image of the evil realm, which is not His, on this earth which is not His. Adam caused this to us.

Adam is completely separate from God and does retain the image since unlike what the kjv says, he did not die, which is why he even could do this to us. But, Adam will die.

Also the term Flesh in what you describe: it is not this earthly flesh but the nature of God given to His npsh souls in the other reality, so not this fallen type of body and nature but what is meant is our Originals. Since you are quoting from the corrupt kjv or derivation of, then you do not know of what I speak.

Adam the specific man, will lose the image or figure.

We did lose it, and Adam caused that on purpose. Again, what I say is not in your version. Your version is the sealed vision and the corrupt scroll = the corrupt KJV.

We are currently not in God's image (but we will be when we meet Christ on the clouds) and have not been ever since after the fall because of Adam. God did not make this animal flesh we now abide in. All God's sons and daughters will be restored to our Original Nature when Christ returns for us and we meet Him upon the clouds...

The hieroglyphs tell their evil side of what they did to us. As do other ancient texts. Same events from their evil point of view. Those hieroglyphs belong to the sons of ammon (esau when incarnated on this earth.)

The whole piercing is Daniel's oven theme which is a transcendent theme, happening in the other reality, not this earth. God did not sacrifice Christ, the demon nations did, in the other reality in the demon realm jerusalem there with Adam's help. The cross is analogue of this, in the same evil realm's jerusalem but on this current earth where ESAU not God sacrificed Christ. Even before Christ incarnated here the evil realm already tortured Him (Daniel's oven). So yes, He took quite a step down for Us to get us out of this place which is Esau's dungeon prison for us.

What esau sees is only his own evil sickening version where he destroys God's sons and daughters. Esau will never enter paradise.
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