'The Two Natures In The Child of God'


Well-known member
Hello there,

The link I have provided (below) gives access to a booklet by E.W. Bullinger, entitled, 'The Two Natures In The Child of God', in PDF format for free download.

I was given this booklet as a babe in Christ, and it helped me to understand the conflict between flesh and spirit that takes place within the one who has been born from above. Once understood it ceases to be a source of concern, in fact it becomes a cause of rejoicing, for it is the one evidence of the indwelling spirit that Satan cannot replicate in order to deceive: Therefore this booklet is an invaluable resource.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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Hello there,

The link I have provided (below) gives access to a booklet by E.W. Bullinger, entitled, 'The Two Natures In The Child of God', in PDF format for free download.

I was given this booklet as a babe in Christ, and it helped me to understand the conflict between flesh and spirit that takes place within the one who has been born from above. Once understood it ceases to be a source of concern, in fact it becomes a cause of rejoicing, for it is the one evidence of the indwelling spirit that Satan cannot replicate in order to deceive: Therefore this booklet is an invaluable resource.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Thank you @Complete-simply love Bullinger. Didn't know he wrote a commentary.
Battlefield of the mind my favorite topic.

The Devil’s Lies

[Jesus said]
You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.
—JOHN 8:44

The devil lies. In fact, the devil doesn’t know how to speak the truth.

Most Christians know that—and yet they still listen to his evil words. Sometimes the lies seem to just pop into our minds for no apparent reason; sometimes Satan even speaks to us through other people. He puts something critical or hurtful into their minds about us, and they speak it out for us to hear. If we listen and accept what we hear, our enemy rejoices. If we listen long enough to the deceptive information we have taken in, we will find ourselves facing serious problems. Instead of listening and absorbing the untruths and satanic deceptions, you can look at what Jesus did and follow His example. After fasting for forty days in the wilderness, Satan tempted Him three times. Each time He defeated the devil by declaring, “It is written,” and quoting the Word of God. No wonder the devil fled from Him (see Matthew 4:1-11). Learn the truth of God’s Word, and every time Satan lies to you, quote a scripture back to him. Learn to talk back to the devil!

Too many people don’t know how to use the Word to defeat Satan’s lies. Many people—even Christians—don’t seem to realize that they can refuse to listen to that voice. Too many people don’t realize that the devil attacks their minds with negative or wrong thoughts. It’s his nature to lie; he is out to enslave everyone.

I encourage people to realize that they are not alone in their spiritual battles—their minds are not the only ones under attack. Satan comes against everyone. His entire goal is to kill, steal, and destroy, but Jesus came that we might have and enjoy our lives abundantly (see John 10:10). By becoming more conscious of the spiritual weapons the Lord has made available to us and learning how to use them, we can gain victory. We can break the strongholds the devil has built in our minds. The Bible tells us that when we know the truth, that truth will free us from Satan’s strongholds (see John 8:32).

In the illustration of Mary, I mentioned that the devil had whispered to her for years that all men were alike and wanted to hurt women and take advantage of them. As Mary read the Bible and prayed more effectively, she learned that it was the devil who had pushed her around. Now she knows she can be free.

As Mary develops in her relationship with God, she is equipping herself to win the battle for her mind. She’s learning more about God and more about how to pray effectively.

“Jesus has become my friend,” Mary said. She had known Him as her Savior and worshiped Him as God, but this was a new revelation to her. One day she read Hebrews 2:18 in a totally new light. It says of Jesus, “Because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able . . . to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted.”

That passage came alive to Mary because she saw Jesus not only as God, but as her friend—one who knows what it’s like to be tempted and who knows what it is like to suffer. “I knew He died on the cross, but I had not thought of all the pain He went through for me. To realize that He understands my pain and problems was a new thought to me.”

Mary also says that when negative, mean, or ugly thoughts come into her head, she is learning to stop those thoughts. “Jesus wouldn’t talk that way. Jesus wouldn’t be critical and judgmental, so that’s the devil fighting for my mind.”

Mary hasn’t won all the battles, but she has learned to fight the great deceiver. Every time she wins one battle, the next one becomes easier.

Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind Devotiona
Hello there,

The link I have provided (below) gives access to a booklet by E.W. Bullinger, entitled, 'The Two Natures In The Child of God', in PDF format for free download.

I was given this booklet as a babe in Christ, and it helped me to understand the conflict between flesh and spirit that takes place within the one who has been born from above. Once understood it ceases to be a source of concern, in fact it becomes a cause of rejoicing, for it is the one evidence of the indwelling spirit that Satan cannot replicate in order to deceive: Therefore this booklet is an invaluable resource.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

That booklet is fascinating and I will continue to look at it, but something didn't sit right with me. He said that we cannot worship God with our five senses. Well, try removing all five senses and then explain to me how you can still worship God. He seems to be saying that our physical bodies are evil, but I'm not sure that the Bible says that. I don't believe that our physical bodies are evil. What is evil is the tendency to sin. Yes, because of sin, our bodies are dying - decaying. But I don't believe that the "old man" is our physical body - rather it appears to be our "sin nature" or our tendency to sin, which is a heart thing, not a physical thing. The Bible sometimes refers to it as our "flesh", but I don't believe it always means our physical flesh.
By the way, the author of that booklet also says that we cannot worship God with our throats with singing, so he rules out speaking or singing also. Which I think it totally mistaken. He forgot touching and tasting, which I'm sure he believes that they also cannot be used to worship God.
If I suddenly lost my sight, my hearing, my sense of smell, my taste, my sense of touch, I might be able to worship God with speaking or singing, but he says even that is not worshiping God.
Hello there,

The link I have provided (below) gives access to a booklet by E.W. Bullinger, entitled, 'The Two Natures In The Child of God', in PDF format for free download.

I was given this booklet as a babe in Christ, and it helped me to understand the conflict between flesh and spirit that takes place within the one who has been born from above. Once understood it ceases to be a source of concern, in fact it becomes a cause of rejoicing, for it is the one evidence of the indwelling spirit that Satan cannot replicate in order to deceive: Therefore this booklet is an invaluable resource.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus

That booklet is fascinating and I will continue to meditate on it, but something didn't sit right with me. He said that we cannot worship God with our five senses. He seems to be saying that our physical bodies are evil, but I'm not sure that the Bible says that. Yes, because of sin, our bodies are dying - decaying. But I don't believe that the "old man" is our physical body - rather it appears to be our "sin nature" or our tendency to sin, which is a heart thing, not a physical thing. The Bible sometimes refers to it as our "flesh", but I don't believe it always means our physical flesh.
By the way, the author of that booklet also says that we cannot worship God with our throats with singing, so he rules out speaking or singing also. Which I think it totally mistaken. He forgot touching and tasting, which I'm sure he believes that they also cannot be used to worship God.
If I suddenly lost my sight, my hearing, my sense of smell, my taste, my sense of touch, I might be able to worship God with speaking or singing, but he says even that is not worshiping God.
'God is a Spirit:
and they that worship Him
must worship Him
in spirit and in truth.'

(Joh 4:24)

Hello @Dwight, :)

Thank you for taking the time to take a look inside. The points you have mentioned are in the introduction. It is what follows which is so instructive.

'It is the spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I speak unto you,
they are spirit,
and they are life.'

(Joh 6:63)

In Christ Jesus
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'God is a Spirit:
and they that worship Him
must worship Him
in spirit and in truth.'

(Joh 4:24)

Hello @Dwight, :)

Thank you for taking the time to take a look inside. The points you have mentioned are in the introduction. It is what follows which is so instructive.

'It is the spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I speak unto you,
they are spirit,
and they are life.'

(Joh 6:63)

In Christ Jesus
John 4:24: To worship Him in spirit means in our hearts and minds or souls, i.e. our thoughts, attitudes, our emotions, decisions, our mood, etc. To worship Him in truth means with our physical bodies - like visiting the sick, the prisoners, the widows, the orphans, inviting the stranger in, feeding and clothing the poor, our speech, obeying Him by going to a Christian fellowship, and NOT going to bars, nightclubs, immoral, violent or Satanic movies, houses of prostitution, reading filthy books, or looking at porn, watching and listening to filthy TV shows, etc. We have no choice but to use the 5 senses God gave us to worship Him -especially in worshiping Him in truth, and the 5 senses may not be absolutely necessary to worship in Spirit (otherwise, a blind or deaf person could not worship Him in spirit), but they certainly can be helpful. Who has seen a fantastic sunrise or sunset, or awesome mountain scene - and has not been moved to worship Him? As a small boy, I remember laying on my back on the roof of our garage, and being fascinated with just looking at the slow moving clouds. I was awestruck and I believe I actually worshiped God at that time, in my spirit - I don't know that I really had the Holy Spirit dwelling in me then. But I know I do now.

John 6:63
When Jesus says "the flesh profits nothing", I don't believe He is referring to our physical bodies. If He is, then none of our righteous deeds done in our bodies amount to anything. But we are commanded to do good deeds. Jesus is referring to our sinful nature - that is what profits nothing.
We must love (or worship) the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The word "strength" includes (but is not limited to) our physical strength.
3 John 4 "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." That is, not only believing truth, but physically obeying the truth.
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Hello there,

The link I have provided (below) gives access to a booklet by E.W. Bullinger, entitled, 'The Two Natures In The Child of God', in PDF format for free download.

I was given this booklet as a babe in Christ, and it helped me to understand the conflict between flesh and spirit that takes place within the one who has been born from above. Once understood it ceases to be a source of concern, in fact it becomes a cause of rejoicing, for it is the one evidence of the indwelling spirit that Satan cannot replicate in order to deceive: Therefore this booklet is an invaluable resource.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Thanks for sharing the link I downloaded it and will be reading it.:love:
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