The Secret of the Holy and Evil Serpent


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We know that Hebrew is alphanumeric. There's another reason why God told Moses to put
a serpent on a pole and why Yeshua compared Himself to the serpent on the pole, and it
reveals ever-deeper levels of God's intentionality.

The Hebrew word for Messiah (Mashiach) has a numeric value of 358. The Hebrew word for
serpent (nachash) also equals 358. As our sages taught, the Messiah is the archenemy of Satan.
Why is this significant? The Messiah (358) is the cure for the curse that came through the
serpent (358) in the garden of Eden. The evil serpent (358) is overcome and defeated by the
Messiah (358), who is, symbolically, the holy serpent. We see a connection to Moses because
when Moses first went to Pharoah, Moses threw down his staff and it became a serpent.
Then the Egyptian magicians threw down their staffs and they became serpents. But here's
the difference: Moses' staff that became a serpent ate up the magicians' serpents (Ex.4-7).
Why is that significant? It's symbolic of life swallowing up death. The Messiah is the holy serpent
who swallows up the evil serpent. The Messiah swallows up death and brings life. That's part
of the deeper mystery.

Like the Israelites who looked at the bronze serpent,which was a symbol of divine salvation, healing
from heaven, one must look at the Messiah (358) to find salvation. The numeric value of the words
bronze serpent (nakhash nekhoshet) is 1,116. This number corresponds to a famous list of names
for Yeshua: the divine identity of Messiah as revealed in one of the key messianic prophecies,
Isaiah 9:5 "For to us a child is born, a son will be given to us, and the government will be upon His
shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, My Father of Eternity,
Prince of Peace" The Hebrew phrase translated as "Wonderful Counselor, Might God, My Father of
Eternity, Prince of Peace" equals 1,116. The bronze serpent (1,116) points to the divine identity
of Messiah and the fulfillment of Isaiah 9:5 Coincidence? Again, all these numbers point to the
preciseness of our God. Numbers and math are the universal language, and many apologists
and philosophers argue mathematics exists independent of humans. the hidden coding of the
universe is made up of numbers. Galileo wrote, "Mathematics is the language in which God has
written the universe." It makes sense, then, that God would use numbers as part of His language
to reveal secrets about Himself in the Bible.

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